{ config, lib, pkgs, rustc ? pkgs.rustc, cargo ? pkgs.cargo, rust-analyzer ? pkgs.rust-analyzer, ... }: { # General globals.mapleader = " "; opts = { # Show line numbers number = true; relativenumber = true; # Tab need 4 spaces please expandtab = true; tabstop = 4; softtabstop = 4; shiftwidth = 4; showtabline = 4; # Hide * markup conceallevel = 2; # Confirm on save confirm = true; cursorline = true; # Invisible characters I see you list = true; ignorecase = true; grepprg = "${lib.getExe pkgs.ripgrep} --vimgrep"; termguicolors = true; # Splits splitbelow = true; splitright = true; splitkeep = "screen"; # U, u, undo undofile = true; undolevels = 10000; updatetime = 200; # Command line completion mode wildmode = "longest:full,full"; smoothscroll = true; autowrite = true; pumblend = 10; pumheight = 10; }; globals = { bigfile_size = 1024 * 1024 * 1.5; }; editorconfig.enable = true; # Clipboard clipboard = { register = "unnamedplus"; providers.wl-copy.enable = true; }; # Copy/paste plugins.yanky = { enable = true; settings.system_clipboard.sync_with_ring = true; }; plugins.web-devicons.enable = true; diagnostics = { underline = true; update_in_insert = false; # lsp diagnostics grouped in the end of file virtual_text = { spacing = 4; source = "if_many"; prefix = "●"; }; # lsp diagnostic lines disabled by default, toggle it for pretty lines virtual_lines = false; # sort diagnostic messages severity_sort = true; # hightlight word under cursor document_highlight = { enabled = true; }; }; # Theme colorschemes = { gruvbox.enable = true; catppuccin = { enable = false; settings = { flavour = "macchiato"; no_bold = false; no_italic = false; no_underline = false; integrations = { cmp = true; notify = true; gitsigns = true; neotree = true; which_key = true; illuminate = { enabled = true; }; treesitter = true; telescope.enabled = true; indent_blankline.enabled = true; mini.enabled = true; native_lsp = { enabled = true; inlay_hints = { background = true; }; underlines = { errors = ["undercurl"]; hints = ["undercurl"]; information = ["undercurl"]; warnings = ["undercurl"]; }; }; }; }; }; }; # File tree plugins.neo-tree = { enable = true; filesystem = { useLibuvFileWatcher = true; filteredItems = { hideDotfiles = false; hideGitignored = false; }; }; defaultComponentConfigs = { indent = { withExpanders = true; expanderCollapsed = ""; expanderExpanded = ""; expanderHighlight = "NeoTreeExpander"; }; }; }; # UI plugins.noice = { enable = true; settings = { lsp.override = { "cmp.entry.get_documentation" = true; "vim.lsp.util.convert_input_to_markdown_lines" = true; "vim.lsp.util.stylize_markdown" = true; }; presets = { long_message_to_split = true; }; }; }; plugins.dressing = { enable = true; }; # Status line plugins.bufferline = { enable = true; settings.options = { diagnostics = "nvim_lsp"; mode = "buffers"; offsets = [ { filetype = "neo-tree"; text = "Neo-tree"; highlight = "Directory"; text_align = "left"; } ]; }; }; plugins.lualine = { enable = true; settings = { options = { globalstatus = true; extensions = ["neo-tree"]; }; sections = { lualine_a = [ "mode" { separator.right = ""; } ]; lualine_b = [ "branch" { icon = ""; separator.right = ""; } ]; lualine_c = [ "diagnostics" { separator.right = ">"; sources = ["nvim_lsp"]; symbols = { error = " "; warn = " "; info = " "; hint = "󰝶 "; }; } "filetype" { icon_only = true; separator = ""; padding = { left = 1; right = 0; }; } "filename" { path = 1; } ]; lualine_x = [ "diff" ]; lualine_y = [ "progress" { separator.left = ""; } "location" { separator.right = ""; } ]; lualine_z = [ { separator.left = ""; icon = " "; __unkeyed-1.__raw = '' function(text) return os.date("%R") end ''; } ]; }; }; }; plugins.notify.enable = true; plugins.project-nvim = { enable = true; enableTelescope = true; settings.show_hidden = true; }; # Syntax highlight plugins.treesitter = { enable = true; }; plugins.treesitter-textobjects.enable = true; # Double trouble of your code plugins.trouble = { enable = true; }; # Multifile search/replace plugins.spectre = { enable = true; findPackage = pkgs.ripgrep; replacePackage = pkgs.gnused; }; plugins.which-key = { enable = true; settings = { icons.group = "+"; spec = [ { __unkeyed = "g"; group = "Git"; } { __unkeyed = "c"; group = "Code"; } { __unkeyed = "s"; group = "Search"; } { __unkeyed = "w"; group = "Window"; } { __unkeyed = "q"; group = "Quit"; } ]; }; }; # LSP plugins = { lsp-lines.enable = true; lsp-format.enable = true; lsp = { enable = true; inlayHints = true; keymaps = { # vim.diagnostic. diagnostic = { "cd" = { action = "open_float"; desc = "Line diagnostics"; }; }; # vim.lsp.buf. lspBuf = { "K" = "hover"; "gK" = "signature_help"; "gr" = "references"; "gd" = "definition"; "gi" = "implementation"; "gt" = "type_definition"; "cr" = "rename"; "cf" = "format"; }; extra = [ { key = "cf"; action.__raw = "vim.lsp.buf.format"; options.desc = "Format"; } ]; }; servers = { clangd = { enable = true; cmd = [ "${config.plugins.lsp.servers.clangd.package}/bin/clangd" "--background-index" "--clang-tidy" "--header-insertion=iwyu" "--completion-style=detailed" "--function-arg-placeholders" "--fallback-style=llvm" ]; }; cmake.enable = true; nil_ls.enable = true; pyright.enable = true; ruff.enable = true; # pylyzer.enable = true; # not working with virtual environments currently :( #pylsp = { # enable = true; # https://github.com/nix-community/nixvim/pull/1893 # settings.plugins = { # pyflakes.enabled = true; # black.enabled = true; # }; #}; rust_analyzer = { enable = true; package = rust-analyzer; cargoPackage = cargo; rustcPackage = rustc; installCargo = false; installRustc = false; settings = { checkOnSave = true; check.command = "clippy"; inlayHints = { enable = true; showParameterNames = true; }; procMacro.enable = true; }; }; volar.enable = true; tailwindcss.enable = true; marksman.enable = true; }; }; }; # VCS plugins.gitsigns = { enable = true; settings = { signs = { add = { text = "▎"; }; change = { text = "▎"; }; delete = { text = ""; }; untracked = { text = "▎"; }; topdelete = { text = ""; }; changedelete = { text = "▎"; }; }; }; }; plugins.lazygit.enable = true; # Formatting plugins.none-ls = { enable = true; # nix sources.formatting.alejandra.enable = true; }; # Search, search, search plugins.telescope = { enable = true; extensions.fzf-native.enable = true; keymaps = { "sgf" = { action = "git_files"; options = { desc = "Files"; }; }; "sgc" = { action = "git_commits"; options = { desc = "Commits"; }; }; "sgs" = { action = "git_status"; options = { desc = "Status"; }; }; "sk" = { action = "keymaps"; options = { desc = "Key Maps"; }; }; "sf" = { action = "live_grep"; options = { desc = "Grep Root Directory"; }; }; }; }; plugins.todo-comments.enable = true; # Terminal plugins.toggleterm = { enable = true; settings = { direction = "float"; open_mapping = "[[]]"; }; }; # Completion plugins = { cmp = { enable = true; settings = { sources = [ { name = "nvim_lsp"; } { name = "path"; } { name = "buffer"; } ]; experimental = { ghost_text = { hl_group = "CmpGhostText"; }; }; mapping = { "" = "cmp.mapping.complete()"; "" = "cmp.mapping.confirm({ behavior = cmp.ConfirmBehavior.Replace, select = true })"; "" = "cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.confirm({ select = true }), { 'i', 's', 'c' })"; "" = "cmp.mapping.select_prev_item()"; "" = "cmp.mapping.select_next_item()"; }; formatting.format = '' function(entry, item) local icons = { Array = " ", Boolean = "󰨙 ", Class = " ", Codeium = "󰘦 ", Color = " ", Control = " ", Collapsed = " ", Constant = "󰏿 ", Constructor = " ", Copilot = " ", Enum = " ", EnumMember = " ", Event = " ", Field = " ", File = " ", Folder = " ", Function = "󰊕 ", Interface = " ", Key = " ", Keyword = " ", Method = "󰊕 ", Module = " ", Namespace = "󰦮 ", Null = " ", Number = "󰎠 ", Object = " ", Operator = " ", Package = " ", Property = " ", Reference = " ", Snippet = " ", String = " ", Struct = "󰆼 ", TabNine = "󰏚 ", Text = " ", TypeParameter = " ", Unit = " ", Value = " ", Variable = "󰀫 ", } if icons[item.kind] then item.kind = icons[item.kind] .. item.kind end local widths = { abbr = vim.g.cmp_widths and vim.g.cmp_widths.abbr or 40, menu = vim.g.cmp_widths and vim.g.cmp_widths.menu or 30, } for key, width in pairs(widths) do if item[key] and vim.fn.strdisplaywidth(item[key]) > width then item[key] = vim.fn.strcharpart(item[key], 0, width - 1) .. "…" end end return item end ''; }; }; cmp-nvim-lsp.enable = true; cmp-path.enable = true; cmp-buffer.enable = true; }; # Keymaps keymaps = [ # General { mode = "n"; key = "qq"; action = "qa"; options = {desc = "Quit All";}; } { mode = "n"; key = "ww"; action = "p"; options = {desc = "Other Window";}; } { mode = "n"; key = "wd"; action = "c"; options = {desc = "Delete Window";}; } { mode = "n"; key = "ws"; action = "s"; options = {desc = "Split Below";}; } { mode = "n"; key = "wv"; action = "v"; options = {desc = "Split Right";}; } { mode = "n"; key = ""; action = "h"; options = {desc = "Go To Left Window";}; } { mode = "n"; key = ""; action = "j"; options = {desc = "Go To Lower Window";}; } { mode = "n"; key = ""; action = "k"; options = {desc = "Go To Upper Window";}; } { mode = "n"; key = ""; action = "l"; options = {desc = "Go To Right Window";}; } { mode = "v"; key = ">"; action = ">gv"; options = {desc = "Indent right selected text";}; } { mode = "v"; key = "<"; action = "