#!/bin/sh IPSET_DIR="$(dirname "$0")" IPSET_DIR="$(cd "$IPSET_DIR"; pwd)" . "$IPSET_DIR/def.sh" ZREESTR="$TMPDIR/reestr.txt" #ZURL_REESTR=https://reestr.rublacklist.net/api/current ZURL_REESTR=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zapret-info/z-i/master/dump.csv getuser dig_reestr() { # $1 - grep ipmask # $2 - iplist # $3 - ipban list # $4 - ip version : 4,6 local DOMMASK='^.*;[^ ;:/]+\.[^ ;:/]+;' local TMP="$TMPDIR/tmp.txt" echo processing reestr lists $2 $3 # find entries with https or without domain name - they should be banned by IP # 2971-18 is TELEGRAM. lots of proxy IPs banned, list grows very large (nice -n 5 $GREP -avE "$DOMMASK" "$ZREESTR" ; $GREP -a "https://" "$ZREESTR") | nice -n 5 $GREP -oE "$1" | cut_local | sort -u >$TMP ip2net$4 <"$TMP" | zz "$3" # other IPs go to regular zapret list tail -n +2 "$ZREESTR" | nice -n 5 $GREP -oE "$1" | cut_local | nice -n 5 $GREP -xvFf "$TMP" | ip2net$4 | zz "$2" rm -f "$TMP" } curl -k --fail --max-time 600 --connect-timeout 5 --retry 3 --max-filesize 251658240 "$ZURL_REESTR" -o "$ZREESTR" || { echo reestr list download failed exit 2 } dlsize=$(LANG=C wc -c "$ZREESTR" | xargs | cut -f 1 -d ' ') if test $dlsize -lt 1048576; then echo reestr ip list is too small. can be bad. exit 2 fi #sed -i 's/\\n/\r\n/g' $ZREESTR get_ip_regex [ "$DISABLE_IPV4" != "1" ] && { dig_reestr "$REG_IPV4" "$ZIPLIST" "$ZIPLIST_IPBAN" 4 } [ "$DISABLE_IPV6" != "1" ] && { dig_reestr "$REG_IPV6" "$ZIPLIST6" "$ZIPLIST_IPBAN6" 6 } rm -f "$ZREESTR" "$IPSET_DIR/create_ipset.sh"