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Raw Normal View History

2023-03-13 22:27:09 +05:00
#pragma once
#include <hpr/math.hpp>
#include "camera.hpp"
#include "entity.hpp"
using namespace hpr;
vec3 unproject(const vec3& win, const mat4& model, const mat4& proj, const vec4& viewport)
mat4 inverse = inv(proj * model);
vec4 tmp = vec4(win, 1.);
tmp[0] = (tmp[0] - viewport[0]) / viewport[2];
tmp[1] = (tmp[1] - viewport[1]) / viewport[3];
tmp = tmp * 2.f - 1.f;
vec4 obj = inverse * tmp;
obj /= obj[3];
return vec3(obj);
class Ray
vec3 p_position;
vec3 p_direction;
Ray() :
p_position {},
p_direction {}
Ray(const vec3& position, const vec3& direction) :
p_position {position},
p_direction {direction}
void fromScreen(int x, int y, int width, int height, Camera* camera, Entity* entity)
2023-04-10 22:01:56 +05:00
vec4 start {2.f * (float)x / (float)width - 1.f, 2.f * (float)y / (float)height - 1.f, 0.f, 1.f};
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vec4 end {2.f * (float)x / (float)width - 1.f, 2.f * (float)y / (float)height - 1.f, 1.f, 1.f};
mat4 invPV = inv(transpose(camera->projection()) * transpose(camera->view()));
vec4 startWorld = invPV * start;
startWorld /= startWorld[3];
vec4 endWorld = invPV * end;
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endWorld /= endWorld[3];
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2023-04-10 22:01:56 +05:00
//vec3 end = unproject(vec3(x, y, 0), entity->model(), camera->projection(), vec4(0, 0, width, height));
2023-03-13 22:27:09 +05:00
p_position = vec3(startWorld);
p_direction = normalize(vec3(endWorld - startWorld));
bool obb(const vec3& aabbMin, const vec3& aabbMax, Entity* entity, float& tMin, float& tMax)
tMin = 0.;
tMax = 1e+5;
mat4 model = entity->model();
vec3 obbPos {model(0, 3), model(1, 3), model(2, 3)};
vec3 delta = obbPos - p_position;
for (auto n = 0; n < 3; ++n)
vec3 axis {model(0, n), model(1, n), model(2, n)};
scalar e = dot(axis, delta);
scalar f = dot(p_direction, axis);
if (hpr::abs(f) > 1e-3)
scalar t1 = (e + aabbMin[n]) / f;
scalar t2 = (e + aabbMax[n]) / f;
if (t1 > t2)
std::swap(t1, t2);
if (t2 < tMax)
tMax = t2;
if (t1 > tMin)
tMin = t1;
if (tMax < tMin)
return false;
if (-e + aabbMin[n] > 0.f || -e + aabbMax[n] < 0.f)
return false;
//dist = tMin;
return true;
bool RayIntersectsTriangle(Vector3D rayOrigin,
Vector3D rayVector,
Triangle* inTriangle,
Vector3D& outIntersectionPoint)
const float EPSILON = 0.0000001;
Vector3D vertex0 = inTriangle->vertex0;
Vector3D vertex1 = inTriangle->vertex1;
Vector3D vertex2 = inTriangle->vertex2;
Vector3D edge1, edge2, h, s, q;
float a,f,u,v;
edge1 = vertex1 - vertex0;
edge2 = vertex2 - vertex0;
h = rayVector.crossProduct(edge2);
a = edge1.dotProduct(h);
if (a > -EPSILON && a < EPSILON)
return false; // This ray is parallel to this triangle.
f = 1.0/a;
s = rayOrigin - vertex0;
u = f * s.dotProduct(h);
if (u < 0.0 || u > 1.0)
return false;
q = s.crossProduct(edge1);
v = f * rayVector.dotProduct(q);
if (v < 0.0 || u + v > 1.0)
return false;
// At this stage we can compute t to find out where the intersection point is on the line.
float t = f * edge2.dotProduct(q);
if (t > EPSILON) // ray intersection
outIntersectionPoint = rayOrigin + rayVector * t;
return true;
else // This means that there is a line intersection but not a ray intersection.
return false;