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synced 2025-03-12 12:04:33 +05:00

Delete .vscode/settings.json Publish shrinkGeometry. Refactor StdMeshers_Cartesian_3D and StdMeshers_Cartesian_VL classes to allow passing an arbitrary shrink mesh to the viscous layer builder. Use StdMeshers_Cartesian_VL in StdMeshers_ViscousLayerBuilder to handle geometry shrinking and viscous layer building. Create maps to link shrink solid and the solid assign to the shrink mesh. Code cleanup. Defining map btw original shape (TopAbs_COMPOUND) and result shrink object. Refactor to support viscous layer of faces. Code clean up and add of tests. Documentation and code cleanup erase debug comment. Modif after code review. Avoid compilation warning from ViscousLayerBuilder and ViscousLayerBuilder_i classes.
***************** About SALOME Mesh ***************** SALOME Mesh module implements the functionalities for: - Creating meshes in different ways: * By meshing geometrical models previously created or imported by the Geometry component; * Bottom-up, using mesh edition operations, especially extrusion and revolution; * By generation of the 3D mesh from the 2D mesh (the latter can be either imported or manually created). - Importing and exporting meshes in various formats. - Modifying meshes with a vast array of dedicated operations. - Creating groups of mesh elements. - Filtering mesh entities (nodes or elements) using Filters functionality for creating groups and applying mesh modifications. - Viewing meshes in the VTK viewer and getting info on mesh and its sub-objects. - Applying to meshes Quality Controls, allowing to highlight important elements. - Taking various measurements of the mesh objects. For more information please visit the SALOME platform web site: <https://www.salome-platform.org/> ======= License ======= SALOME platform is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. See COPYING file for more details. ============ Installation ============ -------------- Pre-requisites -------------- SALOME platform relies on a set of third-party software; some of them are needed at build time only, while other ones are needed in runtime also. For more information about the pre-requisites please visit SALOME platform web site: * Check Release Notes and Software Requirements of the latest SALOME release at <https://www.salome-platform.org/?page_id=15/> Note: SALOME Mesh module needs SALOME KERNEL, SALOME GUI and SALOME Geometry as pre-requisites. ------------------ Basic Installation ------------------ The build procedure of the SALOME platform is implemented with CMake. In order to build the module you have to do the following actions: 1. Set up environment for pre-requisites (see "Pre-requisites" section above). 2. Create a build directory: % mkdir SMESH_BUILD 3. Configure the build procedure: % cd SMESH_BUILD % cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<mode> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<installation_directory> <path_to_src_dir> where - <mode> is either Release or Debug (default: Release); - <installation_directory> is a destination folder to install SALOME Mesh module (default: /usr); - <path_to_src_dir> is a path to the SALOME Mesh sources directory. Note: by default (if CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX option is not given), SALOME Mesh module will be configured for installation to the /usr directory that requires root permissions to complete the installation. 4. Build and install: % make % make install This will install SALOME Mesh module to the <installation_directory> specified to cmake command on the previous step. ------------------- Custom installation ------------------- SALOME Mesh module supports a set of advanced configuration options; for more details learn CMakeLists.txt file in the root source directory. You can also use other options of cmake command to customize your installation. Learn more about available options by typing % cmake --help ============= Documentation ============= The directory doc contains additional documentation file of SALOME Mesh module. =============== Troubleshooting =============== Please, send a mail to webmaster.salome@opencascade.com.