L-Nafaryus 997f37d5ee
new: reconstruct project
new: pdm package manager (python)
new: workspace for three subprojects
new: dream2nix module for packaging
new: postgresql and redis images
more: and more
2024-06-17 19:52:24 +05:00

80 lines
2.7 KiB

from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from typing import AsyncIterator, Self
from pathlib import Path
from pydantic import BaseModel, PostgresDsn
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncConnection, AsyncEngine, AsyncSession, async_sessionmaker, create_async_engine
from asyncpg import Connection
from alembic.config import Config as AlembicConfig
from alembic.operations import Operations
from alembic.runtime.migration import MigrationContext
from alembic.script.base import ScriptDirectory
from materia_server.models.base import Base
__all__ = [ "Database" ]
class Database:
def __init__(self, url: PostgresDsn, engine: AsyncEngine, sessionmaker: async_sessionmaker[AsyncSession]):
self.url: PostgresDsn = url
self.engine: AsyncEngine = engine
self.sessionmaker: async_sessionmaker[AsyncSession] = sessionmaker
def new(url: PostgresDsn, pool_size: int = 100, autocommit: bool = False, autoflush: bool = False, expire_on_commit: bool = False) -> Self:
engine = create_async_engine(str(url), pool_size = pool_size)
sessionmaker = async_sessionmaker(
bind = engine,
autocommit = autocommit,
autoflush = autoflush,
expire_on_commit = expire_on_commit
return Database(
url = url,
engine = engine,
sessionmaker = sessionmaker
async def dispose(self):
await self.engine.dispose()
async def connection(self) -> AsyncIterator[AsyncConnection]:
async with self.engine.begin() as connection:
yield connection
except Exception as e:
await connection.rollback()
raise e
async def session(self) -> AsyncIterator[AsyncSession]:
session = self.sessionmaker();
yield session
except Exception as e:
await session.rollback()
raise e
await session.close()
def run_migrations(self, connection: Connection):
config = AlembicConfig(Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent / "alembic.ini")
config.set_main_option("sqlalchemy.url", self.url) # type: ignore
context = MigrationContext.configure(
connection = connection, # type: ignore
opts = {
"target_metadata": Base.metadata,
"fn": lambda rev, _: ScriptDirectory.from_config(config)._upgrade_revs("head", rev)
with context.begin_transaction():
with Operations.context(context):