mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 04:57:55 +05:00
Implementation of the 20937: EDF 1399 GEOM: extend the properties of GEOM object.
This commit is contained in:
@ -477,6 +477,11 @@ void DisplayGUI::ChangeDisplayMode( const int mode, SUIT_ViewWindow* viewWindow
LightApp_SelectionMgr* aSelMgr = app->selectionMgr();
if ( !aSelMgr ) return;
SalomeApp_Study* aStudy = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>(app->activeStudy());
SALOME_ListIO aList;
@ -484,6 +489,8 @@ void DisplayGUI::ChangeDisplayMode( const int mode, SUIT_ViewWindow* viewWindow
if ( viewWindow->getViewManager()->getType() == SVTK_Viewer::Type() ) {
SVTK_ViewWindow* vw = dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>( viewWindow );
SVTK_View* aView = vw->getView();
int mgrId = viewWindow->getViewManager()->getGlobalId();
bool vectorMode = false;
aSelMgr->selectedObjects( aList );
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( aList );
@ -502,9 +509,15 @@ void DisplayGUI::ChangeDisplayMode( const int mode, SUIT_ViewWindow* viewWindow
while (vtkActor* anAct = anActors->GetNextActor()) {
GEOM_Actor* aGeomActor = GEOM_Actor::SafeDownCast(anAct);
vectorMode = !aGeomActor->GetVectorMode();
if(mode == 0 || mode == 1) {
aStudy->setObjectProperty(mgrId,It.Value()->getEntry(),DISPLAY_MODE_PROP, mode);
} else if (mode == 3) {
aStudy->setObjectProperty(mgrId, It.Value()->getEntry(),VECTOR_MODE_PROP , vectorMode);
@ -516,6 +529,8 @@ void DisplayGUI::ChangeDisplayMode( const int mode, SUIT_ViewWindow* viewWindow
aSelMgr->selectedObjects( aList );
SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( aList );
int mgrId = viewWindow->getViewManager()->getGlobalId();
bool vectorMode = 0;
for( ;It.More(); It.Next() ) {
SOCC_Viewer* soccViewer = (SOCC_Viewer*)(viewWindow->getViewManager()->getViewModel());
@ -531,11 +546,17 @@ void DisplayGUI::ChangeDisplayMode( const int mode, SUIT_ViewWindow* viewWindow
if (mode == 2 ) {
Handle(GEOM_AISShape) aSh = Handle(GEOM_AISShape)::DownCast( interIter.Value() );
if ( !aSh.IsNull() ) {
vectorMode = !aSh->isShowVectors();
if(mode == 0 || mode == 1) {
aStudy->setObjectProperty(mgrId, It.Value()->getEntry(),DISPLAY_MODE_PROP, mode);
} else if (mode == 2) {
aStudy->setObjectProperty(mgrId, It.Value()->getEntry(),VECTOR_MODE_PROP, vectorMode);
@ -109,6 +109,14 @@ static inline SalomeApp_Study* getActiveStudy()
return 0;
static inline int getViewManagerId( SALOME_View* theViewFrame) {
SUIT_ViewModel* aModel = dynamic_cast<SUIT_ViewModel*>(theViewFrame);
SUIT_ViewManager* aViewMgr = 0;
if(aModel != 0)
aViewMgr = aModel->getViewManager();
return ((aViewMgr == 0) ? -1 :aViewMgr->getGlobalId());
// Function : getTopAbsMode
// Purpose : Get TopAbs_ShapeEnum value corresponding to the
@ -342,6 +350,11 @@ void GEOM_Displayer::Display( const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& theIO,
if ( updateViewer )
int aMgrId = getViewManagerId(vf);
SalomeApp_Study* aStudy = getStudy();
aStudy->setObjectProperty(aMgrId, theIO->getEntry(), VISIBILITY_PROP, 1 );
delete prs; // delete presentation because displayer is its owner
@ -389,6 +402,10 @@ void GEOM_Displayer::Erase( const Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject)& theIO,
if ( updateViewer )
delete prs; // delete presentation because displayer is its owner
int aMgrId = getViewManagerId(vf);
SalomeApp_Study* aStudy = getStudy();
aStudy->setObjectProperty(aMgrId, theIO->getEntry(), VISIBILITY_PROP, 0 );
@ -515,7 +532,7 @@ void GEOM_Displayer::Update( SALOME_OCCPrs* prs )
SOCC_Prs* occPrs = dynamic_cast<SOCC_Prs*>( prs );
if ( !occPrs )
if ( myType == GEOM_MARKER && !myShape.IsNull() && myShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE )
TopoDS_Face aFace = TopoDS::Face( myShape );
@ -569,8 +586,35 @@ void GEOM_Displayer::Update( SALOME_OCCPrs* prs )
// if presentation is empty we try to create new one
if ( occPrs->IsNull() )
if ( !myShape.IsNull() )
SalomeApp_Study* aStudy = getStudy();
if ( !myShape.IsNull() ) {
bool onlyVertex = (myShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX || isCompoundOfVertices( myShape ));
QString anEntry;
int aMgrId = -1;
if(!myIO.IsNull()) {
aMgrId = getViewManagerId(myViewFrame);
anEntry = myIO->getEntry();
bool useStudy = !anEntry.isEmpty() && aMgrId != -1;
bool useObjColor = false;
bool useObjMarker = false;
PropMap aPropMap;
PropMap aDefPropMap;
aPropMap = aStudy->getObjectPropMap(aMgrId,anEntry);
aDefPropMap = getDefaultPropepryMap(SOCC_Viewer::Type());
bool isDiff = MergePropertyMaps(aPropMap, aDefPropMap);
//Handle(GEOM_AISShape) AISShape = new GEOM_AISShape( myShape, "" );
Handle(GEOM_AISShape) AISShape;
if (myType == GEOM_VECTOR)
@ -585,16 +629,41 @@ void GEOM_Displayer::Update( SALOME_OCCPrs* prs )
AISShape->SetInfiniteState( myShape.Infinite() ); // || myShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX // VSR: 05/04/2010: Fix 20668 (Fit All for points & lines)
// Setup shape properties here ..., e.g. display mode, color, transparency, etc
AISShape->SetDisplayMode( myDisplayMode );
AISShape->SetShadingColor( myShadingColor );
if(useStudy) {
AISShape->SetDisplayMode( aPropMap.value(DISPLAY_MODE_PROP).toInt() );
//Color property
if(aPropMap.contains(COLOR_PROP)) {
Quantity_Color quant_col = SalomeApp_Tools::color( aPropMap.value(COLOR_PROP).value<QColor>());
AISShape->SetShadingColor( quant_col );
} else
useObjColor = true;
}else {
AISShape->SetDisplayMode( myDisplayMode );
AISShape->SetShadingColor( myShadingColor );
// Set color and number for iso lines
SUIT_ResourceMgr* aResMgr = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr();
QColor col = aResMgr->colorValue( "Geometry", "isos_color",
QColor(int(0.5*255), int(0.5*255), int(0.5*255)) );
Quantity_Color aColor = SalomeApp_Tools::color( col );
int anUIsoNumber = aResMgr->integerValue("OCCViewer", "iso_number_u", 1);
int aVIsoNumber = aResMgr->integerValue("OCCViewer", "iso_number_v", 1);
//get the ISOS number, set transparency if need
int anUIsoNumber, aVIsoNumber;
if(useStudy) {
QString anIsos = aPropMap.value(ISOS_PROP).toString();
QStringList uv = anIsos.split(DIGIT_SEPARATOR);
anUIsoNumber = uv[0].toInt();
aVIsoNumber = uv[1].toInt();
} else {
anUIsoNumber = aResMgr->integerValue("OCCViewer", "iso_number_u", 1);
aVIsoNumber = aResMgr->integerValue("OCCViewer", "iso_number_v", 1);
Handle(Prs3d_IsoAspect) anAspect = AISShape->Attributes()->UIsoAspect();
anAspect->SetNumber( anUIsoNumber );
@ -609,28 +678,76 @@ void GEOM_Displayer::Update( SALOME_OCCPrs* prs )
if ( HasColor() )
AISShape->SetColor( (Quantity_NameOfColor)GetColor() );
Handle(Prs3d_PointAspect) anAspect = AISShape->Attributes()->PointAspect();
anAspect->SetColor( (Quantity_NameOfColor)GetColor() );
if ( myShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX || isCompoundOfVertices( myShape ) )
if ( onlyVertex )
anAspect->SetScale( myScaleOfMarker );
anAspect->SetTypeOfMarker( myTypeOfMarker );
AISShape->Attributes()->SetPointAspect( anAspect );
if(aPropMap.contains(MARKER_TYPE_PROP)) {
QStringList aList = aPropMap.value(MARKER_TYPE_PROP).toString().split(DIGIT_SEPARATOR);
if(aList.size() == 2) { //Standard marker string contains "TypeOfMarker:ScaleOfMarker"
Handle(Prs3d_PointAspect) anAspect = AISShape->Attributes()->PointAspect();
int aTypeOfMarker = aList[0].toInt();
double aScaleOfMarker = aList[1].toDouble();
anAspect->SetScale( aScaleOfMarker );
anAspect->SetTypeOfMarker((Aspect_TypeOfMarker) (aTypeOfMarker-1) );
anAspect->SetColor( (Quantity_NameOfColor)GetColor() );
AISShape->Attributes()->SetPointAspect( anAspect );
} else { //Custom marker string contains "IdOfTexsture"
int textureId = aList[0].toInt();
Standard_Integer aWidth, aHeight;
Handle(Graphic3d_HArray1OfBytes) aTexture = GeometryGUI::getTexture( aStudy, textureId, aWidth, aHeight );
if ( !aTexture.IsNull() ) {
static int TextureId = 0;
Handle(Prs3d_PointAspect) aTextureAspect = new Prs3d_PointAspect((Quantity_NameOfColor)GetColor(),
aWidth, aHeight,
aTexture );
AISShape->Attributes()->SetPointAspect( aTextureAspect );
} else {
useObjMarker = true;
} else {
useObjMarker = true;
if ( myShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX || isCompoundOfVertices( myShape ) )
if ( onlyVertex )
col = aResMgr->colorValue( "Geometry", "point_color", QColor( 255, 255, 0 ) );
aColor = SalomeApp_Tools::color( col );
Handle(Prs3d_PointAspect) anAspect = AISShape->Attributes()->PointAspect();
anAspect->SetColor( aColor );
anAspect->SetScale( myScaleOfMarker );
anAspect->SetTypeOfMarker( myTypeOfMarker );
AISShape->Attributes()->SetPointAspect( anAspect );
if(aPropMap.contains(MARKER_TYPE_PROP)) {
QStringList aList = aPropMap.value(MARKER_TYPE_PROP).toString().split(DIGIT_SEPARATOR);
if(aList.size() == 2) { //Standard marker string contains "TypeOfMarker:ScaleOfMarker"
int aTypeOfMarker = aList[0].toInt();
double aScaleOfMarker = aList[1].toDouble();
Handle(Prs3d_PointAspect) anAspect = AISShape->Attributes()->PointAspect();
anAspect->SetScale( aScaleOfMarker );
anAspect->SetTypeOfMarker((Aspect_TypeOfMarker) (aTypeOfMarker-1) );
anAspect->SetColor( aColor );
AISShape->Attributes()->SetPointAspect( anAspect );
} else { //Custom marker string contains "IdOfTexsture"
int textureId = aList[0].toInt();
Standard_Integer aWidth, aHeight;
Handle(Graphic3d_HArray1OfBytes) aTexture = GeometryGUI::getTexture( aStudy, textureId, aWidth, aHeight );
if ( !aTexture.IsNull() ) {
static int TextureId = 0;
Handle(Prs3d_PointAspect) aTextureAspect = new Prs3d_PointAspect(aColor,
aWidth, aHeight,
aTexture );
AISShape->Attributes()->SetPointAspect( aTextureAspect );
} else {
useObjMarker = true;
} else {
useObjMarker = true;
// Set line aspect
@ -667,7 +784,14 @@ void GEOM_Displayer::Update( SALOME_OCCPrs* prs )
//AISShape->SetOwnDeviationAngle( 10*PI/180 );
// IMP 0020626
double aDC = aResMgr->doubleValue("Geometry", "deflection_coeff", 0.001);
double aDC = 0;
if(useStudy) {
aDC = aPropMap.value(DEFLECTION_COEFF_PROP).toDouble();
else {
aDC = aResMgr->doubleValue("Geometry", "deflection_coeff", 0.001);
aDC = std::max( aDC, DEFLECTION_MIN ); // to avoid to small values of the coefficient
@ -693,117 +817,81 @@ void GEOM_Displayer::Update( SALOME_OCCPrs* prs )
AISShape->SetOwner( anObj );
// Get color and other properties from GEOM_Object
SUIT_Session* session = SUIT_Session::session();
SUIT_Application* app = session->activeApplication();
if ( app )
SalomeApp_Study* study = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>( app->activeStudy() );
if ( study )
Handle( SALOME_InteractiveObject ) anIO = AISShape->getIO();
if ( !anIO.IsNull() )
_PTR(SObject) SO ( study->studyDS()->FindObjectID( anIO->getEntry() ) );
if ( SO )
// get CORBA reference to data object
CORBA::Object_var object = GeometryGUI::ClientSObjectToObject(SO);
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( object ) )
// downcast to GEOM object
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGeomObject = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow( object );
if ( !aGeomObject->_is_nil() )
SALOMEDS::Color aSColor = aGeomObject->GetColor();
bool hasColor = aSColor.R >= 0 && aSColor.G >= 0 && aSColor.B >= 0;
if( !hasColor && aGeomObject->GetType() == GEOM_GROUP ) // auto color for group
GEOM::GEOM_Gen_var aGeomGen = GeometryGUI::GetGeomGen();
GEOM::GEOM_IGroupOperations_var anOperations = aGeomGen->GetIGroupOperations( study->id() );
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aMainObject = anOperations->GetMainShape( aGeomObject );
if ( !aMainObject->_is_nil() && aMainObject->GetAutoColor() )
QList<SALOMEDS::Color> aReservedColors;
SalomeApp_Application* app = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>( app );
CORBA::String_var IOR = app->orb()->object_to_string( aMainObject );
if ( strcmp(IOR.in(), "") != 0 )
_PTR(Study) aStudy = study->studyDS();
_PTR(SObject) aMainSObject( aStudy->FindObjectIOR( std::string(IOR) ) );
_PTR(ChildIterator) it( aStudy->NewChildIterator( aMainSObject ) );
for( ; it->More(); it->Next() )
_PTR(SObject) aChildSObject( it->Value() );
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aChildObject =
if( CORBA::is_nil( aChildObject ) )
if( aChildObject->GetType() != GEOM_GROUP )
SALOMEDS::Color aReservedColor = aChildObject->GetColor();
aReservedColors.append( aReservedColor );
aSColor = getUniqueColor( aReservedColors );
hasColor = true;
if( hasColor )
Quantity_Color aQuanColor( aSColor.R, aSColor.G, aSColor.B, Quantity_TOC_RGB );
AISShape->SetColor( aQuanColor );
AISShape->SetShadingColor( aQuanColor );
if ( myShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX || isCompoundOfVertices( myShape ) ) {
Handle(Prs3d_PointAspect) anAspect = AISShape->Attributes()->PointAspect();
anAspect->SetColor( aQuanColor );
anAspect->SetScale( myScaleOfMarker );
anAspect->SetTypeOfMarker( myTypeOfMarker );
AISShape->Attributes()->SetPointAspect( anAspect );
// ... marker type
GEOM::marker_type aType = aGeomObject->GetMarkerType();
GEOM::marker_size aSize = aGeomObject->GetMarkerSize();
if ( aType > GEOM::MT_NONE && aType < GEOM::MT_USER && aSize > GEOM::MS_NONE && aSize <= GEOM::MS_70 ) {
Aspect_TypeOfMarker aMType = (Aspect_TypeOfMarker)( (int)aType-1 );
double aMSize = ((int)aSize+1)*0.5;
Handle(Prs3d_PointAspect) anAspect = AISShape->Attributes()->PointAspect();
anAspect->SetScale( aMSize );
anAspect->SetTypeOfMarker( aMType );
Quantity_Color aQuanColor = SalomeApp_Tools::color( aResMgr->colorValue( "Geometry", "point_color", QColor( 255, 255, 0 ) ) );
if ( hasColor )
aQuanColor = Quantity_Color( aSColor.R, aSColor.G, aSColor.B, Quantity_TOC_RGB );
anAspect->SetColor( aQuanColor );
AISShape->Attributes()->SetPointAspect( anAspect );
else if ( aType == GEOM::MT_USER ) {
int aTextureId = aGeomObject->GetMarkerTexture();
Quantity_Color aQuanColor = SalomeApp_Tools::color( aResMgr->colorValue( "Geometry", "point_color", QColor( 255, 255, 0 ) ) );
if ( hasColor ) aQuanColor = Quantity_Color( aSColor.R, aSColor.G, aSColor.B, Quantity_TOC_RGB );
Standard_Integer aWidth, aHeight;
Handle(Graphic3d_HArray1OfBytes) aTexture = GeometryGUI::getTexture( getStudy(), aTextureId, aWidth, aHeight );
if ( !aTexture.IsNull() ) {
static int TextureId = 0;
Handle(Prs3d_PointAspect) aTextureAspect = new Prs3d_PointAspect(aQuanColor,
aWidth, aHeight,
aTexture );
AISShape->Attributes()->SetPointAspect( aTextureAspect );
Handle( SALOME_InteractiveObject ) anIO = AISShape->getIO();
if ( !anIO.IsNull() ) {
_PTR(SObject) SO ( aStudy->studyDS()->FindObjectID( anIO->getEntry() ) );
if ( SO ) {
// get CORBA reference to data object
CORBA::Object_var object = GeometryGUI::ClientSObjectToObject(SO);
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( object ) ) {
// downcast to GEOM object
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGeomObject = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow( object );
bool hasColor = false;
SALOMEDS::Color aSColor = getColor(aGeomObject,hasColor);
if( hasColor && useObjColor) {
Quantity_Color aQuanColor( aSColor.R, aSColor.G, aSColor.B, Quantity_TOC_RGB );
AISShape->SetColor( aQuanColor );
AISShape->SetShadingColor( aQuanColor );
if ( onlyVertex ) {
Handle(Prs3d_PointAspect) anAspect = AISShape->Attributes()->PointAspect();
anAspect->SetColor( aQuanColor );
anAspect->SetScale( myScaleOfMarker );
anAspect->SetTypeOfMarker( myTypeOfMarker );
AISShape->Attributes()->SetPointAspect( anAspect );
} else if(!hasColor) {
//In case if color wasn't defined in the property map of the object
//and GEOM_Object color also wasn't defined get default color from Resource Mgr.
QColor col = aResMgr->colorValue( "Geometry", "shading_color", QColor( 255, 0, 0 ) );
Quantity_Color aQuanColor = SalomeApp_Tools::color( col );
AISShape->SetShadingColor( aQuanColor );
aStudy->setObjectProperty( aMgrId, anIO->getEntry(), COLOR_PROP, col );
// ... marker type
if(useObjMarker) {
GEOM::marker_type aType = aGeomObject->GetMarkerType();
GEOM::marker_size aSize = aGeomObject->GetMarkerSize();
if ( aType > GEOM::MT_NONE && aType < GEOM::MT_USER && aSize > GEOM::MS_NONE && aSize <= GEOM::MS_70 ) {
Aspect_TypeOfMarker aMType = (Aspect_TypeOfMarker)( (int)aType-1 );
double aMSize = ((int)aSize+1)*0.5;
Handle(Prs3d_PointAspect) anAspect = AISShape->Attributes()->PointAspect();
anAspect->SetScale( aMSize );
anAspect->SetTypeOfMarker( aMType );
Quantity_Color aQuanColor = SalomeApp_Tools::color( aResMgr->colorValue( "Geometry", "point_color", QColor( 255, 255, 0 ) ) );
if ( hasColor )
aQuanColor = Quantity_Color( aSColor.R, aSColor.G, aSColor.B, Quantity_TOC_RGB );
anAspect->SetColor( aQuanColor );
AISShape->Attributes()->SetPointAspect( anAspect );
else if ( aType == GEOM::MT_USER ) {
int aTextureId = aGeomObject->GetMarkerTexture();
Quantity_Color aQuanColor = SalomeApp_Tools::color( aResMgr->colorValue( "Geometry", "point_color", QColor( 255, 255, 0 ) ) );
if ( hasColor ) aQuanColor = Quantity_Color( aSColor.R, aSColor.G, aSColor.B, Quantity_TOC_RGB );
Standard_Integer aWidth, aHeight;
Handle(Graphic3d_HArray1OfBytes) aTexture = GeometryGUI::getTexture( getStudy(), aTextureId, aWidth, aHeight );
if ( !aTexture.IsNull() ) {
static int TextureId = 0;
Handle(Prs3d_PointAspect) aTextureAspect = new Prs3d_PointAspect(aQuanColor,
aWidth, aHeight,
aTexture );
AISShape->Attributes()->SetPointAspect( aTextureAspect );
} else { //Use marker from the preferences
Handle(Prs3d_PointAspect) anAspect = AISShape->Attributes()->PointAspect();
anAspect->SetScale( myScaleOfMarker );
anAspect->SetTypeOfMarker( myTypeOfMarker );
Quantity_Color aQuanColor = SalomeApp_Tools::color( aResMgr->colorValue( "Geometry", "point_color", QColor( 255, 255, 0 ) ) );
if ( hasColor )
aQuanColor = Quantity_Color( aSColor.R, aSColor.G, aSColor.B, Quantity_TOC_RGB );
anAspect->SetColor( aQuanColor );
AISShape->Attributes()->SetPointAspect( anAspect );
// AISShape->SetName(???); ??? necessary to set name ???
occPrs->AddObject( AISShape );
@ -851,19 +939,23 @@ void GEOM_Displayer::Update( SALOME_OCCPrs* prs )
void GEOM_Displayer::Update( SALOME_VTKPrs* prs )
SalomeApp_Study* aStudy = getStudy();
int aMgrId = -1;
SVTK_Prs* vtkPrs = dynamic_cast<SVTK_Prs*>( prs );
if ( !vtkPrs || myShape.IsNull() )
if ( !vtkPrs || myShape.IsNull() || !aStudy)
bool useStudy = false;
PropMap aPropMap;
vtkActorCollection* theActors = 0;
if ( myType == GEOM_MARKER && myShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE )
if ( myType == GEOM_MARKER && myShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_FACE ) {
//myToActivate = false; // ouv: commented to make the trihedron pickable (see IPAL18657)
GEOM_VTKTrihedron* aTrh = GEOM_VTKTrihedron::New();
if ( HasColor() )
if ( HasColor() ) {
Quantity_Color aColor( (Quantity_NameOfColor)GetColor() );
aTrh->SetColor( aColor.Red(), aColor.Green(), aColor.Blue() );
@ -875,26 +967,39 @@ void GEOM_Displayer::Update( SALOME_VTKPrs* prs )
gp_Ax2 anAx2 = aPlane->Pln().Position().Ax2();
aTrh->SetPlacement( new Geom_Axis2Placement( anAx2 ) );
// if ( SVTK_Viewer* vf = dynamic_cast<SVTK_Viewer*>( GetActiveView() ) )
// aTrh->SetSize( 0.5 * vf->GetTrihedronSize() );
// if ( SVTK_Viewer* vf = dynamic_cast<SVTK_Viewer*>( GetActiveView() ) )
// aTrh->SetSize( 0.5 * vf->GetTrihedronSize() );
vtkPrs->AddObject( aTrh );
theActors = vtkActorCollection::New();
theActors->AddItem( aTrh );
else {
theActors = GEOM_AssemblyBuilder::BuildActors( myShape, 0, 0, Standard_True, myType == GEOM_VECTOR );
QString anEntry;
if(!myIO.IsNull()) {
aMgrId = getViewManagerId(myViewFrame);
anEntry = myIO->getEntry();
useStudy = !anEntry.isEmpty() && aMgrId != -1;
aPropMap = aStudy->getObjectPropMap(aMgrId,anEntry);
PropMap aDefPropMap = getDefaultPropepryMap(SOCC_Viewer::Type());
bool isDiff = MergePropertyMaps(aPropMap, aDefPropMap);
vtkActor* anActor = (vtkActor*)theActors->GetNextActor();
vtkProperty* aProp = 0;
if ( HasColor() || HasWidth() )
aProp = vtkProperty::New();
@ -922,14 +1027,59 @@ void GEOM_Displayer::Update( SALOME_VTKPrs* prs )
GActor->SetProperty( aProp );
GActor->SetPreviewProperty( aProp );
GEOM_Actor* aGeomGActor = GEOM_Actor::SafeDownCast( anActor );
if ( aGeomGActor != 0 )
aGeomGActor->SetShadingProperty( aProp );
aGeomGActor->SetWireframeProperty( aProp );
GEOM_Actor* aGeomGActor = GEOM_Actor::SafeDownCast( anActor );
if ( aGeomGActor != 0 )
if ( aProp ) {
aGeomGActor->SetShadingProperty( aProp );
aGeomGActor->SetWireframeProperty( aProp );
int aIsos[2]= { 1, 1 };
if(useStudy) {
QString anIsos = aPropMap.value(ISOS_PROP).toString();
QStringList uv = anIsos.split(DIGIT_SEPARATOR);
aIsos[0] = uv[0].toInt(); aIsos[1] = uv[1].toInt();
aGeomGActor->SetOpacity(1.0 - aPropMap.value(TRANSPARENCY_PROP).toDouble());
aGeomGActor->SetDeflection(aPropMap.value(DEFLECTION_COEFF_PROP).toDouble(), aGeomGActor->GetIsRelative());
vtkFloatingPointType aColor[3] = {1.,0.,0.};
if(aPropMap.contains(COLOR_PROP)) {
QColor c = aPropMap.value(COLOR_PROP).value<QColor>();
aColor[0] = c.red()/255.; aColor[1] = c.green()/255.; aColor[2] = c.blue()/255.;
} else { //Get Color from geom object
Handle( SALOME_InteractiveObject ) anIO = aGeomGActor->getIO();
if ( !anIO.IsNull() ) {
_PTR(SObject) SO ( aStudy->studyDS()->FindObjectID( anIO->getEntry() ) );
if ( SO ) {
// get CORBA reference to data object
CORBA::Object_var object = GeometryGUI::ClientSObjectToObject(SO);
if ( !CORBA::is_nil( object ) ) {
// downcast to GEOM object
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGeomObject = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow( object );
bool hasColor = false;
SALOMEDS::Color aSColor = getColor(aGeomObject,hasColor);
if(hasColor) {
aColor[0] = aSColor.R; aColor[1] = aSColor.G; aColor[2] = aSColor.B;
} else {
SUIT_ResourceMgr* aResMgr = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr();
if(aResMgr) {
QColor c = aResMgr->colorValue( "Geometry", "shading_color", QColor( 255, 0, 0 ) );
aColor[0] = c.red()/255.; aColor[1] = c.green()/255.; aColor[2] = c.blue()/255.;
aStudy->setObjectProperty( aMgrId, anIO->getEntry(), COLOR_PROP, c );
if ( myToActivate )
@ -1499,3 +1649,128 @@ SALOMEDS::Color GEOM_Displayer::getUniqueColor( const QList<SALOMEDS::Color>& th
return aSColor;
PropMap GEOM_Displayer::getDefaultPropepryMap(const QString& viewer_type){
PropMap aDefaultMap;
SUIT_ResourceMgr* aResMgr = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr();
//1. Visibility
aDefaultMap.insert(VISIBILITY_PROP , 1);
//2. Nb Isos
int anUIsoNumber;
int aVIsoNumber;
if(viewer_type == SOCC_Viewer::Type()) {
anUIsoNumber = aResMgr->integerValue("OCCViewer", "iso_number_u", 1);
aVIsoNumber = aResMgr->integerValue("OCCViewer", "iso_number_v", 1);
} else if( viewer_type==SVTK_Viewer::Type()) {
anUIsoNumber = 1;
aVIsoNumber = 1;
QString anIsos("%1%2%3");
anIsos = anIsos.arg(anUIsoNumber);anIsos = anIsos.arg(DIGIT_SEPARATOR);anIsos = anIsos.arg(aVIsoNumber);
aDefaultMap.insert(ISOS_PROP , anIsos);
//3. Transparency
aDefaultMap.insert( TRANSPARENCY_PROP , 0.0 );
//4. Display Mode
aDefaultMap.insert( DISPLAY_MODE_PROP , aResMgr->integerValue("Geometry", "display_mode", 0));
//5. Vector Mode
aDefaultMap.insert( VECTOR_MODE_PROP , 0);
//6. Color
QColor col = aResMgr->colorValue( "Geometry", "shading_color", QColor( 255, 0, 0 ) );
aDefaultMap.insert( COLOR_PROP , col);
//7. Deflection Coeff
double aDC = aResMgr->doubleValue("Geometry", "deflection_coeff", 0.001);
aDefaultMap.insert( DEFLECTION_COEFF_PROP , aDC);
return aDefaultMap;
bool GEOM_Displayer::MergePropertyMaps(PropMap& theOrigin, PropMap& theDefault) {
int nbInserted = 0;
if(!theOrigin.contains(VISIBILITY_PROP)) {
theOrigin.insert(VISIBILITY_PROP, 0);
if(!theOrigin.contains(TRANSPARENCY_PROP)) {
theOrigin.insert(TRANSPARENCY_PROP, theDefault.value(TRANSPARENCY_PROP));
if(!theOrigin.contains(DISPLAY_MODE_PROP)) {
theOrigin.insert(DISPLAY_MODE_PROP, theDefault.value(DISPLAY_MODE_PROP));
if(!theOrigin.contains(ISOS_PROP)) {
theOrigin.insert(ISOS_PROP, theDefault.value(ISOS_PROP));
if(!theOrigin.contains(VECTOR_MODE_PROP)) {
theOrigin.insert(VECTOR_MODE_PROP, theDefault.value(VECTOR_MODE_PROP));
if(!theOrigin.contains(DEFLECTION_COEFF_PROP)) {
theOrigin.insert(DEFLECTION_COEFF_PROP, theDefault.value(DEFLECTION_COEFF_PROP));
return (nbInserted > 0);
SALOMEDS::Color GEOM_Displayer::getColor(GEOM::GEOM_Object_var theGeomObject, bool& hasColor) {
SALOMEDS::Color aSColor;
hasColor = false;
SUIT_Session* session = SUIT_Session::session();
SUIT_Application* app = session->activeApplication();
if ( app && !theGeomObject->_is_nil()) {
SalomeApp_Study* study = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>( app->activeStudy() );
if ( study ) {
aSColor = theGeomObject->GetColor();
hasColor = aSColor.R >= 0 && aSColor.G >= 0 && aSColor.B >= 0;
if( !hasColor && theGeomObject->GetType() == GEOM_GROUP ) { // auto color for group
GEOM::GEOM_Gen_var theGeomGen = GeometryGUI::GetGeomGen();
GEOM::GEOM_IGroupOperations_var anOperations = theGeomGen->GetIGroupOperations( study->id() );
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aMainObject = anOperations->GetMainShape( theGeomObject );
if ( !aMainObject->_is_nil() && aMainObject->GetAutoColor() )
QList<SALOMEDS::Color> aReservedColors;
SalomeApp_Application* app = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>( app );
CORBA::String_var IOR = app->orb()->object_to_string( aMainObject );
if ( strcmp(IOR.in(), "") != 0 )
_PTR(Study) aStudy = study->studyDS();
_PTR(SObject) aMainSObject( aStudy->FindObjectIOR( std::string(IOR) ) );
_PTR(ChildIterator) it( aStudy->NewChildIterator( aMainSObject ) );
for( ; it->More(); it->Next() )
_PTR(SObject) aChildSObject( it->Value() );
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aChildObject =
if( CORBA::is_nil( aChildObject ) )
if( aChildObject->GetType() != GEOM_GROUP )
SALOMEDS::Color aReservedColor = aChildObject->GetColor();
aReservedColors.append( aReservedColor );
aSColor = getUniqueColor( aReservedColors );
hasColor = true;
return aSColor;
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ class SALOME_OCCViewType;
#include <TopoDS_Shape.hxx>
#include <Quantity_Color.hxx>
#include <LightApp_Displayer.h>
#include <LightApp_Study.h>
#include <Aspect_TypeOfMarker.hxx>
#include <QList>
@ -156,6 +157,13 @@ public:
static SALOMEDS::Color getUniqueColor( const QList<SALOMEDS::Color>& );
static PropMap getDefaultPropepryMap(const QString& viewer_type);
static bool MergePropertyMaps(PropMap& theOrigin, PropMap& theDefault);
/*Get color of the geom object*/
static SALOMEDS::Color getColor(GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aGeomObject, bool& hasColor);
/* Builds presentation of not published object */
virtual SALOME_Prs* buildSubshapePresentation(const TopoDS_Shape& aShape,
const QString&,
@ -1691,164 +1691,87 @@ void GeometryGUI::storeVisualParameters (int savePoint)
_PTR(IParameters) ip = ClientFactory::getIParameters(ap);
// viewers counters are used for storing view_numbers in IParameters
int vtkViewers(0), occViewers(0);
QList<SUIT_ViewManager*> lst;
QList<SUIT_ViewManager*>::Iterator it;
// main cycle to store parameters of displayed objects
vtkViewers = occViewers = 0;
for (it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); it++)
for (it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); it++) {
SUIT_ViewManager* vman = *it;
QString vType = vman->getType();
int aMgrId = vman->getGlobalId();
// saving VTK actors properties
if (vType == SVTK_Viewer::Type())
QVector<SUIT_ViewWindow*> views = vman->getViews();
for (int i = 0, iEnd = vman->getViewsCount(); i < iEnd; i++)
if (SVTK_ViewWindow* vtkView = dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>(views[i]))
vtkActorCollection* allActors = vtkView->getRenderer()->GetActors();
while (vtkActor* actor = allActors->GetNextActor())
if (actor->GetVisibility()) // store only visible actors
GEOM_Actor* aGeomActor = 0;
if (actor->IsA("GEOM_Actor"))
aGeomActor = GEOM_Actor::SafeDownCast(actor);
if (aGeomActor && aGeomActor->hasIO())
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) io = aGeomActor->getIO();
if (io->hasEntry())
// entry is "encoded" = it does NOT contain component adress, since it is a
// subject to change on next component loading
std::string entry = ip->encodeEntry(io->getEntry(), componentName);
QVector<SUIT_ViewWindow*> views = vman->getViews();
for (int i = 0, iEnd = vman->getViewsCount(); i < iEnd; i++) {
const ObjMap anObjects = appStudy->getObjectMap(aMgrId);
ObjMap::ConstIterator o_it = anObjects.begin();
for( ;o_it != anObjects.end(); o_it++ ) {
const PropMap aProps = o_it.value();
std::string param, occParam = vType.toLatin1().data();
occParam += gSeparator;
occParam += QString::number(vtkViewers).toLatin1().data();
occParam += gSeparator;
//Check that object exists in the study
_PTR(SObject) obj( studyDS->FindObjectID( o_it.key().toLatin1().data() ) );
if ( !obj )
// entry is "encoded" = it does NOT contain component adress, since it is a
// subject to change on next component loading
param = occParam + "Visibility";
ip->setParameter(entry, param, "On");
std::string entry = ip->encodeEntry(o_it.key().toLatin1().data(), componentName);
_PTR(GenericAttribute) anAttr;
if( !obj->FindAttribute(anAttr, "AttributeIOR"))
std::string param, occParam = vType.toLatin1().data();
occParam += QString::number(aMgrId).toLatin1().data();
param = occParam + VISIBILITY_PROP;
ip->setParameter(entry, param, aProps.value(VISIBILITY_PROP).toInt() == 1 ? "On" : "Off");
param = occParam + DISPLAY_MODE_PROP;
ip->setParameter(entry, param, QString::number(aProps.value(DISPLAY_MODE_PROP).toInt()).toLatin1().data());
QColor c = aProps.value(COLOR_PROP).value<QColor>();
QString colorStr = QString::number(c.red()/255.);
colorStr += DIGIT_SEPARATOR; colorStr += QString::number(c.green()/255.);
colorStr += DIGIT_SEPARATOR; colorStr += QString::number(c.blue()/255.);
param = occParam + COLOR_PROP;
ip->setParameter(entry, param, colorStr.toLatin1().data());
if(vType == SVTK_Viewer::Type()) {
param = occParam + OPACITY_PROP;
ip->setParameter(entry, param, QString::number(1. - aProps.value(TRANSPARENCY_PROP).toDouble()).toLatin1().data());
} else if (vType == SOCC_Viewer::Type()) {
param = occParam + TRANSPARENCY_PROP;
ip->setParameter(entry, param, QString::number(aProps.value(TRANSPARENCY_PROP).toDouble()).toLatin1().data());
param = occParam + ISOS_PROP;
ip->setParameter(entry, param, aProps.value(ISOS_PROP).toString().toLatin1().data());
param = occParam + VECTOR_MODE_PROP;
ip->setParameter(entry, param, QString::number(aProps.value(VECTOR_MODE_PROP).toInt()).toLatin1().data());
param = occParam + "DisplayMode";
ip->setParameter(entry, param, QString::number
param = occParam + DEFLECTION_COEFF_PROP;
ip->setParameter(entry, param, QString::number(aProps.value(DEFLECTION_COEFF_PROP).toDouble()).toLatin1().data());
vtkFloatingPointType r, g, b;
aGeomActor->GetColor(r, g, b);
QString colorStr = QString::number(r);
colorStr += gDigitsSep; colorStr += QString::number(g);
colorStr += gDigitsSep; colorStr += QString::number(b);
param = occParam + "Color";
ip->setParameter(entry, param, colorStr.toLatin1().data());
param = occParam + DEFLECTION_COEFF_PROP;
ip->setParameter(entry, param, QString::number(aProps.value(DEFLECTION_COEFF_PROP).toDouble()).toLatin1().data());
param = occParam + "Opacity";
ip->setParameter(entry, param, QString::number(aGeomActor->GetOpacity()).toLatin1().data());
//Marker type of the vertex - ONLY for the "Vertex" and "Compound of the Vertex"
if(aProps.contains(MARKER_TYPE_PROP)) {
param = occParam + MARKER_TYPE_PROP;
ip->setParameter(entry, param, aProps.value(MARKER_TYPE_PROP).toString().toLatin1().data());
int nbUIso(0), nbVIso(0);
QString isosStr = QString::number(nbUIso);
isosStr += gDigitsSep;
isosStr += QString::number(nbVIso);
param = occParam + "Isos";
ip->setParameter(entry, param, isosStr.toLatin1().data());
} // if (io->hasEntry())
} // GEOM_Actor && hasIO
} // isVisible
} // while.. actors traversal
} // if (vtkView)
} // for (views)
} // if (SVTK view model)
else if (vType == SOCC_Viewer::Type()) // processing OCC viewers
QVector<SUIT_ViewWindow*> views = vman->getViews();
for (int i = 0, iEnd = vman->getViewsCount(); i < iEnd; i++)
OCCViewer_ViewWindow* occView = dynamic_cast<OCCViewer_ViewWindow*>(views[i]);
if (occView)
//Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) ic =
// ((OCCViewer_Viewer*)(occView->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->getAISContext();
OCCViewer_Viewer* viewModel = (OCCViewer_Viewer*)(vman->getViewModel());
//OCCViewer_Viewer* viewModel = ((OCCViewer_ViewManager*)vman)->getOCCViewer();
Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) ic = viewModel->getAISContext();
AIS_ListOfInteractive aList;
AIS_ListIteratorOfListOfInteractive ite (aList);
for (; ite.More(); ite.Next())
if (ite.Value()->IsInstance(STANDARD_TYPE(GEOM_AISShape)))
Handle(GEOM_AISShape) aSh = Handle(GEOM_AISShape)::DownCast(ite.Value());
if (aSh->hasIO())
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) io =
if (io->hasEntry())
// entry is "encoded": it does NOT contain component adress,
// since it is a subject to change on next component loading
std::string entry = ip->encodeEntry(io->getEntry(), componentName);
std::string param, occParam = vType.toLatin1().data();
occParam += gSeparator;
occParam += QString::number(occViewers).toLatin1().data();
occParam += gSeparator;
// Visibility
param = occParam + "Visibility";
ip->setParameter(entry, param, "On");
// DisplayMode
param = occParam + "DisplayMode";
int dm = aSh->DisplayMode();
ip->setParameter(entry, param, QString::number(dm).toLatin1().data());
// Color
// is a property of GEOM_Object, it is stored by GEOM engine
// Transparency
param = occParam + "Transparency";
ip->setParameter(entry, param, QString::number(aSh->Transparency()).toLatin1().data());
// Isos
Handle(AIS_Drawer) aDrawer = aSh->Attributes();
int nbUIso = aDrawer->UIsoAspect()->Number();
int nbVIso = aDrawer->VIsoAspect()->Number();
QString isosStr = QString::number(nbUIso);
isosStr += gDigitsSep;
isosStr += QString::number(nbVIso);
param = occParam + "Isos";
ip->setParameter(entry, param, isosStr.toLatin1().data());
} // if (io->hasEntry())
} // if (io)
} // if (GEOM_AISShape)
} // for (AIS_ListOfInteractive)
} // if ( occView )
} // for ( views )
} // if (SOCC view model)
// unknown viewer type
} // object iterator
} // for (views)
} // for (viewManagers)
* \brief Restore visual parameters
@ -1896,191 +1819,82 @@ void GeometryGUI::restoreVisualParameters (int savePoint)
NCollection_DataMap<int, GEOM_Actor* > vtkActors;
NCollection_DataMap<int, Handle(GEOM_AISShape)> occActors;
QString viewerTypStr;
QString viewIndexStr;
int viewIndex;
QVector<PropMap> aListOfMap;
for (; namesIt != paramNames.end(); ++namesIt, ++valuesIt)
// visual parameters are stored in strings as follows: ViewerType_ViewIndex_ParamName.
// '_' is used as separator and should not be used in viewer type or parameter names.
QStringList lst = QString((*namesIt).c_str()).split(gSeparator, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
QStringList lst = QString((*namesIt).c_str()).split(NAME_SEPARATOR, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if (lst.size() != 3)
QString viewerTypStr = lst[0];
QString viewIndexStr = lst[1];
viewerTypStr = lst[0];
viewIndexStr = lst[1];
QString paramNameStr = lst[2];
bool ok;
int viewIndex = viewIndexStr.toUInt(&ok);
viewIndex = viewIndexStr.toUInt(&ok);
if (!ok) // bad conversion of view index to integer
// viewers
if (viewerTypStr == SVTK_Viewer::Type())
GEOM_Actor* vActor = 0;
if (vtkActors.IsBound(viewIndex))
vActor = vtkActors.Find(viewIndex);
if (paramNameStr == "Visibility")
if (!vActor && displayer())
QList<SUIT_ViewManager*> lst;
getApp()->viewManagers(viewerTypStr, lst);
// SVTK ViewManager always has 1 ViewWindow, so view index is index of view manager
if (viewIndex >= 0 && viewIndex < lst.count()) {
SUIT_ViewManager* vman = lst.at(viewIndex);
SUIT_ViewModel* vmodel = vman->getViewModel();
// SVTK view model can be casted to SALOME_View
displayer()->Display(entry, true, dynamic_cast<SALOME_View*>(vmodel));
// store displayed actor in a temporary map for quicker
// access later when restoring other parameters
SVTK_ViewWindow* vtkView = (SVTK_ViewWindow*) vman->getActiveView();
vtkRenderer* Renderer = vtkView->getRenderer();
vtkActorCollection* theActors = Renderer->GetActors();
bool isFound = false;
vtkActor *ac = theActors->GetNextActor();
for (; ac != NULL && !isFound; ac = theActors->GetNextActor()) {
if (ac->IsA("GEOM_Actor")) {
GEOM_Actor* aGeomAc = GEOM_Actor::SafeDownCast(ac);
if (aGeomAc->hasIO()) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) io =
if (io->hasEntry() && strcmp(io->getEntry(), entry.toLatin1().data()) == 0) {
isFound = true;
vtkActors.Bind(viewIndex, aGeomAc);
} // if (paramNameStr == "Visibility")
// the rest properties "work" with GEOM_Actor
if (vActor)
QString val ((*valuesIt).c_str());
if (paramNameStr == "DisplayMode") {
else if (paramNameStr == "Color") {
QStringList colors = val.split(gDigitsSep, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if (colors.count() == 3)
vActor->SetColor(colors[0].toFloat(), colors[1].toFloat(), colors[2].toFloat());
else if (paramNameStr == "Opacity") {
else if (paramNameStr == "Isos") {
QStringList isos = val.split(gDigitsSep, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if (isos.count() == 2) {
int aIsos[2] = {isos[0].toInt(), isos[1].toInt()};
} // other parameters than Visibility
if((viewIndex + 1) > aListOfMap.count()) {
aListOfMap.resize(viewIndex + 1);
else if (viewerTypStr == SOCC_Viewer::Type())
//Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) occActor;
Handle(GEOM_AISShape) occActor;
if (occActors.IsBound(viewIndex))
occActor = occActors.Find(viewIndex);
// ViewModel and InteractiveContext
SOCC_Viewer* occVModel = 0;
Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) ic;
QString val((*valuesIt).c_str());
if(paramNameStr == VISIBILITY_PROP){
aListOfMap[viewIndex].insert(VISIBILITY_PROP, val == "On" ? 1 : 0);
QList<SUIT_ViewManager*> lst;
getApp()->viewManagers(viewerTypStr, lst);
} else if(paramNameStr == OPACITY_PROP) {
aListOfMap[viewIndex].insert(TRANSPARENCY_PROP, 1. - val.toDouble());
// SOCC ViewManager always has 1 ViewWindow, so view index is index of view manager
if (viewIndex >= 0 && viewIndex < lst.count()) {
SUIT_ViewManager* vman = lst.at(viewIndex);
SUIT_ViewModel* vmodel = vman->getViewModel();
occVModel = dynamic_cast<SOCC_Viewer*>(vmodel);
if (occVModel)
ic = occVModel->getAISContext();
} else if(paramNameStr == TRANSPARENCY_PROP) {
aListOfMap[viewIndex].insert(TRANSPARENCY_PROP, val.toDouble());
if (ic.IsNull())
} else if(paramNameStr == DISPLAY_MODE_PROP) {
aListOfMap[viewIndex].insert( DISPLAY_MODE_PROP, val.toInt());
} else if(paramNameStr == ISOS_PROP) {
aListOfMap[viewIndex].insert( ISOS_PROP, val);
if (paramNameStr == "Visibility")
if (occActor.IsNull() && displayer())
displayer()->Display(entry, true, occVModel);
} else if(paramNameStr == COLOR_PROP) {
QStringList rgb = val.split(DIGIT_SEPARATOR);
if(rgb.count() == 3) {
QColor c(int(rgb[0].toDouble()*255), int(rgb[1].toDouble()*255), int(rgb[2].toDouble()*255));
aListOfMap[viewIndex].insert( COLOR_PROP, c);
} else if(paramNameStr == VECTOR_MODE_PROP) {
aListOfMap[viewIndex].insert( VECTOR_MODE_PROP, val.toInt());
// store displayed actor in a temporary map for quicker
// access later when restoring other parameters
AIS_ListOfInteractive aList;
bool isFound = false;
AIS_ListIteratorOfListOfInteractive ite (aList);
for (; ite.More() && !isFound; ite.Next()) {
if (ite.Value()->IsInstance(STANDARD_TYPE(GEOM_AISShape))) {
Handle(GEOM_AISShape) aSh = Handle(GEOM_AISShape)::DownCast(ite.Value());
if (aSh->hasIO()) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) io =
if (io->hasEntry() && strcmp(io->getEntry(), entry.toLatin1().data()) == 0) {
isFound = true;
occActors.Bind(viewIndex, aSh);
} // if (paramNameStr == "Visibility")
// the rest properties "work" with GEOM_AISShape
if (!occActor.IsNull())
QString val ((*valuesIt).c_str());
} else if(paramNameStr == DEFLECTION_COEFF_PROP) {
aListOfMap[viewIndex].insert( DEFLECTION_COEFF_PROP, val.toDouble());
} else if(paramNameStr == MARKER_TYPE_PROP) {
aListOfMap[viewIndex].insert( MARKER_TYPE_PROP, val);
if (paramNameStr == "DisplayMode") {
ic->SetDisplayMode(occActor, AIS_DisplayMode(val.toInt()), false);
//ic->Redisplay(occActor, Standard_False, Standard_True);
// Color is restored by the GEOM engine
else if (paramNameStr == "Transparency") {
ic->SetTransparency(occActor, val.toFloat(), false);
ic->Redisplay(occActor, Standard_False, Standard_True);
else if (paramNameStr == "Isos") {
QStringList isos = val.split(gDigitsSep, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
if (isos.count() == 2) {
Handle(AIS_Drawer) aDrawer = occActor->Attributes();
int nbUIso = isos[0].toInt();
int nbVIso = isos[1].toInt();
Handle(Prs3d_IsoAspect) uIsoAspect = aDrawer->UIsoAspect();
Handle(Prs3d_IsoAspect) vIsoAspect = aDrawer->VIsoAspect();
ic->SetLocalAttributes(occActor, aDrawer);
} // other parameters than Visibility
// unknown viewer type
} // for names/parameters iterator
} // for entries iterator
QList<SUIT_ViewManager*> lst = getApp()->viewManagers();
for (int index = 0 ; index < aListOfMap.count(); index++) {
appStudy->setObjectPropMap(index, entry, aListOfMap[index]);
QColor c = aListOfMap[index].value(COLOR_PROP).value<QColor>();
//Get Visibility property of the current PropMap
if(aListOfMap[index].value(VISIBILITY_PROP) == 1) {
SUIT_ViewManager* vman = lst.at(index);
SUIT_ViewModel* vmodel = vman->getViewModel();
displayer()->Display(entry, true, dynamic_cast<SALOME_View*>(vmodel));
} // for entries iterator
// update all VTK and OCC views
QList<SUIT_ViewManager*> lst;
@ -51,6 +51,21 @@
// minimum allowed value for deflection coefficient
#define DEFLECTION_MIN 1e-06
//Define separators
#define NAME_SEPARATOR '_' // character used to separate parameter names
#define DIGIT_SEPARATOR ':' // character used to separate numeric parameter values (color = r:g:b)
#define VISIBILITY_PROP "Visibility" //Object visibility property
#define OPACITY_PROP "Opacity" //Object opacity property
#define TRANSPARENCY_PROP "Transparency" //Object transparency property
#define DISPLAY_MODE_PROP "DisplayMode" //Object display mode property
#define ISOS_PROP "Isos" //Number of the Isos property of the object
#define COLOR_PROP "Color" //Color of the object
#define VECTOR_MODE_PROP "VectorMode" //Vector mode property
#define DEFLECTION_COEFF_PROP "DeflectionCoeff" //Deflection coeff property
#define MARKER_TYPE_PROP "MarkerType" // Marker type property
class QDialog;
class QMenu;
class GEOMGUI_OCCSelector;
@ -410,6 +410,7 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI::OnEditDelete()
QMap<QString,QString> toBeDeleted;
QMap<QString,QString> allDeleted;
bool isComponentSelected = false;
for ( SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( selected ); It.More(); It.Next() ) {
Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) anIObject = It.Value();
if ( !anIObject->hasEntry() )
@ -513,9 +514,11 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI::OnEditDelete()
// remove object from GEOM engine
removeObjectWithChildren( obj, aStudy, views, disp );
// remove objects from study
aStudyBuilder->RemoveObjectWithChildren( obj );
aStudyBuilder->RemoveObjectWithChildren( obj );
aSelMgr->setSelectedObjects( selected );
@ -849,6 +852,8 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI::removeObjectWithChildren(_PTR(SObject) obj,
_PTR(GenericAttribute) anAttr;
if (obj->FindAttribute(anAttr, "AttributeIOR")) {
_PTR(AttributeIOR) anIOR (anAttr);
SalomeApp_Study* appStudy = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->activeStudy() );
// Delete shape in Client
const TCollection_AsciiString ASCIor ((char*)anIOR->Value().c_str());
@ -857,6 +862,10 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI::removeObjectWithChildren(_PTR(SObject) obj,
CORBA::Object_var corbaObj = GeometryGUI::ClientSObjectToObject(obj);
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var geomObj = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow( corbaObj );
if (!CORBA::is_nil(geomObj)) {
//Remove visual properties of the object
// Erase graphical object
QListIterator<SALOME_View*> it( views );
while ( it.hasNext() )
@ -313,6 +313,7 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI::OnColor()
SUIT_ViewWindow* window = app->desktop()->activeWindow();
bool isOCC = ( window && window->getViewManager()->getType() == OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() );
bool isVTK = ( window && window->getViewManager()->getType() == SVTK_Viewer::Type() );
int mgrId = window->getViewManager()->getGlobalId();
if ( isVTK ) {
SVTK_ViewWindow* vtkVW = dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>( window );
if ( !vtkVW )
@ -324,7 +325,8 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI::OnColor()
for ( SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( selected ); It.More(); It.Next() ) {
aView->SetColor( It.Value(), c );
appStudy->setObjectProperty(mgrId,It.Value()->getEntry(),COLOR_PROP, c);
} // if ( isVTK )
@ -374,6 +376,8 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI::OnColor()
if ( io->IsKind( STANDARD_TYPE(GEOM_AISShape) ) )
Handle(GEOM_AISShape)::DownCast( io )->SetShadingColor( aColor );
appStudy->setObjectProperty(mgrId,It.Value()->getEntry(), COLOR_PROP, c);
io->Redisplay( Standard_True );
// store color to GEOM_Object
@ -382,6 +386,7 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI::OnColor()
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var anObject =
SALOMEDS::Color aSColor;
aSColor.R = (double)c.red() / 255.0;
aSColor.G = (double)c.green() / 255.0;
@ -491,7 +496,10 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI::OnChangeTransparency( bool increase )
void GEOMToolsGUI::OnNbIsos( ActionType actionType )
SUIT_ViewWindow* window = SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->desktop()->activeWindow();
SalomeApp_Application* app =
dynamic_cast< SalomeApp_Application* >( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() );
SalomeApp_Study* aStudy = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>( app->activeStudy() );
SUIT_ViewWindow* window = app->desktop()->activeWindow();
bool isOCC = ( window && window->getViewManager()->getType() == OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() );
bool isVTK = ( window && window->getViewManager()->getType() == SVTK_Viewer::Type() );
@ -524,7 +532,8 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI::OnNbIsos( ActionType actionType )
newNbUIso = NbIsosDlg->getU();
newNbVIso = NbIsosDlg->getV();
} else //Cancel case
else if ( actionType == INCR || actionType == DECR ) {
int delta = 1;
@ -540,6 +549,9 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI::OnNbIsos( ActionType actionType )
for(; ic->MoreCurrent(); ic->NextCurrent()) {
CurObject = Handle(GEOM_AISShape)::DownCast(ic->Current());
Handle(AIS_Drawer) CurDrawer = CurObject->Attributes();
CurDrawer->SetUIsoAspect( new Prs3d_IsoAspect(Quantity_NOC_GRAY75, Aspect_TOL_SOLID, 0.5 , newNbUIso) );
@ -547,6 +559,10 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI::OnNbIsos( ActionType actionType )
ic->SetLocalAttributes(CurObject, CurDrawer);
QString anIsos("%1%2%3");anIsos = anIsos.arg(newNbUIso);anIsos = anIsos.arg(DIGIT_SEPARATOR);anIsos = anIsos.arg(newNbVIso);
int aMgrId = window->getViewManager()->getGlobalId();
aStudy->setObjectProperty(aMgrId ,CurObject->getIO()->getEntry(), "Isos", anIsos);
@ -616,7 +632,8 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI::OnNbIsos( ActionType actionType )
newNbUIso = NbIsosDlg->getU();
newNbVIso = NbIsosDlg->getV();
} else
return; //Cancel case
else if ( actionType == INCR || actionType == DECR ) {
int delta = 1;
@ -635,6 +652,10 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI::OnNbIsos( ActionType actionType )
// There are no casting to needed actor.
int aIsos[2]={newNbUIso,newNbVIso};
QString anIsos("%1%2%3");anIsos = anIsos.arg(newNbUIso);anIsos = anIsos.arg(DIGIT_SEPARATOR);anIsos = anIsos.arg(newNbVIso);
int aMgrId = window->getViewManager()->getGlobalId();
aStudy->setObjectProperty(aMgrId ,anActor->getIO()->getEntry(), ISOS_PROP, anIsos);
anAct = aCollection->GetNextActor();
@ -646,9 +667,12 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI::OnNbIsos( ActionType actionType )
void GEOMToolsGUI::OnDeflection()
SUIT_ViewWindow* window = SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->desktop()->activeWindow();
SalomeApp_Study* appStudy = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->activeStudy() );
bool isOCC = (window && window->getViewManager()->getType() == OCCViewer_Viewer::Type());
bool isVTK = (window && window->getViewManager()->getType() == SVTK_Viewer::Type());
int mgrId = window->getViewManager()->getGlobalId();
if (isOCC) { // if is OCCViewer
OCCViewer_Viewer* vm = dynamic_cast<OCCViewer_Viewer*>(window->getViewManager()->getViewModel());
@ -678,6 +702,7 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI::OnDeflection()
CurObject = Handle(GEOM_AISShape)::DownCast(ic->Current());
ic->SetDeviationCoefficient(CurObject, aNewDC, Standard_True);
appStudy->setObjectProperty(mgrId,CurObject->getIO()->getEntry(), DEFLECTION_COEFF_PROP, aNewDC);
@ -747,6 +772,7 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI::OnDeflection()
// There are no casting to needed actor.
bool isRel = anActor->GetIsRelative();
anActor->SetDeflection(aDC, isRel);
appStudy->setObjectProperty(mgrId, anActor->getIO()->getEntry(), DEFLECTION_COEFF_PROP, aDC);
anAct = aCollection->GetNextActor();
@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
#include <QtxComboBox.h>
#include <SUIT_ResourceMgr.h>
#include <SUIT_Session.h>
#include <SUIT_ViewWindow.h>
#include <SUIT_Desktop.h>
#include <SUIT_ViewManager.h>
#include <LightApp_SelectionMgr.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Application.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Study.h>
@ -204,25 +207,38 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI_MarkerDlg::accept()
if ( getStudy() ) {
LightApp_SelectionMgr* selMgr = qobject_cast<SalomeApp_Application*>( getStudy()->application() )->selectionMgr();
if ( selMgr ) {
SALOME_ListIO selected;
selMgr->selectedObjects( selected );
if ( !selected.IsEmpty() ) {
_PTR(Study) study = getStudy()->studyDS();
for ( SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO it( selected ); it.More(); it.Next() ) {
_PTR(SObject) aSObject( study->FindObjectID( it.Value()->getEntry() ) );
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var anObject =
GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow( GeometryGUI::ClientSObjectToObject( aSObject ) );
if ( !anObject->_is_nil() ) {
if ( myWGStack->currentIndex() == 0 )
anObject->SetMarkerStd( getMarkerType(), getStandardMarkerScale() );
else if ( getCustomMarkerID() > 0 )
anObject->SetMarkerTexture( getCustomMarkerID() );
GEOM_Displayer displayer( getStudy() );
displayer.Redisplay( selected, true );
selMgr->setSelectedObjects( selected );
SUIT_ViewWindow* window = getStudy()->application()->desktop()->activeWindow();
if (window && window->getViewManager()) {
int mgrId = window->getViewManager()->getGlobalId();
if ( selMgr ) {
SALOME_ListIO selected;
selMgr->selectedObjects( selected );
if ( !selected.IsEmpty() ) {
_PTR(Study) study = getStudy()->studyDS();
for ( SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO it( selected ); it.More(); it.Next() ) {
_PTR(SObject) aSObject( study->FindObjectID( it.Value()->getEntry() ) );
GEOM::GEOM_Object_var anObject =
GEOM::GEOM_Object::_narrow( GeometryGUI::ClientSObjectToObject( aSObject ) );
if ( !anObject->_is_nil() ) {
if ( myWGStack->currentIndex() == 0 ) {
anObject->SetMarkerStd( getMarkerType(), getStandardMarkerScale() );
QString aMarker = "%1%2%3";
aMarker = aMarker.arg(getMarkerType());
aMarker = aMarker.arg(DIGIT_SEPARATOR);
aMarker = aMarker.arg(getStandardMarkerScale());
getStudy()->setObjectProperty(mgrId ,it.Value()->getEntry(),MARKER_TYPE_PROP, aMarker);
else if ( getCustomMarkerID() > 0 ) {
anObject->SetMarkerTexture( getCustomMarkerID() );
getStudy()->setObjectProperty(mgrId ,it.Value()->getEntry(),MARKER_TYPE_PROP, QString::number(getCustomMarkerID()));
GEOM_Displayer displayer( getStudy() );
displayer.Redisplay( selected, true );
selMgr->setSelectedObjects( selected );
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
#include <SalomeApp_Application.h>
#include <LightApp_Application.h>
#include <LightApp_SelectionMgr.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Study.h>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QPushButton>
@ -249,6 +250,12 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI_TransparencyDlg::SetTransparency()
LightApp_SelectionMgr* aSelMgr = app->selectionMgr();
if ( !aSelMgr )
SalomeApp_Study* aStudy = dynamic_cast<SalomeApp_Study*>(app->activeStudy());
SALOME_ListIO selected;
aSelMgr->selectedObjects( selected );
if ( selected.IsEmpty() )
@ -261,7 +268,7 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI_TransparencyDlg::SetTransparency()
SUIT_ViewWindow* window = app->desktop()->activeWindow();
bool isOCC = ( window && window->getViewManager()->getType() == OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() );
bool isVTK = ( window && window->getViewManager()->getType() == SVTK_Viewer::Type() );
int aMgrId = window->getViewManager()->getGlobalId();
if ( isVTK ) {
SVTK_ViewWindow* vtkVW = dynamic_cast<SVTK_ViewWindow*>( window );
if ( !vtkVW )
@ -278,6 +285,7 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI_TransparencyDlg::SetTransparency()
for ( SALOME_ListIteratorOfListIO It( selected ); It.More(); It.Next() ) {
aView->SetTransparency( It.Value(), newValue );
aStudy->setObjectProperty( aMgrId , It.Value()->getEntry(), TRANSPARENCY_PROP , newValue );
@ -308,6 +316,7 @@ void GEOMToolsGUI_TransparencyDlg::SetTransparency()
if ( found ) {
ic->SetTransparency( aisShape, newValue, false );
ic->Redisplay( aisShape, Standard_False, Standard_True );
aStudy->setObjectProperty( aMgrId , It.Value()->getEntry(), TRANSPARENCY_PROP , newValue );
} // for...
@ -174,6 +174,7 @@ GEOM_Actor::GEOM_Actor():
// Toggle display mode
setDisplayMode(0); // WIRE FRAME
SetVectorMode(0); //
Reference in New Issue
Block a user