2008-03-07 12:45:34 +05:00
\page create_filling_page Filling Surface with Edges
To generate a \b Filling in the <b>Main Menu</b> select <b>New Entity - > Generation - > Filling</b>
2012-08-09 13:58:02 +06:00
To create a curvilinear face from several edges you need to define the
2009-02-13 17:16:39 +05:00
following parameters:
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\n <b>Input Compound</b> - the list of edges/wires used for creation
of the surface. To prepare for the filling each wire of the compound
is converted to an edge created on a BSpline curve built using curves
from all edges of the wire.
\n \b Minimum and <b>Maximum Degree</b> of equation of the resulting
BSpline or Besier curves describing the surface;
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\n \b Tolerance for \b 2D and for \b 3D - minimum distance between the
created surface and the reference edge;
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\n <b>Number of Iterations</b> - defines the maximum number of iterations. The
iterations are repeated until the required tolerance is reached. So, a
greater number of iterations allows producing a better surface.
\n <b>Method</b> - Kind of method to perform filling operation
<li>Default - the standard behaviour.</li>
<li>Use edges orientation - the edges orientation is used: if an edge is
reversed, the curve from this edge is reversed before being used by the filling
<li>Auto-correct edges orientation - curves orientation is changed to
minimize the sum of distances between ends points of edges.</li>
\n <b>Approximation</b> - if checked, BSpline curves are generated in
the process of surface construction (using
GeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurface functionality). By default the surface
is created using Besier curves. The usage of <b>Approximation</b>
slows the algorithm, but allows building the surface for complex cases.
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2008-03-07 12:45:34 +05:00
\n The \b Result of the operation will be a GEOM_Object (face).
2009-02-13 17:16:39 +05:00
\n <b>TUI Command:</b> <em>geompy.MakeFilling(Edges, MinDegree, MaxDegree, Tol2D, Tol3D, NbIter)</em>
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\n <b>Arguments:</b> Name + 1 List of edges + 7 Parameters
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(Min. degree, Max. degree, Number of iterations, 2D tolerance, 3D
2012-08-09 13:58:02 +06:00
tolerance, Number of iterations, Method, Approximation).
\n <b>Advanced options</b> \ref preview_anchor "Preview"
2008-03-07 12:45:34 +05:00
\image html filling.png
2009-02-13 17:16:39 +05:00
\image html filling_compoundsn.png "Initial edges"
2008-03-07 12:45:34 +05:00
2009-02-13 17:16:39 +05:00
\image html fillingsn.png "Resulting surface"
2008-03-07 12:45:34 +05:00
Our <b>TUI Scripts</b> provide you with useful examples of creation of
\ref tui_creation_filling "Complex Geometric Objects".