import os, sys from collections import namedtuple import time import logging from datetime import timedelta import multiprocessing import shutil import config from config import logger #from src import applogger from src import utils from src import salome_utils from src import foam_utils def main(): if not os.path.exists(config.LOG): os.makedirs(config.LOG) if not os.path.exists(config.BUILD): os.makedirs(config.BUILD) #global logger #logger = applogger.Logger() checkEnv() tasks = createTasks() for task in tasks: logger.fancyline()"""main: task:\t{tasks.index(task) + 1} / {len(tasks)} cpu count:\t{os.cpu_count()} structure:\t{task.structure} direction:\t{task.direction} theta:\t{task.theta} fillet:\t{task.fillet} export:\t{task.export}""") if not os.path.exists(task.export): os.makedirs(task.export) createMesh(task) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(task.export, "mesh.unv")): task.mesh = True returncode = calculate(task) if not returncode: task.flow = True with open(os.path.join(config.LOG, "tasks.log"), "a") as io: idx = tasks.index(task) io.write(f"""Task {idx}: structure:\t{task.structure} direction:\t{task.direction} theta:\t{task.theta} mesh:\t{task.mesh} flow:\t{task.flow}\n""")"Warnings: {logger.warnings}\tErrors: {logger.errors}") def checkEnv(): try: pythonVersion = "Python {}".format(sys.version.split(" ")[0]) salomeVersion = salome_utils.salomeVersion() foamVersion = foam_utils.foamVersion() except Exception: logger.critical("Missed environment") else:"enviroment:\n\t{pythonVersion}\n\t{salomeVersion}\n\t{foamVersion}") class Task: def __init__(self, **kwargs): for (k, v) in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) def createTasks(): #Task = namedtuple("Task", ["structure", "theta", "fillet", "direction", "export"]) tasks = [] structures = [ getattr(config, s)() for s in config.structures ] for structure in structures: for direction in structure.directions: for theta in structure.theta: name = type(structure).__name__ export = os.path.join( config.BUILD, name, "direction-{}{}{}".format(*direction), "theta-{}".format(theta) ) task = Task( structure = name, theta = theta, fillet = structure.fillet, direction = direction, export = export, mesh = False, flow = False ) tasks.append(task) return tasks def createMesh(task): scriptpath = os.path.join(config.ROOT, "samples/") port = 2810 stime = time.monotonic() args = ( task.structure, task.theta, int(task.fillet), "".join([str(coord) for coord in task.direction]), os.path.join(task.export, "mesh.unv"), config.ROOT ) returncode = salome_utils.runExecute(port, scriptpath, *args) etime = time.monotonic()"createMesh: elapsed time: {}".format(timedelta(seconds = etime - stime))) def calculate(task): foamCase = [ "0", "constant", "system" ] os.chdir(task.export) foam_utils.foamClean() for d in foamCase: shutil.copytree( os.path.join(config.ROOT, "src/cubicFoam", d), os.path.join(task.export, d) ) stime = time.monotonic() if not os.path.exists("mesh.unv"): logger.critical(f"calculate: missed 'mesh.unv'") return foam_utils.ideasUnvToFoam("mesh.unv") foam_utils.createPatch(dictfile = "system/createPatchDict.symetry") foam_utils.checkMesh() scale = (1e-5, 1e-5, 1e-5) foam_utils.transformPoints(scale) foam_utils.decomposePar() foam_utils.renumberMesh() foam_utils.potentialFoam() for n in range(os.cpu_count()): foam_utils.foamDictionary(f"processor{n}/0/U", "boundaryField.inlet.type", "pressureInletVelocity") foam_utils.foamDictionary(f"processor{n}/0/U", "boundaryField.inlet.value", "uniform (0 0 0)") returncode = foam_utils.simpleFoam() os.chdir(config.ROOT) etime = time.monotonic()"calculate: elapsed time: {}".format(timedelta(seconds = etime - stime))) return returncode def postprocessing(tasks): surfaceFieldValue = {} porosity = {} for task in tasks: direction = "direction-{}{}{}".format(task.direction[0], task.direction[1], task.direction[2]) path = os.path.join(BUILD, task.structure, "postProcessing", direction) surfaceFieldValuePath = os.path.join(task.export, "postProcessing", "") if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) surfaceFieldValues = [ line.strip().split() for line in open(surfaceFieldValuePath, "r").readlines() ] with open(os.path.join(path, "porosity.dat")) as io: io.write("{}\t{}".format(task.coeff, surfaceFieldValues[-1][1])) ### # Main entry ## if __name__ == "__main__": main()