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// Copyright (C) 2006-2011 EDF R&D
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
#include "MeshCut_Fonctions.hxx"
#include "MeshCut_Globals.hxx"
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace MESHCUT;
using namespace std;
// intersectionSegmentPlan
float MESHCUT::longueurSegment(int ngA, int ngB)
float A[3], B[3];
A[0] = MAILLAGE1->XX[ngA - 1];
A[1] = MAILLAGE1->YY[ngA - 1];
A[2] = MAILLAGE1->ZZ[ngA - 1];
B[0] = MAILLAGE1->XX[ngB - 1];
B[1] = MAILLAGE1->YY[ngB - 1];
B[2] = MAILLAGE1->ZZ[ngB - 1];
float dx = B[0] - A[0];
float dy = B[1] - A[1];
float dz = B[2] - A[2];
return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
float MESHCUT::distanceNoeudPlan(float point[3])
return normale[0] * point[0] + normale[1] * point[1] + normale[2] * point[2] + d;
float MESHCUT::distanceNoeudPlan(int ng)
float A[3];
A[0] = MAILLAGE1->XX[ng - 1];
A[1] = MAILLAGE1->YY[ng - 1];
A[2] = MAILLAGE1->ZZ[ng - 1];
return distanceNoeudPlan(A);
int MESHCUT::positionNoeudPlan(int indiceNoeud)
if (distanceNoeudPlan(indiceNoeud + 1) > epsilon)
return 1;
else if (distanceNoeudPlan(indiceNoeud + 1) < -epsilon)
return -1;
return 0;
* Equation paramétrique de la droite AB: OP = OA + lambda AB
* Fonction caractéristique du plan : PI(X,Y,Z) = nx X + ny Y + nz Z + d
* Pour un point P de la droite: PI(OP) = PI(OA) + lambda n.AB avec n=(nx,ny,nz),
* L'intersection AB/plan est donnée par le point P tel que PI(OP)=0.
* Il lui correspond la coordonnée lambda = - PI(OA) / n.AB.
* Cette intersection est dans le segment si lambda est dans [0,1]
int MESHCUT::intersectionSegmentPlan(int it4, int na)
int ngA, ngB; // Numéros des noeuds extrémités AB
float lambda, ps; //, ab; // ab = longueur AB
float A[3], B[3];
// Détermination des ng des extrémités de l'arête passée en argument na
int * offset = MAILLAGE1->CNX[TETRA4] + 4 * it4;
if (na == 0)
ngA = *(offset + 0);
ngB = *(offset + 1);
else if (na == 1)
ngA = *(offset + 0);
ngB = *(offset + 2);
else if (na == 2)
ngA = *(offset + 0);
ngB = *(offset + 3);
else if (na == 3)
ngA = *(offset + 1);
ngB = *(offset + 2);
else if (na == 4)
ngA = *(offset + 1);
ngB = *(offset + 3);
else if (na == 5)
ngA = *(offset + 2);
ngB = *(offset + 3);
ERREUR("Edge number superior to 6");
string cle1 = int2string(ngA) + (string) "_" + int2string(ngB);
string cle2 = int2string(ngB) + (string) "_" + int2string(ngA);
if (intersections[cle1])
return intersections[cle1];
A[0] = MAILLAGE1->XX[ngA - 1];
A[1] = MAILLAGE1->YY[ngA - 1];
A[2] = MAILLAGE1->ZZ[ngA - 1];
B[0] = MAILLAGE1->XX[ngB - 1];
B[1] = MAILLAGE1->YY[ngB - 1];
B[2] = MAILLAGE1->ZZ[ngB - 1];
// // Longueur AB
// float lx = B[0] - A[0], ly = B[1] - A[1], lz = B[2] - A[2];
// ab = sqrt(lx * lx + ly * ly + lz * lz);
// // La longueur maximale théorique est 2 epsilon
// if (ab < 2 * epsilon * 0.9)
// ERREUR("Arête de longueur inférieure au minimum théorique 2 epsilon");
// Calcul du produit scalaire AB.n
ps = 0.0;
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
ps += (B[k] - A[k]) * normale[k];
// ps = ps / ab ;
if (debug)
cout << "Routine ISP : arête " << na << " - ngA=" << ngA << " ngB=" << ngB << endl;
cout << "A : " << A[0] << ' ' << A[1] << ' ' << A[2] << endl;
cout << "B : " << B[0] << ' ' << B[1] << ' ' << B[2] << endl;
cout << "N : " << normale[0] << ' ' << normale[1] << ' ' << normale[2] << endl;
if (fabs(ps) == 0.0)
ERREUR("Error on null scalar product");
// PS non nul: l'intersection AB/plan existe
lambda = -distanceNoeudPlan(A) / ps;
float inter[3];
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
inter[k] = A[k] + lambda * (B[k] - A[k]);
intersections[cle1] = indexNouveauxNoeuds;
intersections[cle2] = indexNouveauxNoeuds;
// cout << "création noeud " << indexNouveauxNoeuds << " : " << inter[0] << " " << inter[1] << " " << inter[2]
// << endl;
if (debug)
cout << " sortie nouveau noeud, lambda = " << lambda << " , noeud = " << indexNouveauxNoeuds << endl;
return indexNouveauxNoeuds;