126 lines
3.4 KiB
126 lines
3.4 KiB
import os, sys, shutil
import subprocess
import logging
import time
import re
from datetime import timedelta
from config import logger
def application(name: str, *args: str, case: str = None, stderr: bool = True, useMPI: bool = False) -> int:
cmd = []
if useMPI:
nprocs = os.cpu_count()
cmd.extend(["mpirun", "-np", str(nprocs), "--oversubscribe"])
if case:
cmd.extend(["-case", case])
if args:
logger.info("{}: {}".format(name, [*args]))
logpath = os.path.join(case if case else "", "{}.log".format(name))
with subprocess.Popen(cmd,
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE) as p, \
open(logpath, "wb") as logfile:
for line in p.stdout:
#for line in p.stderr:
# logfile.write(line)
out, err = p.communicate()
if err and stderr:
{}""".format(name, str(err, "utf-8")))
return out, p.returncode
def foamVersion() -> str:
return "OpenFOAM-{}".format(os.environ["WM_PROJECT_VERSION"])
def foamClean(case: str = None):
rmDirs = ["0", "constant", "system", "postProcessing", "logs"]
rmDirs.extend([ "processor{}".format(n) for n in range(os.cpu_count()) ])
path = case if case else ""
for d in rmDirs:
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, d)):
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(path, d))
def ideasUnvToFoam(mesh: str, case: str = None) -> (str, int):
return application("ideasUnvToFoam", mesh, case = case, stderr = True)
def createPatch(dictfile: str = None, case: str = None):
args = ["-overwrite"]
if dictfile:
args.extend(["-dict", dictfile])
application("createPatch", *args, case = case, stderr = True)
def transformPoints(scale: tuple, case: str = None):
scale_ = "{}".format(scale).replace(",", "")
application("transformPoints", "-scale", scale_, case = case, stderr = True)
def checkMesh(case: str = None):
application("checkMesh", "-allGeometry", "-allTopology", case = case, stderr = True)
with open("checkMesh.log", "r") as io:
warnings = []
for line in io:
if re.search("\*\*\*", line):
warnings.append(line.replace("***", "").strip())
if warnings:
def foamDictionary(filepath: str, entry: str, value: str = None, case: str = None):
args = [filepath, "-entry", entry]
if value:
args.extend(["-set", value])
application("foamDictionary", *args, case = case, stderr = False)
def decomposePar(case: str = None):
application("decomposePar", case = case, stderr = True)
def renumberMesh(case: str = None):
application("renumberMesh", "-parallel", "-overwrite", useMPI = True, case = case, stderr = True)
def potentialFoam(case: str = None):
application("potentialFoam", "-parallel", useMPI = True, case = case, stderr = True)
def simpleFoam(case: str = None):
_, returncode = application("simpleFoam", "-parallel", useMPI = True, case = case, stderr = True)
with open("simpleFoam.log", "r") as io:
for line in io:
if re.search("solution converged", line):
return returncode