GET_LIST_PREFIX=/ipset/get_ SYSTEMD_DIR=/lib/systemd [ -d "$SYSTEMD_DIR" ] || SYSTEMD_DIR=/usr/lib/systemd [ -d "$SYSTEMD_DIR" ] && SYSTEMD_SYSTEM_DIR="$SYSTEMD_DIR/system" INIT_SCRIPT=/etc/init.d/zapret exitp() { echo echo press enter to continue read A exit $1 } parse_var_checked() { # $1 - file name # $2 - var name local sed="sed -nre s/^[[:space:]]*$2=[\\\"|\']?([^\\\"|\']*)[\\\"|\']?/\1/p" local v="$($sed <"$1" | tail -n 1)" eval $2=\"$v\" } parse_vars_checked() { # $1 - file name # $2,$3,... - var names local f="$1" shift while [ -n "$1" ]; do parse_var_checked "$f" $1 shift done } edit_file() { # $1 - file name local ed="$EDITOR" [ -n "$ed" ] || { for e in mcedit nano vi; do exists "$e" && { ed="$e" break } done } [ -n "$ed" ] && "$ed" "$1" } edit_vars() { # $1,$2,... - var names local n=1 var v tmp="/tmp/zvars" rm -f "$tmp" while [ 1=1 ]; do eval var="\$$n" [ -n "$var" ] || break eval v="\$$var" echo $var=\"$v\" >>"$tmp" n=$(($n+1)) done edit_file "$tmp" && parse_vars_checked "$tmp" "$@" rm -f "$tmp" } openrc_test() { exists rc-update || return 1 # some systems do not usse openrc-init but launch openrc from inittab [ "$INIT" = "openrc-init" ] || grep -qE "sysinit.*openrc" /etc/inittab 2>/dev/null } check_system() { # $1 - nonempty = do not fail on unknown rc system echo \* checking system SYSTEM="" SYSTEMCTL=$(whichq systemctl) get_fwtype OPENWRT_FW3= local info UNAME=$(uname) if [ "$UNAME" = "Linux" ]; then # do not use 'exe' because it requires root local INIT="$(sed 's/\x0/\n/g' /proc/1/cmdline | head -n 1)" [ -L "$INIT" ] && INIT=$(readlink "$INIT") INIT=$(basename "$INIT") # some distros include systemctl without systemd if [ -d "$SYSTEMD_DIR" ] && [ -x "$SYSTEMCTL" ] && [ "$INIT" = "systemd" ]; then SYSTEM=systemd elif [ -f "/etc/openwrt_release" ] && exists opkg && exists uci && [ "$INIT" = "procd" ] ; then { SYSTEM=openwrt if openwrt_fw3 ; then OPENWRT_FW3=1 info="openwrt firewall uses fw3" if is_ipt_flow_offload_avail; then info="$info. hardware flow offloading requires iptables." else info="$info. flow offloading unavailable." fi elif openwrt_fw4; then info="openwrt firewall uses fw4. flow offloading requires nftables." fi } elif openrc_test; then SYSTEM=openrc else echo system is not either systemd, openrc or openwrt based echo easy installer can set up config settings but can\'t configure auto start echo you have to do it manually. check readme.txt for manual setup info. if [ -n "$1" ] || ask_yes_no N "do you want to continue"; then SYSTEM=linux else exitp 5 fi fi elif [ "$UNAME" = "Darwin" ]; then SYSTEM=macos else echo easy installer only supports Linux and MacOS. check readme.txt for supported systems and manual setup info. exitp 5 fi linux_get_subsys echo system is based on $SYSTEM [ -n "$info" ] && echo $info } get_free_space_mb() { df -m $PWD | awk '/[0-9]%/{print $(NF-2)}' } get_ram_kb() { grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}' } get_ram_mb() { local R=$(get_ram_kb) echo $(($R/1024)) } crontab_del() { exists crontab || return echo \* removing crontab entry CRONTMP=/tmp/cron.tmp crontab -l >$CRONTMP 2>/dev/null if grep -q "$GET_LIST_PREFIX" $CRONTMP; then echo removing following entries from crontab : grep "$GET_LIST_PREFIX" $CRONTMP grep -v "$GET_LIST_PREFIX" $CRONTMP >$CRONTMP.2 crontab $CRONTMP.2 rm -f $CRONTMP.2 fi rm -f $CRONTMP } crontab_del_quiet() { exists crontab || return CRONTMP=/tmp/cron.tmp crontab -l >$CRONTMP 2>/dev/null if grep -q "$GET_LIST_PREFIX" $CRONTMP; then grep -v "$GET_LIST_PREFIX" $CRONTMP >$CRONTMP.2 crontab $CRONTMP.2 rm -f $CRONTMP.2 fi rm -f $CRONTMP } crontab_add() { # $1 - hour min # $2 - hour max [ -x "$GET_LIST" ] && { echo \* adding crontab entry if exists crontab; then CRONTMP=/tmp/cron.tmp crontab -l >$CRONTMP 2>/dev/null if grep -q "$GET_LIST_PREFIX" $CRONTMP; then echo some entries already exist in crontab. check if this is corrent : grep "$GET_LIST_PREFIX" $CRONTMP else end_with_newline <"$CRONTMP" || echo >>"$CRONTMP" echo "$(random 0 59) $(random $1 $2) */2 * * $GET_LIST" >>$CRONTMP crontab $CRONTMP fi rm -f $CRONTMP else echo '!!! CRON IS ABSENT !!! LISTS AUTO UPDATE WILL NOT WORK !!!' fi } } cron_ensure_running() { # if no crontabs present in /etc/cron openwrt init script does not launch crond. this is default [ "$SYSTEM" = "openwrt" ] && { /etc/init.d/cron enable /etc/init.d/cron start } } service_start_systemd() { echo \* starting zapret service "$SYSTEMCTL" start zapret || { echo could not start zapret service exitp 30 } } service_stop_systemd() { echo \* stopping zapret service "$SYSTEMCTL" daemon-reload "$SYSTEMCTL" disable zapret "$SYSTEMCTL" stop zapret } service_remove_systemd() { echo \* removing zapret service rm -f "$SYSTEMD_SYSTEM_DIR/zapret.service" "$SYSTEMCTL" daemon-reload } timer_remove_systemd() { echo \* removing zapret-list-update timer "$SYSTEMCTL" daemon-reload "$SYSTEMCTL" disable zapret-list-update.timer "$SYSTEMCTL" stop zapret-list-update.timer rm -f "$SYSTEMD_SYSTEM_DIR/zapret-list-update.service" "$SYSTEMD_SYSTEM_DIR/zapret-list-update.timer" "$SYSTEMCTL" daemon-reload } install_sysv_init() { # $1 - "0"=disable echo \* installing init script [ -x "$INIT_SCRIPT" ] && { "$INIT_SCRIPT" stop "$INIT_SCRIPT" disable } ln -fs "$INIT_SCRIPT_SRC" "$INIT_SCRIPT" [ "$1" != "0" ] && "$INIT_SCRIPT" enable } install_openrc_init() { # $1 - "0"=disable echo \* installing init script [ -x "$INIT_SCRIPT" ] && { "$INIT_SCRIPT" stop rc-update del zapret } ln -fs "$INIT_SCRIPT_SRC" "$INIT_SCRIPT" [ "$1" != "0" ] && rc-update add zapret } service_remove_openrc() { echo \* removing zapret service [ -x "$INIT_SCRIPT" ] && { rc-update del zapret "$INIT_SCRIPT" stop } rm -f "$INIT_SCRIPT" } service_start_sysv() { [ -x "$INIT_SCRIPT" ] && { echo \* starting zapret service "$INIT_SCRIPT" start || { echo could not start zapret service exitp 30 } } } service_stop_sysv() { [ -x "$INIT_SCRIPT" ] && { echo \* stopping zapret service "$INIT_SCRIPT" stop } } service_remove_sysv() { echo \* removing zapret service [ -x "$INIT_SCRIPT" ] && { "$INIT_SCRIPT" disable "$INIT_SCRIPT" stop } rm -f "$INIT_SCRIPT" } check_kmod() { [ -f "/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/$1.ko" ] } check_package_exists_openwrt() { [ -n "$(opkg list $1)" ] } check_package_openwrt() { [ -n "$(opkg list-installed $1)" ] && return 0 local what="$(opkg whatprovides $1 | tail -n +2 | head -n 1)" [ -n "$what" ] || return 1 [ -n "$(opkg list-installed $what)" ] } check_packages_openwrt() { for pkg in $@; do check_package_openwrt $pkg || return done } install_openwrt_iface_hook() { echo \* installing ifup hook ln -fs "$OPENWRT_IFACE_HOOK" /etc/hotplug.d/iface } remove_openwrt_iface_hook() { echo \* removing ifup hook rm -f /etc/hotplug.d/iface/??-zapret } openwrt_fw_section_find() { # $1 - fw include postfix # echoes section number i=0 while true do path=$(uci -q get firewall.@include[$i].path) [ -n "$path" ] || break [ "$path" = "$OPENWRT_FW_INCLUDE$1" ] && { echo $i return 0 } i=$(($i+1)) done return 1 } openwrt_fw_section_del() { # $1 - fw include postfix local id="$(openwrt_fw_section_find $1)" [ -n "$id" ] && { uci delete firewall.@include[$id] && uci commit firewall rm -f "$OPENWRT_FW_INCLUDE$1" } } openwrt_fw_section_add() { openwrt_fw_section_find || { uci add firewall include >/dev/null || return echo -1 } } openwrt_fw_section_configure() { local id="$(openwrt_fw_section_add $1)" [ -z "$id" ] || ! uci set firewall.@include[$id].path="$OPENWRT_FW_INCLUDE" || ! uci set firewall.@include[$id].reload="1" || ! uci commit firewall && { echo could not add firewall include exitp 50 } } install_openwrt_firewall() { echo \* installing firewall script $1 [ -n "MODE" ] || { echo should specify MODE in $ZAPRET_CONFIG exitp 7 } echo "linking : $FW_SCRIPT_SRC => $OPENWRT_FW_INCLUDE" ln -fs "$FW_SCRIPT_SRC" "$OPENWRT_FW_INCLUDE" openwrt_fw_section_configure $1 } restart_openwrt_firewall() { echo \* restarting firewall local FW=fw4 [ -n "$OPENWRT_FW3" ] && FW=fw3 $FW -q restart || { echo could not restart firewall $FW exitp 30 } } remove_openwrt_firewall() { echo \* removing firewall script openwrt_fw_section_del # from old zapret versions. now we use single include openwrt_fw_section_del 6 } clear_ipset() { echo "* clearing ipset(s)" # free some RAM "$IPSET_DIR/" clear } service_install_macos() { echo \* installing zapret service ln -fs "$ZAPRET_BASE/init.d/macos/zapret.plist" /Library/LaunchDaemons } service_start_macos() { echo \* starting zapret service "$INIT_SCRIPT_SRC" start } service_stop_macos() { echo \* stopping zapret service "$INIT_SCRIPT_SRC" stop } service_remove_macos() { echo \* removing zapret service rm -f /Library/LaunchDaemons/zapret.plist zapret_stop_daemons } remove_macos_firewall() { echo \* removing zapret PF hooks pf_anchors_clear pf_anchors_del pf_anchor_root_del pf_anchor_root_reload } sedi() { # MacOS doesnt support -i without parameter. busybox doesnt support -i with parameter. # its not possible to put "sed -i ''" to a variable and then use it if [ "$SYSTEM" = "macos" ]; then sed -i '' "$@" else sed -i "$@" fi } write_config_var() { # $1 - mode var local M eval M="\$$1" if grep -q "^$1=\|^#$1=" "$ZAPRET_CONFIG"; then # replace / => \/ #M=${M//\//\\\/} M=$(echo $M | sed 's/\//\\\//g') if [ -n "$M" ]; then if contains "$M" " "; then sedi -Ee "s/^#?$1=.*$/$1=\"$M\"/" "$ZAPRET_CONFIG" else sedi -Ee "s/^#?$1=.*$/$1=$M/" "$ZAPRET_CONFIG" fi else # write with comment at the beginning sedi -Ee "s/^#?$1=.*$/#$1=/" "$ZAPRET_CONFIG" fi else # var does not exist in config. add it if [ -n "$M" ]; then echo "$1=$M" >>"$ZAPRET_CONFIG" else echo "#$1=$M" >>"$ZAPRET_CONFIG" fi fi } check_prerequisites_linux() { echo \* checking prerequisites local s cmd PKGS UTILS req="curl curl" case "$FWTYPE" in iptables) req="$req iptables iptables ip6tables iptables ipset ipset" ;; nftables) req="$req nft nftables" ;; esac PKGS=$(for s in $req; do echo $s; done | while read cmd; do read pkg exists $cmd || echo $pkg done | sort -u | xargs) UTILS=$(for s in $req; do echo $s; done | while read cmd; do read pkg echo $cmd done | sort -u | xargs) if [ -z "$PKGS" ] ; then echo required utilities exist : $UTILS else echo \* installing prerequisites echo packages required : $PKGS APTGET=$(whichq apt-get) YUM=$(whichq yum) PACMAN=$(whichq pacman) ZYPPER=$(whichq zypper) EOPKG=$(whichq eopkg) APK=$(whichq apk) if [ -x "$APTGET" ] ; then "$APTGET" update "$APTGET" install -y --no-install-recommends $PKGS dnsutils || { echo could not install prerequisites exitp 6 } elif [ -x "$YUM" ] ; then "$YUM" -y install $PKGS || { echo could not install prerequisites exitp 6 } elif [ -x "$PACMAN" ] ; then "$PACMAN" -Syy "$PACMAN" --noconfirm -S $PKGS || { echo could not install prerequisites exitp 6 } elif [ -x "$ZYPPER" ] ; then "$ZYPPER" --non-interactive install $PKGS || { echo could not install prerequisites exitp 6 } elif [ -x "$EOPKG" ] ; then "$EOPKG" -y install $PKGS || { echo could not install prerequisites exitp 6 } elif [ -x "$APK" ] ; then "$APK" update # for alpine [ "$FWTYPE" = iptables ] && [ -n "$($APK list ip6tables)" ] && PKGS="$PKGS ip6tables" "$APK" add $PKGS || { echo could not install prerequisites exitp 6 } else echo supported package manager not found echo you must manually install : $UTILS exitp 5 fi fi } check_prerequisites_openwrt() { echo \* checking prerequisites local PKGS="curl" UPD=0 case "$FWTYPE" in iptables) PKGS="$PKGS ipset iptables iptables-mod-extra iptables-mod-nfqueue iptables-mod-filter iptables-mod-ipopt iptables-mod-conntrack-extra" [ "$DISABLE_IPV6" != "1" ] && PKGS="$PKGS ip6tables ip6tables-mod-nat ip6tables-extra" ;; nftables) PKGS="$PKGS nftables kmod-nft-nat kmod-nft-offload kmod-nft-queue" ;; esac if check_packages_openwrt $PKGS ; then echo everything is present else echo \* installing prerequisites opkg update UPD=1 opkg install $PKGS || { echo could not install prerequisites exitp 6 } fi is_linked_to_busybox gzip && { echo echo your system uses default busybox gzip. its several times slower than GNU gzip. echo ip/host list scripts will run much faster with GNU gzip echo installer can install GNU gzip but it requires about 100 Kb space if ask_yes_no N "do you want to install GNU gzip"; then [ "$UPD" = "0" ] && { opkg update UPD=1 } opkg install --force-overwrite gzip fi } is_linked_to_busybox sort && { echo echo your system uses default busybox sort. its much slower and consumes much more RAM than GNU sort echo ip/host list scripts will run much faster with GNU sort echo installer can install GNU sort but it requires about 100 Kb space if ask_yes_no N "do you want to install GNU sort"; then [ "$UPD" = "0" ] && { opkg update UPD=1 } opkg install --force-overwrite coreutils-sort fi } [ "$FSLEEP" = 0 ] && is_linked_to_busybox sleep && { echo echo no methods of sub-second sleep were found. echo if you want to speed up blockcheck install coreutils-sleep. it requires about 40 Kb space if ask_yes_no N "do you want to install COREUTILS sleep"; then [ "$UPD" = "0" ] && { opkg update UPD=1 } opkg install --force-overwrite coreutils-sleep fsleep_setup fi } } select_ipv6() { local T=N [ "$DISABLE_IPV6" != '1' ] && T=Y local old6=$DISABLE_IPV6 echo if ask_yes_no $T "enable ipv6 support"; then DISABLE_IPV6=0 else DISABLE_IPV6=1 fi [ "$old6" != "$DISABLE_IPV6" ] && write_config_var DISABLE_IPV6 } select_fwtype() { echo [ $(get_ram_mb) -le 400 ] && { echo WARNING ! you are running a low RAM system echo WARNING ! nft requires lots of RAM to load huge ip sets, much more than ipsets require echo WARNING ! if you need large lists it may be necessary to fall back to iptables+ipset firewall } echo select firewall type : ask_list FWTYPE "iptables nftables" "$FWTYPE" && write_config_var FWTYPE }