#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace hpr::csg { class Shape; } namespace std { template<> struct less { bool operator() (const hpr::csg::Shape& s1, const hpr::csg::Shape& s2) const; }; } namespace hpr::csg { // Forward declaration of friend functions double distance(const Shape& lhs, const Shape& rhs); Shape fuse(const Shape& lhs, const Shape& rhs); Shape fuse(const darray& args, const darray& tools); Shape common(const Shape& lhs, const Shape& rhs); Shape cut(const Shape& lhs, const Shape& rhs); // Class declaration class Shape { public: enum class Type { Compound, Compsolid, Solid, Shell, Face, Wire, Edge, Vertex, Shape, Unknown }; enum class Format { Unknown, STEP }; class Metadata { public: std::string label; public: Metadata() : label {"default"} {} void merge(const Metadata& data) { if (label == "default" && data.label != "default") label = data.label; } }; public: // TODO: clean up map static std::map metadata; protected: TopoDS_Shape p_shape; public: [[nodiscard]] TopoDS_Shape tshape() const { return p_shape; } Shape(const TopoDS_Shape& s) : p_shape {s} {} Shape(TopoDS_Shape&& s) noexcept: p_shape {std::forward(s)} {} public: Shape() : p_shape {} {} virtual ~Shape() = default; //{ //if (metadata.contains(*this)) // metadata.erase(*this); //} [[nodiscard]] Type type() const { switch (p_shape.ShapeType()) { case TopAbs_VERTEX: return Type::Vertex; case TopAbs_EDGE: return Type::Edge; case TopAbs_FACE: return Type::Face; case TopAbs_WIRE: return Type::Wire; case TopAbs_SHELL: return Type::Shell; case TopAbs_SOLID: return Type::Solid; case TopAbs_COMPOUND: return Type::Compound; case TopAbs_COMPSOLID: return Type::Compsolid; case TopAbs_SHAPE: return Type::Shape; default: return Type::Unknown; } } [[nodiscard]] vec3 center() const { GProp_GProps props; switch (type()) { case Type::Solid: case Type::Compsolid: case Type::Compound: BRepGProp::VolumeProperties(p_shape, props); case Type::Shell: case Type::Face: BRepGProp::SurfaceProperties(p_shape, props); default: BRepGProp::LinearProperties(p_shape, props); } gp_Pnt center {props.CentreOfMass()}; return vec3 {center.X(), center.Y(), center.Z()}; } [[nodiscard]] double length() const { GProp_GProps props; switch (type()) { case Type::Vertex: return 0; default: BRepGProp::LinearProperties(p_shape, props); return props.Mass(); } } [[nodiscard]] double area() const { GProp_GProps props; switch (type()) { case Type::Vertex: case Type::Edge: case Type::Wire: return 0; default: BRepGProp::SurfaceProperties(p_shape, props); return props.Mass(); } } [[nodiscard]] double volume() const { GProp_GProps props; switch (type()) { case Type::Compsolid: case Type::Solid: BRepGProp::VolumeProperties(p_shape, props); return props.Mass(); default: return 0; } } void label(const std::string& label) const { metadata[*this].label = label; } [[nodiscard]] std::string label() const { return metadata[*this].label; } void dump(const std::string& filename, Format format) const { if (p_shape.IsNull()) throw std::runtime_error("Trying to export null shape"); switch (format) { case Format::STEP: { STEPControl_Writer writer; Interface_Static::SetCVal("xstep.cascade.unit", "MM"); Interface_Static::SetCVal("write.step.unit", "MM"); Interface_Static::SetIVal("write.step.nonmanifold", 1); writer.Transfer(p_shape, STEPControl_AsIs); writer.Write(filename.c_str()); break; } case Format::Unknown: default: throw std::invalid_argument("Unknown export format"); } } // [[nodiscard]] sarray boundingBox() const { Bnd_Box bbox; BRepBndLib::Add(p_shape, bbox, true); gp_Pnt p1 {bbox.CornerMin()}; gp_Pnt p2 {bbox.CornerMax()}; return sarray {{p1.X(), p1.Y(), p1.Z()}, {p2.X(), p2.Y(), p2.Z()}}; } void incrementalMesh(double deflection) { BRepTools::Clean(p_shape); BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh(p_shape, deflection, true); } darray subShapes(Type type) const { darray subshapes; for (TopExp_Explorer exp(p_shape, static_cast(type)); exp.More(); exp.Next()) subshapes.push(Shape(exp.Current())); return subshapes; } darray edges() const { return subShapes(Type::Edge); } darray faces() const { return subShapes(Type::Face); } darray shells() const { return subShapes(Type::Shell); } // Member functions: transformations Shape translate(const vec3& dir) { gp_Trsf transform; transform.SetTranslation(gp_Vec(dir[0], dir[1], dir[2])); BRepBuilderAPI_Transform builder {p_shape, transform, true}; return builder.Shape(); } Shape rotate(const vec3& pos, const vec3& axis, double angle) { gp_Trsf transform; transform.SetRotation(gp_Ax1({pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]}, {axis[0], axis[1], axis[2]}), rad(angle)); BRepBuilderAPI_Transform builder {p_shape, transform, true}; return builder.Shape(); } Shape scale(const vec3& center, double scale) { gp_Trsf transform; transform.SetScale(gp_Pnt(center[0], center[1], center[2]), scale); BRepBuilderAPI_Transform builder {p_shape, transform, true}; return builder.Shape(); } Shape& scaled(const vec3& center, double scale) { p_shape = this->scale(center, scale).p_shape; return *this; } Shape extrude(const vec3& dir, double length) { BRepPrimAPI_MakePrism builder {p_shape, length * gp_Vec(dir[0], dir[1], dir[2]), true}; for (auto& type : { Type::Solid, Type::Face, Type::Edge, Type::Vertex }) for (TopExp_Explorer exp {p_shape, static_cast(type)}; exp.More(); exp.Next()) { auto data = metadata[Shape(exp.Current())]; for (auto& mod : builder.Generated(exp.Current())) metadata[Shape(mod)].merge(data); } return builder.Shape(); } Shape fillet(darray edges, double radius) { BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet fillet {p_shape}; for (auto& e : edges) fillet.Add(radius, TopoDS::Edge(e.p_shape)); fillet.Build(); return fillet.Shape(); } // Friend functions friend double distance(const Shape& lhs, const Shape& rhs) { return BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape(lhs.tshape(), rhs.tshape()).Value(); } friend Shape fuse(const Shape& lhs, const Shape& rhs) { BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse builder {lhs.p_shape, rhs.p_shape}; builder.Build(); return Shape {builder.Shape()}; } friend Shape fuse(const darray& args, const darray& tools) { BRepAlgoAPI_Fuse builder; NCollection_List args_, tools_; for (auto& arg : args) args_.Append(arg.tshape()); for (auto& tool : tools) tools_.Append(tool.tshape()); builder.SetArguments(args_); builder.SetTools(tools_); builder.Build(); return Shape {builder.Shape()}; } friend Shape common(const Shape& lhs, const Shape& rhs) { BRepAlgoAPI_Common builder {lhs.p_shape, rhs.p_shape}; builder.Build(); return Shape {builder.Shape()}; } friend Shape cut(const Shape& lhs, const Shape& rhs) { BRepAlgoAPI_Cut builder {lhs.p_shape, rhs.p_shape}; builder.Build(); for (auto& type : { Type::Solid, Type::Face, Type::Edge, Type::Vertex }) for (TopExp_Explorer exp {lhs.p_shape, static_cast(type)}; exp.More(); exp.Next()) { auto data = metadata[Shape(exp.Current())]; for (auto& mod : builder.Modified(exp.Current())) metadata[Shape(mod)].merge(data); } for (auto& type : { Type::Solid, Type::Face, Type::Edge, Type::Vertex }) for (TopExp_Explorer exp {rhs.p_shape, static_cast(type)}; exp.More(); exp.Next()) { auto data = metadata[Shape(exp.Current())]; for (auto& mod : builder.Modified(exp.Current())) metadata[Shape(mod)].merge(data); } return Shape {builder.Shape()}; } }; // Global functions: primitives Shape sphere(vec3 center, double radius); Shape box(vec3 corner, double dx, double dy, double dz); }