L-Nafaryus 008b4ad3a4
Some checks failed
nix / check (push) Failing after 31s
flake: reformat all
new: packages: bonvim, nixvim configuration of neovim
remove: config: hyprland -> declarative
remove: config: nvim
nixosModules: structure with categories
new: configurations: concept of preconfigured modules
catarina: disable papermc server
catarina: hydra server
flake: hydraJobs outputs
2024-07-08 15:07:24 +05:00

56 lines
1.2 KiB

}: {
catarina = {
sops = {
defaultSopsFile = ./catarina.yaml;
age.keyFile = "/var/lib/secrets/sops-nix/catarina.txt";
secrets = {
"dns" = {};
"users/root" = {neededForUsers = true;};
"users/l-nafaryus" = {neededForUsers = true;};
"database/git" = {
owner = "git";
group = "gitea";
"mail/l-nafaryus" = {};
"mail/git" = {};
"mail/kirill" = {};
"gitea/mail" = {
owner = "git";
group = "gitea";
"gitea-runner/master-token" = {};
"papermc/rcon" = lib.mkIf config.services.papermc.enable {
owner = "papermc";
group = "papermc";
discordToken = {
owner = "oscuro";
group = "oscuro";
mailAccounts = {
"l.nafaryus@elnafo.ru" = {
hashedPasswordFile = config.sops.secrets."mail/l-nafaryus".path;
aliases = ["l-nafaryus@elnafo.ru"];
"kirill@elnafo.ru" = {
hashedPasswordFile = config.sops.secrets."mail/kirill".path;
"git@elnafo.ru" = {
hashedPasswordFile = config.sops.secrets."mail/git".path;