Mod: simple structure compressed visually
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,291 +7,205 @@
from math import pi, sqrt
def simpleCubic(theta = 0.01, fillet = False, direction = [1, 0, 0]):
# Parameters
r0 = 1.0
L = 2 * r0
class simple(object):
def __init__(self, direction, theta, r0, L, radius, filletsEnabled, fillets):
radius = r0 / (1 - theta)
xn, yn, zn = 3, 3, 3
length = L * sqrt(2)
width = L * sqrt(2)
height = L
self.direction = direction
self.theta = theta
self.r0 = r0
self.L = L
self.radius = radius
self.filletsEnabled = filletsEnabled
self.fillets = fillets
xl = sqrt(length ** 2 * 0.5)
yw = xl
zh = height
C1, C2 = 0.8, 0.5 #0.8, 0.05
theta1, theta2 = 0.01, 0.28
Cf = C1 + (C2 - C1) / (theta2 - theta1) * (theta - theta1)
delta = 0.2
filletradius = delta - Cf * (radius - r0)
scale = 100
oo = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, 0)
def build(self):
# Bounding box
if direction == [1, 0, 0]:
sk = geompy.Sketcher3D()
sk.addPointsAbsolute(xl, 0, 0)
sk.addPointsAbsolute(0, yw, 0)
sk.addPointsAbsolute(0, yw, zh)
sk.addPointsAbsolute(xl, 0, zh)
sk.addPointsAbsolute(xl, 0, 0)
# Pore Cell
if self.direction in [[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]:
# Parameters
xn, yn, zn = 3, 3, 3
length = self.L * sqrt(2)
width = self.L * sqrt(2)
height = self.L
inletface = geompy.MakeFaceWires([sk.wire()], True)
vecflow = geompy.GetNormal(inletface)
cubic = geompy.MakePrismVecH(inletface, vecflow, width)
xl = sqrt(length ** 2 * 0.5)
yw = xl
zh = height
elif direction == [0, 0, 1]:
sk = geompy.Sketcher3D()
sk.addPointsAbsolute(0, yw, 0)
sk.addPointsAbsolute(xl, 0, 0)
sk.addPointsAbsolute(2 * xl, yw, 0)
sk.addPointsAbsolute(xl, 2 * yw, 0)
sk.addPointsAbsolute(0, yw, 0)
scale = 100
oo = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, 0)
inletface = geompy.MakeFaceWires([sk.wire()], True)
vecflow = geompy.GetNormal(inletface)
cubic = geompy.MakePrismVecH(inletface, vecflow, height)
# Bounding box
if self.direction == [1, 0, 0]:
sk = geompy.Sketcher3D()
sk.addPointsAbsolute(xl, 0, 0)
sk.addPointsAbsolute(0, yw, 0)
sk.addPointsAbsolute(0, yw, zh)
sk.addPointsAbsolute(xl, 0, zh)
sk.addPointsAbsolute(xl, 0, 0)
inletface = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(inletface, oo, scale)
cubic = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(cubic, oo, scale)
inletface = geompy.MakeFaceWires([sk.wire()], True)
vecflow = geompy.GetNormal(inletface)
poreCell = geompy.MakePrismVecH(inletface, vecflow, width)
faces = geompy.ExtractShapes(cubic, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], False)
symetryface = []
elif self.direction == [0, 0, 1]:
sk = geompy.Sketcher3D()
sk.addPointsAbsolute(0, yw, 0)
sk.addPointsAbsolute(xl, 0, 0)
sk.addPointsAbsolute(2 * xl, yw, 0)
sk.addPointsAbsolute(xl, 2 * yw, 0)
sk.addPointsAbsolute(0, yw, 0)
for face in faces:
norm = geompy.GetNormal(face)
angle = round(geompy.GetAngle(norm, vecflow), 0)
inletface = geompy.MakeFaceWires([sk.wire()], True)
vecflow = geompy.GetNormal(inletface)
poreCell = geompy.MakePrismVecH(inletface, vecflow, height)
inletface = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(inletface, oo, scale)
poreCell = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(poreCell, oo, scale)
faces = geompy.ExtractShapes(poreCell, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], False)
symetryface = []
for face in faces:
norm = geompy.GetNormal(face)
angle = round(geompy.GetAngle(norm, vecflow), 0)
if (angle == 0 or angle == 180) and not face == inletface:
outletface = face
elif self.direction == [1, 1, 1]:
# Parameters
xn, yn, zn = 3, 3, 3
length = self.L * sqrt(2)
width = self.L * sqrt(2)
height = self.L
point = []
xl, yw, zh = -self.L - self.L / 6, -self.L - self.L / 6, -self.L / 6
point.append((L + xl, self.L + yw, self.L + zh))
point.append((5 * self.L / 3 + xl, 2 * self.L / 3 + yw, 2 * self.L / 3 + zh))
point.append((2 * self.L + xl, self.L + yw, 0 + zh))
point.append((5 * self.L / 3 + xl, 5 * self.L / 3 + yw, -self.L / 3 + zh))
point.append((L + xl, 2 * self.L + yw, 0 + zh))
point.append((2 * self.L / 3 + xl, 5 * self.L / 3 + yw, 2 * self.L / 3 + zh))
point.append((L + xl, self.L + yw, self.L + zh))
scale = 100
oo = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, 0)
# Bounding box
sk = geompy.Sketcher3D()
for p in point:
inletface = geompy.MakeFaceWires([sk.wire()], False)
vecflow = geompy.GetNormal(inletface)
poreCell = geompy.MakePrismVecH(inletface, vecflow, self.L * sqrt(3))
inletface = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(inletface, oo, scale)
poreCell = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(poreCell, oo, scale)
faces = geompy.ExtractShapes(poreCell, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], False)
symetryface = []
for face in faces:
norm = geompy.GetNormal(face)
angle = round(geompy.GetAngle(norm, vecflow), 0)
if (angle == 0 or angle == 180) and not face == inletface:
outletface = face
if (angle == 0 or angle == 180) and not face == inletface:
outletface = face
# Grains
ox = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(1, 0, 0)
oy = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, 1, 0)
oz = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, 0, 1)
grain = geompy.MakeSphereR(radius)
lattice = geompy.MakeMultiTranslation2D(grain, ox, L, xn, oy, L, yn)
lattice = geompy.MakeMultiTranslation1D(lattice, oz, L, zn)
grains = geompy.ExtractShapes(lattice, geompy.ShapeType["SOLID"], True)
grains = geompy.MakeFuseList(grains, False, False)
grains = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(grains, oo, scale)
grainsOrigin = None
if fillet:
grainsOrigin = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(grains, oo, 1 / scale)
grains = geompy.MakeFilletAll(grains, filletradius * scale)
# Groups
shape = geompy.MakeCutList(cubic, [grains])
shape = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(shape, oo, 1 / scale, theName = "simpleCubic")
sall = geompy.CreateGroup(shape, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])
geompy.SubShapeAllIDs(shape, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]))
inlet = geompy.CreateGroup(shape, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], theName = "inlet")
inletshape = geompy.MakeCutList(inletface, [grains])
inletshape = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(inletshape, oo, 1 / scale)
geompy.UnionList(inlet, geompy.SubShapeAll(
geompy.GetInPlace(shape, inletshape, True), geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]))
outlet = geompy.CreateGroup(shape, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], theName = "outlet")
outletshape = geompy.MakeCutList(outletface, [grains])
outletshape = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(outletshape, oo, 1 / scale)
geompy.UnionList(outlet, geompy.SubShapeAll(
geompy.GetInPlace(shape, outletshape, True), geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]))
symetry = []
for (n, face) in enumerate(symetryface):
name = "symetry" + str(n)
symetry.append(geompy.CreateGroup(shape, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], theName = name))
symetryshape = geompy.MakeCutList(face, [grains])
symetryshape = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(symetryshape, oo, 1 / scale)
geompy.UnionList(symetry[n], geompy.SubShapeAll(
geompy.GetInPlace(shape, symetryshape, True), geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]))
groups = []
if fillet:
strips = geompy.CreateGroup(shape, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], theName = "strips")
shapeShell = geompy.ExtractShapes(shape, geompy.ShapeType["SHELL"], True)
stripsShape = geompy.MakeCutList(shapeShell[0], groups + [grainsOrigin])
geompy.UnionList(strips, geompy.SubShapeAll(
geompy.GetInPlace(shape, stripsShape, True), geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]))
wall = geompy.CutListOfGroups([sall], groups, theName = "wall")
return shape, groups
def simpleHexagonalPrism(theta = 0.01, fillet = False, direction = [1, 1, 1]):
# Parameters
r0 = 1.0
L = 2 * r0
radius = r0 / (1 - theta)
xn, yn, zn = 3, 3, 3
length = L * sqrt(2)
width = L * sqrt(2)
height = L
point = []
xl, yw, zh = -L - L / 6, -L - L / 6, -L / 6
point.append((L + xl, L + yw, L + zh))
point.append((5 * L / 3 + xl, 2 * L / 3 + yw, 2 * L / 3 + zh))
point.append((2 * L + xl, L + yw, 0 + zh))
point.append((5 * L / 3 + xl, 5 * L / 3 + yw, -L / 3 + zh))
point.append((L + xl, 2 * L + yw, 0 + zh))
point.append((2 * L / 3 + xl, 5 * L / 3 + yw, 2 * L / 3 + zh))
point.append((L + xl, L + yw, L + zh))
C1, C2 = 0.8, 0.5 # 0.8, 0.05
theta1, theta2 = 0.01, 0.28
Cf = C1 + (C2 - C1) / (theta2 - theta1) * (theta - theta1)
delta = 0.2
filletradius = delta - Cf * (radius - r0)
scale = 100
oo = geompy.MakeVertex(0, 0, 0)
# Bounding box
sk = geompy.Sketcher3D()
for p in point:
inletface = geompy.MakeFaceWires([sk.wire()], False)
vecflow = geompy.GetNormal(inletface)
hexagonPrism = geompy.MakePrismVecH(inletface, vecflow, L * sqrt(3))
inletface = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(inletface, oo, scale)
hexagonPrism = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(hexagonPrism, oo, scale)
faces = geompy.ExtractShapes(hexagonPrism, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], False)
symetryface = []
for face in faces:
norm = geompy.GetNormal(face)
angle = round(geompy.GetAngle(norm, vecflow), 0)
if (angle == 0 or angle == 180) and not face == inletface:
outletface = face
raise Exception(f"Direction { self.direction } is not implemented")
# Grains
ox = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(1, 0, 0)
oy = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, 1, 0)
oz = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, 0, 1)
# Grains
ox = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(1, 0, 0)
oy = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, 1, 0)
oz = geompy.MakeVectorDXDYDZ(0, 0, 1)
grain = geompy.MakeSphereR(radius)
lattice = geompy.MakeMultiTranslation2D(grain, ox, L, xn, oy, L, yn)
lattice = geompy.MakeMultiTranslation1D(lattice, oz, L, zn)
grains = geompy.ExtractShapes(lattice, geompy.ShapeType["SOLID"], True)
grains = geompy.MakeFuseList(grains, False, False)
grain = geompy.MakeSphereR(self.radius)
lattice = geompy.MakeMultiTranslation2D(grain, ox, self.L, xn, oy, self.L, yn)
lattice = geompy.MakeMultiTranslation1D(lattice, oz, self.L, zn)
grains = geompy.ExtractShapes(lattice, geompy.ShapeType["SOLID"], True)
grains = geompy.MakeFuseList(grains, False, False)
grains = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(grains, oo, scale)
grainsOrigin = None
grains = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(grains, oo, scale)
grainsOrigin = None
if fillet:
grainsOrigin = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(grains, oo, 1 / scale)
grains = geompy.MakeFilletAll(grains, filletradius * scale)
if self.filletsEnabled:
grainsOrigin = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(grains, oo, 1 / scale)
grains = geompy.MakeFilletAll(grains, self.fillets * scale)
# Groups
shape = geompy.MakeCutList(hexagonPrism, [grains])
shape = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(shape, oo, 1 / scale, theName = "simpleCubic")
# Groups
shape = geompy.MakeCutList(poreCell, [grains])
shape = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(shape, oo, 1 / scale, theName = "simpleCubic")
sall = geompy.CreateGroup(shape, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])
geompy.SubShapeAllIDs(shape, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]))
sall = geompy.CreateGroup(shape, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])
geompy.SubShapeAllIDs(shape, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]))
inlet = geompy.CreateGroup(shape, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], theName = "inlet")
inletshape = geompy.MakeCutList(inletface, [grains])
inletshape = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(inletshape, oo, 1 / scale)
geompy.UnionList(inlet, geompy.SubShapeAll(
geompy.GetInPlace(shape, inletshape, True), geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]))
inlet = geompy.CreateGroup(shape, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], theName = "inlet")
inletshape = geompy.MakeCutList(inletface, [grains])
inletshape = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(inletshape, oo, 1 / scale)
geompy.UnionList(inlet, geompy.SubShapeAll(
geompy.GetInPlace(shape, inletshape, True), geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]))
outlet = geompy.CreateGroup(shape, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], theName = "outlet")
outletshape = geompy.MakeCutList(outletface, [grains])
outletshape = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(outletshape, oo, 1 / scale)
geompy.UnionList(outlet, geompy.SubShapeAll(
geompy.GetInPlace(shape, outletshape, True), geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]))
symetry = []
for (n, face) in enumerate(symetryface):
name = "symetry" + str(n)
symetry.append(geompy.CreateGroup(shape, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], theName = name))
symetryshape = geompy.MakeCutList(face, [grains])
symetryshape = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(symetryshape, oo, 1 / scale)
geompy.UnionList(symetry[n], geompy.SubShapeAll(
geompy.GetInPlace(shape, symetryshape, True), geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]))
outlet = geompy.CreateGroup(shape, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], theName = "outlet")
outletshape = geompy.MakeCutList(outletface, [grains])
outletshape = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(outletshape, oo, 1 / scale)
geompy.UnionList(outlet, geompy.SubShapeAll(
geompy.GetInPlace(shape, outletshape, True), geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]))
symetry = []
for (n, face) in enumerate(symetryface):
name = "symetry" + str(n)
symetry.append(geompy.CreateGroup(shape, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], theName = name))
symetryshape = geompy.MakeCutList(face, [grains])
symetryshape = geompy.MakeScaleTransform(symetryshape, oo, 1 / scale)
geompy.UnionList(symetry[n], geompy.SubShapeAll(
geompy.GetInPlace(shape, symetryshape, True), geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]))
groups = []
if fillet:
strips = geompy.CreateGroup(shape, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], theName = "strips")
shapeShell = geompy.ExtractShapes(shape, geompy.ShapeType["SHELL"], True)
stripsShape = geompy.MakeCutList(shapeShell[0], groups + [grainsOrigin])
geompy.UnionList(strips, geompy.SubShapeAll(
geompy.GetInPlace(shape, stripsShape, True), geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]))
groups = []
if self.filletsEnabled:
strips = geompy.CreateGroup(shape, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"], theName = "strips")
shapeShell = geompy.ExtractShapes(shape, geompy.ShapeType["SHELL"], True)
stripsShape = geompy.MakeCutList(shapeShell[0], groups + [grainsOrigin])
geompy.UnionList(strips, geompy.SubShapeAll(
geompy.GetInPlace(shape, stripsShape, True), geompy.ShapeType["FACE"]))
wall = geompy.CutListOfGroups([sall], groups, theName = "wall")
wall = geompy.CutListOfGroups([sall], groups, theName = "wall")
return shape, groups
def simple(theta, fillet, direction):
#from salomepl import getGeom
if direction in [[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]:
return simpleCubic(theta, fillet, direction)
elif direction == [1, 1, 1]:
return simpleHexagonalPrism(theta, fillet, direction)
raise Exception("This direction is not implemented")
return shape, groups
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