use argon2::{password_hash::SaltString, Argon2, PasswordHasher}; use argon2::{PasswordHash, PasswordVerifier}; use axum::body::Bytes; use axum::extract::{Multipart, Path}; use axum::http::HeaderValue; use axum::response::Response; use axum::Extension; use axum::{ extract::State, http::{header, StatusCode}, response::IntoResponse, Json, }; use axum_extra::extract::cookie::{Cookie, SameSite}; use rand_core::OsRng; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::sync::Arc; use crate::config::Config; use crate::state::AppState; use crate::{ db, db::schema::users, db::user::{NewUser, User}, }; use super::errors::ApiError; use super::token::TokenClaims; #[derive(Debug, utoipa::ToSchema)] pub enum UserError { Exists, HashPassword, ParseUuid, MissedCredentials, InvalidCredentials, NotFound, Unauthorized, } impl std::error::Error for UserError {} impl std::fmt::Display for UserError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { match self { Self::Exists => write!(f, "User already exists"), Self::HashPassword => write!(f, "Failed to create a password hash"), Self::ParseUuid => write!(f, "Failed to parse user UUID"), Self::MissedCredentials => write!(f, "Missed user credentials"), Self::InvalidCredentials => write!(f, "Invalid user credentials"), Self::NotFound => write!(f, "User not found"), Self::Unauthorized => write!(f, "User is not authorized"), } } } pub mod schema { use crate::db::user; #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, utoipa::ToSchema)] pub struct NewUser { pub login: String, pub password: String, pub email: String, } #[derive(Debug, serde::Serialize, utoipa::ToSchema)] pub struct User { pub id: String, pub login: String, pub name: String, pub email: String, pub is_admin: bool, pub avatar: String, } #[derive(serde::Deserialize, utoipa::ToSchema)] pub struct RemoveUser { pub id: String, } #[derive(serde::Deserialize, utoipa::ToSchema)] pub struct LoginUser { pub email: Option, pub login: Option, pub password: String, } #[derive(serde::Deserialize, utoipa::ToSchema)] pub struct Avatar { pub content: String, pub mime: String, } impl User { pub fn from(user: &user::User) -> Self { User { id:, login: user.login.to_string(), name:, email:, is_admin: user.is_admin, avatar: user.avatar.to_owned(), } } } #[derive(utoipa::ToSchema)] pub struct Image { #[schema(value_type = String, format = Binary)] pub file_content: Vec, } } #[utoipa::path(get, path = "/api/user/all", responses((status = 200, body = [User])) )] pub async fn all(State(state): State>) -> Result>, ApiError> { use diesel::prelude::*; let users = db::execute(&state.database, move |conn| { }) .await? .into_iter() .map(|ref user| schema::User::from(user)) .collect::>(); Ok(Json(users)) } #[utoipa::path(post, path = "/api/user/register", request_body = NewUser, responses((status = 200, body = User), (status = 500, body = ApiError)) )] pub async fn register( State(state): State>, Json(body): Json, ) -> Result, ApiError> { use diesel::prelude::*; let count = db::execute(&state.database, move |conn| { users::table.into_boxed().count().get_result::(conn) }) .await?; let (login, email) = (body.login.clone(),; let user = db::execute(&state.database, move |conn| { users::table .into_boxed() .filter(users::login.eq(login).or(users::email.eq(email))) .first::(conn) .optional() }) .await?; if user.is_some() { return Err(ApiError::Query(UserError::Exists)); } let hashed_password = Argon2::default() .hash_password(body.password.as_bytes(), &SaltString::generate(&mut OsRng)) .map_err(|_| ApiError::Query(UserError::HashPassword)) .map(|hash| hash.to_string())?; let new_user = NewUser { login: body.login.clone(), hashed_password, name: body.login, email:, is_admin: count == 0, avatar: String::default(), }; let user = db::execute(&state.database, move |conn| { diesel::insert_into(users::table) .values(new_user) .returning(User::as_returning()) .get_result(conn) }) .await?; Ok(Json(schema::User::from(&user))) } #[utoipa::path(post, path = "/api/user/remove", request_body = RemoveUser, responses((status = 200)) )] pub async fn remove( State(state): State>, Json(body): Json, ) -> Result<(), ApiError> { use diesel::prelude::*; let uuid = uuid::Uuid::parse_str(&|_| ApiError::Query(UserError::ParseUuid))?; db::execute(&state.database, move |conn| { diesel::delete(users::table.filter(users::id.eq(uuid))).execute(conn) }) .await?; Ok(()) } #[utoipa::path(post, path = "/api/user/login", request_body = LoginUser, responses((status = 200, body = User), (status = "4XX", body = UserError), (status = 500, body = ApiError)) )] pub async fn login( State(state): State>, Json(body): Json, ) -> Result { use diesel::prelude::*; let query = users::table.into_boxed().select(User::as_select()); let query = if let Some(login) = body.login { query.filter(users::login.eq(login)) } else if let Some(email) = { query.filter(users::email.eq(email)) } else { return Err(ApiError::Query(UserError::MissedCredentials)); }; let user = db::execute(&state.database, move |conn| { query.first::(conn).optional() }) .await?; let user = match user { Some(user) => user, None => return Err(ApiError::Query(UserError::InvalidCredentials)), }; if !match PasswordHash::new(&user.hashed_password) { Ok(parsed_hash) => Argon2::default() .verify_password(body.password.as_bytes(), &parsed_hash) .map_or(false, |_| true), Err(_) => false, } { return Err(ApiError::Query(UserError::InvalidCredentials)); } let token = TokenClaims::create(, state.config.jwt.secret.to_owned(), state.config.jwt.maxage, ) .unwrap(); let cookie = Cookie::build(("token", token.to_owned())) .path("/") .max_age(time::Duration::hours(1)) .same_site(SameSite::None) .secure(true) .http_only(true); let mut response = Json(schema::User::from(&user)).into_response(); response .headers_mut() .insert(header::SET_COOKIE, cookie.to_string().parse().unwrap()); Ok(response) } #[utoipa::path(get, path = "/api/user/logout", responses((status = 200)))] pub async fn logout() -> Result { let cookie = Cookie::build(("token", "")) .path("/") .max_age(time::Duration::hours(-1)) .same_site(SameSite::None) .secure(true) .http_only(true); let response = Response::builder() .status(StatusCode::OK) .header( header::SET_COOKIE, cookie.to_string().parse::().unwrap(), ) .body(axum::body::Body::empty()) .unwrap(); Ok(response) } #[utoipa::path(get, path = "/api/user/{login}", params(("login", Path,)), responses((status = 404, body = UserError), (status = 500, body = ApiError)) )] pub async fn profile( State(state): State>, Extension(user_id): Extension>, Path(login): Path, ) -> Result { use diesel::prelude::*; // TODO: Current user priveleges let user = db::execute(&state.database, move |conn| { users::table .into_boxed() .filter(users::login.eq(login)) .first::(conn) .optional() }) .await?; match user { Some(user) => Ok(Json(schema::User::from(&user))), None => Err(ApiError::Query(UserError::NotFound)), } } #[utoipa::path(get, path = "/api/user/current", security(("token" = [])) )] pub async fn current( State(state): State>, Extension(user_id): Extension>, ) -> Result { use diesel::prelude::*; let uuid = match user_id { Some(user_id) => user_id, None => return Err(ApiError::Query(UserError::Unauthorized)), }; let user = db::execute(&state.database, move |conn| { users::table .into_boxed() .filter(users::id.eq(uuid)) .first::(conn) .optional() }) .await?; match user { Some(user) => Ok(Json(schema::User::from(&user))), None => Err(ApiError::Query(UserError::NotFound)), } } #[axum::debug_handler] #[utoipa::path(post, path = "/api/user/avatar", security(("token" = [])), request_body(content = Image, content_type = "multipart/form-data"), responses((status = 200), (status = "4XX", body = UserError), (status = 500, body = ApiError)) )] pub async fn avatar( State(state): State>, Extension(user_id): Extension>, //Json(body): Json, mut multipart: Multipart, ) -> Result { use diesel::prelude::*; let uuid = match user_id { Some(user_id) => user_id, None => return Err(ApiError::Query(UserError::Unauthorized)), }; let user = db::execute(&state.database, move |conn| { users::table .into_boxed() .filter(users::id.eq(uuid)) .first::(conn) .optional() }) .await?; let user = match user { Some(user) => user, None => return Err(ApiError::Query(UserError::NotFound)), }; let data: Bytes = if let Some(field) = multipart .next_field() .await .map_err(|_| ApiError::ReadContent)? { /*if != "file" { continue; }*/ field.bytes().await.map_err(|_| ApiError::ReadContent)? } else { return Err(ApiError::ReadContent); }; let avatars = db::execute(&state.database, move |conn| { users::table .into_boxed() .select(users::avatar) .get_results::(conn) }) .await? .into_iter() .filter(|avatar_hash| !avatar_hash.is_empty()) .collect::>(); let avatar_id = sqids::Sqids::builder() .min_length(10) .blocklist(HashSet::from_iter(avatars.clone().into_iter())) .build() .unwrap() .encode(&[avatars.len() as u64]) .unwrap(); let reader = image::io::Reader::new(std::io::Cursor::new(data)) .with_guessed_format() .unwrap(); let format = reader.format().unwrap(); let img = reader.decode().unwrap(); img.save_with_format( Config::data_dir() .unwrap() .join("avatars") .join(avatar_id.clone()), format, ) .unwrap(); if !user.avatar.is_empty() { std::fs::remove_file( Config::data_dir() .unwrap() .join("avatars") .join(user.avatar.clone()), ) .unwrap(); } db::execute(&state.database, move |conn| { diesel::update(&user) .set(users::avatar.eq(avatar_id)) .execute(conn) }) .await?; Ok(()) }