. /lib/functions/network.sh [ -n "$ZAPRET_BASE" ] || ZAPRET_BASE=/opt/zapret . "$ZAPRET_BASE/config" [ -n "$QNUM" ] || QNUM=200 [ -n "$TPPORT" ] || TPPORT=988 [ -n "$WS_USER" ] || WS_USER=daemon TPWS_LOCALHOST4= [ -n "$DESYNC_MARK" ] || DESYNC_MARK=0x40000000 [ -n "$OPENWRT_LAN" ] || OPENWRT_LAN=lan # max wait time for the link local ipv6 on the LAN interface LINKLOCAL_WAIT_SEC=5 IPSET_CR="$ZAPRET_BASE/ipset/create_ipset.sh" CUSTOM_SCRIPT="$ZAPRET_BASE/init.d/openwrt/custom" [ -f "$CUSTOM_SCRIPT" ] && . "$CUSTOM_SCRIPT" IPSET_EXCLUDE="-m set ! --match-set nozapret" IPSET_EXCLUDE6="-m set ! --match-set nozapret6" NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC_HTTP="${NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC_HTTP:-$NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC}" NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC_HTTPS="${NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC_HTTPS:-$NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC}" NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC_HTTP6="${NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC_HTTP6:-$NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC_HTTP}" NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC_HTTPS6="${NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC_HTTPS6:-$NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC_HTTPS}" exists() { which "$1" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null } existf() { type "$1" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null } # can be multiple ipv6 outgoing interfaces # uplink from isp, tunnelbroker, vpn, ... # want them all. who knows what's the real one that blocks sites # dont want any manual configuration - want to do it automatically # standard network_find_wan[6] return only the first # we use low level function from network.sh to avoid this limitation # it can change theoretically and stop working network_find_wan_all() { __network_ifstatus "$1" "" "[@.route[@.target='' && !@.table]].interface" "" 10 2>/dev/null && return network_find_wan $1 } network_find_wan6_all() { __network_ifstatus "$1" "" "[@.route[@.target='::' && !@.table]].interface" "" 10 2>/dev/null && return network_find_wan6 $1 } ipt() { iptables -C "$@" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || iptables -I "$@" } ipt_del() { iptables -C "$@" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && iptables -D "$@" } ipt6() { ip6tables -C "$@" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || ip6tables -I "$@" } ipt6_del() { ip6tables -C "$@" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && ip6tables -D "$@" } # there's no route_localnet for ipv6 # the best we can is to route to link local of the incoming interface # OUTPUT - can DNAT to ::1 # PREROUTING - can't DNAT to ::1. can DNAT to link local of -i interface or to any global addr # not a good idea to expose tpws to the world (bind to ::) get_ipv6_linklocal() { # $1 - interface name. if empty - any interface if exists ip ; then local dev [ -n "$1" ] && dev="dev $1" ip addr show $dev | sed -e 's/^.*inet6 \([^ ]*\)\/[0-9]* scope link.*$/\1/;t;d' | head -n 1 else ifconfig $1 | sed -re 's/^.*inet6 addr: ([^ ]*)\/[0-9]* Scope:Link.*$/\1/;t;d' | head -n 1 fi } get_ipv6_global() { # $1 - interface name. if empty - any interface if exists ip ; then local dev [ -n "$1" ] && dev="dev $1" ip addr show $dev | sed -e 's/^.*inet6 \([^ ]*\)\/[0-9]* scope global.*$/\1/;t;d' | head -n 1 else ifconfig $1 | sed -re 's/^.*inet6 addr: ([^ ]*)\/[0-9]* Scope:Global.*$/\1/;t;d' | head -n 1 fi } dnat6_target() { # $1 - lan network name # $2 - var to store target ip6 # get target ip address for DNAT. prefer link locals # tpws should be as inaccessible from outside as possible # link local address can appear not immediately after ifup # DNAT6_TARGET=- means attempt was made but address was not found (to avoid multiple re-attempts) local DNAT6_TARGET DVAR=DNAT6_TARGET_$1 DVAR=$(echo $DVAR | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/_/g') eval DNAT6_TARGET="\$$DVAR" [ -n "$2" ] && eval $2='' [ -n "$DNAT6_TARGET" ] || { # no reason to query if its down network_is_up $1 || return local DEVICE network_get_device DEVICE $1 local ct=0 while DNAT6_TARGET=$(get_ipv6_linklocal $DEVICE) [ -n "$DNAT6_TARGET" ] && break [ "$ct" -ge "$LINKLOCAL_WAIT_SEC" ] && break echo $DEVICE: waiting for the link local for another $(($LINKLOCAL_WAIT_SEC - $ct)) seconds ... ct=$(($ct+1)) sleep 1 do :; done [ -n "$DNAT6_TARGET" ] || { echo $DEVICE: no link local. getting global DNAT6_TARGET=$(get_ipv6_global $DEVICE) [ -n "$DNAT6_TARGET" ] || { echo $DEVICE: could not get any address DNAT6_TARGET=- } } eval $DVAR="$DNAT6_TARGET" } [ -n "$2" ] && eval $2="$DNAT6_TARGET" } fw_nfqws_pre4() { # $1 - filter ipv4 # $2 - queue number local DEVICE wan_iface [ "$DISABLE_IPV4" = "1" ] || { network_find_wan_all wan_iface for ext_iface in $wan_iface; do network_get_device DEVICE $ext_iface ipt PREROUTING -t mangle -i $DEVICE -p tcp $1 $IPSET_EXCLUDE src -j NFQUEUE --queue-num $2 --queue-bypass done } } fw_nfqws_pre6() { # $1 - filter ipv6 # $2 - queue number local DEVICE wan_iface [ "$DISABLE_IPV6" = "1" ] || { network_find_wan6_all wan_iface for ext_iface in $wan_iface; do network_get_device DEVICE $ext_iface ipt6 PREROUTING -t mangle -i $DEVICE -p tcp $1 $IPSET_EXCLUDE6 src -j NFQUEUE --queue-num $2 --queue-bypass done } } fw_nfqws_pre() { # $1 - filter ipv4 # $2 - filter ipv6 # $3 - queue number fw_nfqws_pre4 "$1" $3 fw_nfqws_pre6 "$2" $3 } fw_nfqws_post4() { # $1 - filter ipv4 # $2 - queue number local DEVICE wan_iface [ "$DISABLE_IPV4" = "1" ] || { network_find_wan_all wan_iface for ext_iface in $wan_iface; do network_get_device DEVICE $ext_iface ipt POSTROUTING -t mangle -o $DEVICE -p tcp $1 $IPSET_EXCLUDE dst -j NFQUEUE --queue-num $2 --queue-bypass done } } fw_nfqws_post6() { # $1 - filter ipv6 # $2 - queue number local DEVICE wan_iface [ "$DISABLE_IPV6" = "1" ] || { network_find_wan6_all wan_iface for ext_iface in $wan_iface; do network_get_device DEVICE $ext_iface ipt6 POSTROUTING -t mangle -o $DEVICE -p tcp $1 $IPSET_EXCLUDE6 dst -j NFQUEUE --queue-num $2 --queue-bypass done } } fw_nfqws_post() { # $1 - filter ipv4 # $2 - filter ipv6 # $3 - queue number fw_nfqws_post4 "$1" $3 fw_nfqws_post6 "$2" $3 } IPT_OWNER="-m owner ! --uid-owner $WS_USER" fw_tpws4() { # $1 - filter ipv6 # $2 - tpws port local DEVICE wan_iface [ "$DISABLE_IPV4" = "1" ] || { network_find_wan_all wan_iface for ext_iface in $wan_iface; do network_get_device DEVICE $ext_iface ipt OUTPUT -t nat -o $DEVICE $IPT_OWNER -p tcp $1 $IPSET_EXCLUDE dst -j DNAT --to $TPWS_LOCALHOST4:$2 done # allow localnet route only to special tpws IP iptables -N input_rule_zapret 2>/dev/null ipt input_rule_zapret -d -j DROP ipt input_rule_zapret -d $TPWS_LOCALHOST4 -j RETURN for lan in $OPENWRT_LAN; do network_get_device DEVICE $lan [ -n "$DEVICE" ] || continue ipt prerouting_rule -t nat -i $DEVICE -p tcp $1 $IPSET_EXCLUDE dst -j DNAT --to $TPWS_LOCALHOST4:$2 ipt input_rule -i $DEVICE -j input_rule_zapret sysctl -qw net.ipv4.conf.$DEVICE.route_localnet=1 done } } fw_tpws6() { # $1 - filter ipv6 # $2 - tpws port local DEVICE wan_iface DNAT6 [ "$DISABLE_IPV6" = "1" ] || { network_find_wan6_all wan_iface for ext_iface in $wan_iface; do network_get_device DEVICE $ext_iface ipt6 OUTPUT -t nat -o $DEVICE $IPT_OWNER -p tcp $1 $IPSET_EXCLUDE6 dst -j DNAT --to [::1]:$2 done for lan in $OPENWRT_LAN; do network_get_device DEVICE $lan [ -n "$DEVICE" ] || continue dnat6_target $lan DNAT6 [ "$DNAT6" != '-' ] && ipt6 PREROUTING -t nat -i $DEVICE -p tcp $1 $IPSET_EXCLUDE6 dst -j DNAT --to [$DNAT6]:$2 done } } fw_tpws() { # $1 - filter ipv4 # $2 - filter ipv6 # $3 - tpws port fw_tpws4 "$1" $3 fw_tpws6 "$2" $3 } filter_apply_port_target() { # $1 - var name of iptables filter local f if [ "$MODE_HTTP" = "1" ] && [ "$MODE_HTTPS" = "1" ]; then f="-m multiport --dports 80,443" elif [ "$MODE_HTTPS" = "1" ]; then f="--dport 443" elif [ "$MODE_HTTP" = "1" ]; then f="--dport 80" else echo WARNING !!! HTTP and HTTPS are both disabled fi eval $1="\"\$$1 $f\"" } filter_apply_ipset_target4() { # $1 - var name of ipv4 iptables filter if [ "$MODE_FILTER" = "ipset" ]; then eval $1="\"\$$1 -m set --match-set zapret dst\"" fi } filter_apply_ipset_target6() { # $1 - var name of ipv4 iptables filter if [ "$MODE_FILTER" = "ipset" ]; then eval $1="\"\$$1 -m set --match-set zapret6 dst\"" fi } filter_apply_ipset_target() { # $1 - var name of ipv4 iptables filter # $2 - var name of ipv6 iptables filter filter_apply_ipset_target4 $1 filter_apply_ipset_target6 $2 } get_nfqws_qnums() { # $1 - var name for ipv4 http # $2 - var name for ipv4 https # $3 - var name for ipv6 http # $4 - var name for ipv6 https local _qn _qns _qn6 _qns6 [ "$DISABLE_IPV4" = "1" ] || { _qn=$QNUM _qns=$_qn [ "$NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC_HTTP" = "$NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC_HTTPS" ] || _qns=$(($QNUM+1)) } [ "$DISABLE_IPV6" = "1" ] || { _qn6=$(($QNUM+2)) _qns6=$(($QNUM+3)) [ "$DISABLE_IPV4" = "1" ] || { if [ "$NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC_HTTP6" = "$NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC_HTTP" ]; then _qn6=$_qn; elif [ "$NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC_HTTP6" = "$NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC_HTTPS" ]; then _qn6=$_qns; fi if [ "$NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC_HTTPS6" = "$NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC_HTTP" ]; then _qns6=$_qn; elif [ "$NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC_HTTPS6" = "$NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC_HTTPS" ]; then _qns6=$_qns; fi } [ "$NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC_HTTPS6" = "$NFQWS_OPT_DESYNC_HTTP6" ] && _qns6=$_qn6; } if [ "$MODE_HTTP" = 1 ]; then eval $1=$_qn eval $3=$_qn6 else eval $1= eval $3= fi if [ "$MODE_HTTPS" = 1 ]; then eval $2=$_qns eval $4=$_qns6 else eval $2= eval $4= fi } create_ipset() { echo "Creating ipset" "$IPSET_CR" "$@" } is_flow_offload_avail() { # $1 = '' for ipv4, '6' for ipv6 grep -q FLOWOFFLOAD /proc/net/ip$1_tables_targets } list_nfqws_rules() { # $1 = '' for ipv4, '6' for ipv6 ip$1tables -S POSTROUTING -t mangle | \ grep -E "NFQUEUE --queue-num $QNUM --queue-bypass|NFQUEUE --queue-num $(($QNUM+1)) --queue-bypass|NFQUEUE --queue-num $(($QNUM+2)) --queue-bypass|NFQUEUE --queue-num $(($QNUM+3)) --queue-bypass" | \ sed -re 's/^-A POSTROUTING (.*) -j NFQUEUE.*$/\1/' -e "s/-m mark ! --mark $DESYNC_MARK\/$DESYNC_MARK//" } reverse_nfqws_rule() { sed -e 's/-o /-i /' -e 's/--dport /--sport /' -e 's/--dports /--sports /' -e 's/ dst$/ src/' -e 's/ dst / src /' } apply_flow_offloading_enable_rule() { # $1 = '' for ipv4, '6' for ipv6 local i off='-j FLOWOFFLOAD' [ "$FLOWOFFLOAD" = "hardware" ] && off="$off --hw" i="forwarding_rule_zapret -m comment --comment zapret_traffic_offloading_enable -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED $off" echo enabling ipv${1:-4} flow offloading : $i ip$1tables -A $i } apply_flow_offloading_exempt_rule() { # $1 = '' for ipv4, '6' for ipv6 local i v v=$1 shift i="forwarding_rule_zapret $@ -m comment --comment zapret_traffic_offloading_exemption -j RETURN" echo applying ipv${v:-4} flow offloading exemption : $i ip${v}tables -A $i } flow_offloading_exempt_v() { # $1 = '' for ipv4, '6' for ipv6 is_flow_offload_avail $1 || return 0 ipt$1_del forwarding_rule -j forwarding_rule_zapret ip$1tables -F forwarding_rule_zapret 2>/dev/null ip$1tables -X forwarding_rule_zapret 2>/dev/null [ "$FLOWOFFLOAD" = 'software' -o "$FLOWOFFLOAD" = 'hardware' ] && { ip$1tables -N forwarding_rule_zapret list_nfqws_rules $1 | while read rule; do apply_flow_offloading_exempt_rule "$1" $rule done list_nfqws_rules $1 | grep -v "connbytes" | reverse_nfqws_rule | while read rule; do apply_flow_offloading_exempt_rule "$1" $rule done apply_flow_offloading_enable_rule $1 ipt$1 forwarding_rule -j forwarding_rule_zapret } return 0 } flow_offloading_exempt() { [ "$DISABLE_IPV4" = "1" ] || flow_offloading_exempt_v [ "$DISABLE_IPV6" = "1" ] || flow_offloading_exempt_v 6 } zapret_apply_firewall() { local first_packet_only="-m connbytes --connbytes-dir=original --connbytes-mode=packets --connbytes 1:4" local desync="-m mark ! --mark $DESYNC_MARK/$DESYNC_MARK" local f4 f6 qn qns qn6 qns6 # always create ipsets. ip_exclude ipset is required create_ipset no-update case "${MODE_OVERRIDE:-$MODE}" in tpws) if [ ! "$MODE_HTTP" = "1" ] && [ ! "$MODE_HTTPS" = "1" ]; then echo both http and https are disabled. not applying redirection. else filter_apply_port_target f4 f6=$f4 filter_apply_ipset_target f4 f6 fw_tpws "$f4" "$f6" $TPPORT fi ;; nfqws) # quite complex but we need to minimize nfqws processes to save RAM get_nfqws_qnums qn qns qn6 qns6 if [ "$MODE_HTTP_KEEPALIVE" != "1" ] && [ -n "$qn" ] && [ "$qn" = "$qns" ]; then filter_apply_port_target f4 f4="$f4 $first_packet_only" filter_apply_ipset_target4 f4 fw_nfqws_post4 "$f4 $desync" $qn else if [ -n "$qn" ]; then f4="--dport 80" [ "$MODE_HTTP_KEEPALIVE" = "1" ] || f4="$f4 $first_packet_only" filter_apply_ipset_target4 f4 fw_nfqws_post4 "$f4 $desync" $qn fi if [ -n "$qns" ]; then f4="--dport 443 $first_packet_only" filter_apply_ipset_target4 f4 fw_nfqws_post4 "$f4 $desync" $qns fi fi if [ "$MODE_HTTP_KEEPALIVE" != "1" ] && [ -n "$qn6" ] && [ "$qn6" = "$qns6" ]; then filter_apply_port_target f6 f6="$f6 $first_packet_only" filter_apply_ipset_target6 f6 fw_nfqws_post6 "$f6 $desync" $qn6 else if [ -n "$qn6" ]; then f6="--dport 80" [ "$MODE_HTTP_KEEPALIVE" = "1" ] || f6="$f6 $first_packet_only" filter_apply_ipset_target6 f6 fw_nfqws_post6 "$f6 $desync" $qn6 fi if [ -n "$qns6" ]; then f6="--dport 443 $first_packet_only" filter_apply_ipset_target6 f6 fw_nfqws_post6 "$f6 $desync" $qns6 fi fi ;; custom) existf zapret_custom_firewall && zapret_custom_firewall ;; esac flow_offloading_exempt return 0 }