
nix-flake bonfire-cachix

Lit another Nix derivation

> This is a private configuration and experiment with Nix and NixOS. Formally > it's a more than just a dotfiles in cause of packages, modules, templates and > etc. Discover the current repository on your own risk. # Hints * Update and push inputs: ```sh nix flake update nix flake archive --json \ | jq -r '.path,(.inputs|to_entries[].value.path)' \ | cachix push bonfire ``` * Build and push package: ```sh nix build --json .#package \ | jq -r '.[].outputs | to_entries[].value' \ | cachix push bonfire ``` * Rebuild system with git submodules: ```sh nixos-rebuild switch --flake ".?submodules=1#astora" ``` * Rebuild remote system from local system with git submodules: ```sh nixos-rebuild switch --flake ".?submodules=1#catarina" --build-host l-nafaryus@astora --target-host l.nafaryus@catarina --use-remote-sudo ``` # License **bonfire** is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE). > MIT license does not apply to the packages built by **Nix**, merely to the files > in this repository. It also might not apply to patches included in **Nix**, which > may be derivative works of the packages to which they apply. The aforementioned > artifacts are all covered by the licenses of the respective packages.