mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 16:07:56 +05:00
Merge branch 'occ_closesurfaces' into 'master'
OCC - Identify shapes (for periodic/closesurface meshes) See merge request jschoeberl/netgen!462
This commit is contained in:
@ -56,18 +56,18 @@ namespace netgen
return false;
auto & e = *other_ptr;
if(tol < Dist(GetCenter(), e.GetCenter()))
if(tol < Dist(trafo(GetCenter()), e.GetCenter()))
return false;
auto v0 = GetStartVertex().GetPoint();
auto v1 = GetEndVertex().GetPoint();
auto v0 = trafo(GetStartVertex().GetPoint());
auto v1 = trafo(GetEndVertex().GetPoint());
auto w0 = e.GetStartVertex().GetPoint();
auto w1 = e.GetEndVertex().GetPoint();
// have two closed edges, use midpoints to compare
if(Dist(v0,v1) < tol && Dist(w0,w1) < tol)
v1 = GetPoint(0.5);
v1 = trafo(GetPoint(0.5));
w1 = other_ptr->GetPoint(0.5);
@ -75,6 +75,38 @@ namespace netgen
(Dist(v0, w1) < tol && Dist(v1, w0) < tol) );
bool GeometryFace :: IsMappedShape( const GeometryShape & other_, const Transformation<3> & trafo, double tol ) const
const auto other_ptr = dynamic_cast<const GeometryFace*>(&other_);
return false;
auto & f = *other_ptr;
if(tol < Dist(GetCenter(), f.GetCenter()))
return false;
// simple check: check if there is a bijective mapping of mapped edges
auto & other_edges = f.edges;
if(edges.Size() != other_edges.Size())
return false;
auto nedges = edges.Size();
Array<bool> is_mapped(nedges);
is_mapped = false;
for(auto e : edges)
int found_mapping = 0;
for(auto other_e : other_edges)
if(e->IsMappedShape(*other_e, trafo, tol))
if(found_mapping != 1)
return false;
return true;
void GeometryFace :: RestrictHTrig(Mesh& mesh,
const PointGeomInfo& gi0,
const PointGeomInfo& gi1,
@ -169,6 +201,15 @@ namespace netgen
void NetgenGeometry :: ProcessIdentifications()
for(auto i : Range(vertices))
vertices[i]->nr = i;
for(auto i : Range(edges))
edges[i]->nr = i;
for(auto i : Range(faces))
faces[i]->nr = i;
for(auto i : Range(solids))
solids[i]->nr = i;
auto mirror_identifications = [&] ( auto & shapes )
for(auto i : Range(shapes))
@ -181,11 +222,39 @@ namespace netgen
auto tol = 1e-8 * bounding_box.Diam();
for(auto & f : faces)
for(auto & ident: f->identifications)
for(auto e : static_cast<GeometryFace*>(ident.from)->edges)
for(auto e_other : static_cast<GeometryFace*>(ident.to)->edges)
if(e->IsMappedShape(*e_other, ident.trafo, tol))
e->identifications.Append( {e, e_other, ident.trafo, ident.type, ident.name} );
for(auto & e : edges)
for(auto & ident: e->identifications)
auto & from = static_cast<GeometryEdge&>(*ident.from);
auto & to = static_cast<GeometryEdge&>(*ident.to);
GeometryVertex * pfrom[] = { &from.GetStartVertex(), &from.GetEndVertex() };
GeometryVertex * pto[] = { &to.GetStartVertex(), &to.GetEndVertex() };
// swap points of other edge if necessary
Point<3> p_from0 = ident.trafo(from.GetStartVertex().GetPoint());
Point<3> p_from1 = ident.trafo(from.GetEndVertex().GetPoint());
Point<3> p_to0 = ident.trafo(to.GetStartVertex().GetPoint());
if(Dist(p_from1, p_to0) < Dist(p_from1, p_to0))
swap(pto[0], pto[1]);
for(auto i : Range(2))
pfrom[i]->identifications.Append( {pfrom[i], pto[i], ident.trafo, ident.type, ident.name} );
// todo: propagate identifications faces -> edges -> vertices
auto find_primary = [&] (auto & shapes)
@ -729,6 +798,9 @@ namespace netgen
sel[1] = s[1];
sel[2] = tree.Find(trafo(mesh[s[1]]));
sel[3] = tree.Find(trafo(mesh[s[0]]));
for(auto i : Range(4))
sel.GeomInfo()[i] = face.Project(mesh[sel[i]]);
@ -70,11 +70,19 @@ namespace netgen
class DLL_HEADER GeometryEdge : public GeometryShape
GeometryVertex *start, *end;
int domin=-1, domout=-1;
virtual const GeometryVertex& GetStartVertex() const = 0;
virtual const GeometryVertex& GetEndVertex() const = 0;
GeometryEdge( GeometryVertex &start_, GeometryVertex &end_ )
: start(&start_), end(&end_)
virtual const GeometryVertex& GetStartVertex() const { return *start; }
virtual const GeometryVertex& GetEndVertex() const { return *end; }
virtual GeometryVertex& GetStartVertex() { return *start; }
virtual GeometryVertex& GetEndVertex() { return *end; }
virtual double GetLength() const = 0;
virtual Point<3> GetCenter() const = 0;
virtual Point<3> GetPoint(double t) const = 0;
@ -100,11 +108,13 @@ namespace netgen
class DLL_HEADER GeometryFace : public GeometryShape
Array<GeometryEdge*> edges;
int domin=-1, domout=-1;
virtual Point<3> GetCenter() const = 0;
virtual size_t GetNBoundaries() const = 0;
virtual Array<Segment> GetBoundary(const Mesh& mesh) const = 0;
virtual PointGeomInfo Project(Point<3>& p) const = 0;
// Project point using geo info. Fast if point is close to
// parametrization in geo info.
@ -143,6 +153,8 @@ namespace netgen
newgi = Project(newp);
virtual bool IsMappedShape( const GeometryShape & other, const Transformation<3> & trafo, double tolerance ) const override;
void RestrictHTrig(Mesh& mesh,
const PointGeomInfo& gi0,
@ -156,8 +156,6 @@ namespace netgen
if(!pi0.IsValid() || !pi1.IsValid())
m_ident.Add(pi0, pi1, n);
m_ident.SetType( n, identifications.GetType(n) );
@ -166,6 +164,59 @@ namespace netgen
return ret;
// Add between identified surface elements (only consider closesurface identifications)
void FillCloseSurface( MeshingData & md)
static Timer timer("FillCloseSurface"); RegionTimer rtimer(timer);
auto & mesh = md.mesh;
auto & identifications = mesh->GetIdentifications();
auto nmax = identifications.GetMaxNr();
bool have_closesurfaces = false;
for(auto i : Range(1,nmax+1))
if(identifications.GetType(i) == Identifications::CLOSESURFACES)
have_closesurfaces = true;
NgArray<int, PointIndex::BASE> map;
for(auto identnr : Range(1,nmax+1))
if(identifications.GetType(identnr) != Identifications::CLOSESURFACES)
identifications.GetMap(identnr, map);
for(auto & sel : mesh->SurfaceElements())
bool is_mapped = true;
for(auto pi : sel.PNums())
is_mapped = false;
// in case we have symmetric mapping (used in csg), only map in one direction
if(map[map[sel[0]]] == sel[0] && map[sel[0]] < sel[0])
// insert prism
auto np = sel.GetNP();
Element el(2*np);
for(auto i : Range(np))
el[i] = sel[i];
el[i+np] = map[sel[i]];
void CloseOpenQuads( MeshingData & md)
auto & mesh = *md.mesh;
@ -488,6 +539,9 @@ namespace netgen
if (md[i].mesh->CheckOverlappingBoundary())
throw NgException ("Stop meshing since boundary mesh is overlapping");
// TODO: FillCloseSurface is not working with CSG closesurfaces
if(md[i].mesh->GetGeometry()->GetGeomType() == Mesh::GEOM_OCC)
FillCloseSurface( md[i] );
CloseOpenQuads( md[i] );
@ -7,8 +7,9 @@
namespace netgen
OCCEdge::OCCEdge(TopoDS_Shape edge_)
: tedge(edge_.TShape()),
OCCEdge::OCCEdge(TopoDS_Shape edge_, GeometryVertex & start_, GeometryVertex & end_)
: GeometryEdge(start_, end_),
curve = BRep_Tool::Curve(edge, s0, s1);
@ -18,26 +19,13 @@ namespace netgen
if(verts.size() != 2)
throw Exception("OCC edge does not have 2 vertices");
start = OCCVertex(verts[0]);
end = OCCVertex(verts[1]);
// swap start/end if necessary
double d00 = Dist(GetPoint(0), start.GetPoint());
double d01 = Dist(GetPoint(0), end.GetPoint());
double d00 = Dist(GetPoint(0), start->GetPoint());
double d01 = Dist(GetPoint(0), end->GetPoint());
if(d01 < d00)
swap(start, end);
const GeometryVertex& OCCEdge::GetStartVertex() const
return start;
const GeometryVertex& OCCEdge::GetEndVertex() const
return end;
double OCCEdge::GetLength() const
return props.Mass();
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ namespace netgen
class OCCEdge : public GeometryEdge
T_Shape tedge;
TopoDS_Edge edge;
Handle(Geom_Curve) curve;
@ -21,16 +22,11 @@ namespace netgen
GProp_GProps props;
OCCVertex start;
OCCVertex end;
OCCEdge(TopoDS_Shape edge_);
OCCEdge(TopoDS_Shape edge_, GeometryVertex & start_, GeometryVertex & end_);
auto Shape() const { return edge; }
T_Shape TShape() const { return tedge; }
const GeometryVertex& GetStartVertex() const override;
const GeometryVertex& GetEndVertex() const override;
double GetLength() const override;
Point<3> GetCenter() const override;
Point<3> GetPoint(double t) const override;
@ -98,7 +98,6 @@ namespace netgen
// auto cof = curve_on_face[ORIENTATION][edgenr];
auto edge = edge_on_face[ORIENTATION][edgenr];
OCCEdge gedge(edge);
double s0, s1;
auto cof = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface (edge, face, s0, s1);
@ -11,6 +11,22 @@ namespace netgen
return occ2ng( Handle(BRep_TVertex)::DownCast(shape)->Pnt() );
Transformation<3> occ2ng (const gp_Trsf & occ_trafo)
Transformation<3> trafo;
auto v = occ_trafo.TranslationPart();
auto m = occ_trafo.VectorialPart();
auto & tv = trafo.GetVector();
auto & tm = trafo.GetMatrix();
for(auto i : Range(3))
tv[i] = v.Coord(i+1);
for(auto k : Range(3))
tm(i,k) = m(i+1,k+1);
return trafo;
Box<3> GetBoundingBox( const TopoDS_Shape & shape )
Bnd_Box bb;
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopoDS.hxx>
#include <TopoDS_Vertex.hxx>
#include <gp_Trsf.hxx>
#include "meshing.hpp"
@ -47,6 +48,8 @@ namespace netgen
return occ2ng (BRep_Tool::Pnt (v));
DLL_HEADER Transformation<3> occ2ng (const gp_Trsf & t);
inline gp_Pnt ng2occ (const Point<3> & p)
return gp_Pnt(p(0), p(1), p(2));
@ -1108,20 +1108,24 @@ namespace netgen
fsingular = esingular = vsingular = false;
// Add shapes
for(auto v : GetVertices(shape))
for(auto i1 : Range(1, vmap.Extent()+1))
auto v = vmap(i1);
auto tshape = v.TShape();
vertex_map[tshape] = vertices.Size();
auto occ_vertex = make_unique<OCCVertex>(TopoDS::Vertex(v));
occ_vertex->nr = vertices.Size();
vertex_map[tshape] = occ_vertex->nr;
occ_vertex->properties = global_shape_properties[tshape];
for(auto e : GetEdges(shape))
for(auto i1 : Range(1, emap.Extent()+1))
auto e = emap(i1);
auto tshape = e.TShape();
auto edge = TopoDS::Edge(e);
@ -1129,15 +1133,15 @@ namespace netgen
edge_map[tshape] = edges.Size();
auto occ_edge = make_unique<OCCEdge>(edge);
auto verts = GetVertices(e);
auto occ_edge = make_unique<OCCEdge>(edge, *vertices[vertex_map[verts[0].TShape()]], *vertices[vertex_map[verts[1].TShape()]] );
occ_edge->properties = global_shape_properties[tshape];
occ_edge->start.nr = vertex_map[occ_edge->start.TShape()];
occ_edge->end.nr = vertex_map[occ_edge->end.TShape()];
for(auto f : GetFaces(shape))
for(auto i1 : Range(1, fmap.Extent()+1))
auto f = fmap(i1);
auto tshape = f.TShape();
@ -1145,6 +1149,10 @@ namespace netgen
auto k = faces.Size();
face_map[tshape] = k;
auto occ_face = make_unique<OCCFace>(f);
for(auto e : GetEdges(f))
occ_face->edges.Append( edges[edge_map[e.TShape()]].get() );
occ_face->properties = global_shape_properties[tshape];
@ -1162,8 +1170,9 @@ namespace netgen
for(auto s : GetSolids(shape))
for(auto i1 : Range(1, somap.Extent()+1))
auto s = somap(i1);
auto tshape = s.TShape();
int k;
@ -1194,6 +1203,9 @@ namespace netgen
for(auto & ident : identifications[tshape])
if(shape_map.count(ident.from)==0 || shape_map.count(ident.to)==0)
ShapeIdentification si{
@ -1208,9 +1220,8 @@ namespace netgen
add_identifications( edges, edge_map );
add_identifications( faces, face_map );
bounding_box = ::netgen::GetBoundingBox( shape );
@ -1940,25 +1951,6 @@ namespace netgen
return occ2ng( props.CentreOfMass() );
void OCCGeometry :: IdentifyEdges(const TopoDS_Shape & me, const TopoDS_Shape & you, string name, Identifications::ID_TYPE type)
auto cme = GetCenter(me);
auto cyou = GetCenter(you);
Transformation<3> trafo{cyou-cme};
identifications[me.TShape()].push_back( {me.TShape(), you.TShape(), Transformation<3>(cyou - cme), name, type} );
auto vme = GetVertices(me);
auto vyou = GetVertices(you);
Point<3> pme0 = trafo(occ2ng(vme[0]));
Point<3> pme1 = trafo(occ2ng(vme[1]));
Point<3> pyou = occ2ng(vyou[0]);
bool do_swap = Dist(pme1, pyou) < Dist(pme0, pyou);
for(auto i : Range(2))
identifications[vme[i].TShape()].push_back( {vme[i].TShape(), vyou[do_swap ? 1-i : i].TShape(), trafo, name, type} );
bool IsMappedShape(const Transformation<3> & trafo, const TopoDS_Shape & me, const TopoDS_Shape & you)
if(me.ShapeType() != you.ShapeType()) return false;
@ -1976,6 +1968,11 @@ namespace netgen
std::map<T_Shape, T_Shape> vmap;
auto verts_me = GetVertices(me);
auto verts_you = GetVertices(you);
if(verts_me.size() != verts_you.size())
return false;
for (auto i : Range(verts_me.size()))
auto s = verts_me[i].TShape();
@ -1986,8 +1983,7 @@ namespace netgen
vmap[s] = nullptr;
bool all_verts_mapped = true;
for (auto vert : GetVertices(you))
for (auto vert : verts_you)
auto s = vert.TShape();
auto p = occ2ng(s);
@ -1998,30 +1994,62 @@ namespace netgen
return true;
all_verts_mapped = false;
return false;
return all_verts_mapped;
return true;
void OCCGeometry :: IdentifyFaces(const TopoDS_Shape & solid, const TopoDS_Shape & me, const TopoDS_Shape & you, string name, Identifications::ID_TYPE type)
void Identify(const TopoDS_Shape & me, const TopoDS_Shape & you, string name, Identifications::ID_TYPE type, std::optional<gp_Trsf> opt_trafo)
auto cme = GetCenter(me);
auto cyou = GetCenter(you);
Transformation<3> trafo(cyou-cme);
gp_Trsf trafo;
trafo = *opt_trafo;
auto v = GetCenter(you) - GetCenter(me);
trafo.SetTranslation(gp_Vec(v[0], v[1], v[2]));
(OCCIdentification { me.TShape(), you.TShape(), trafo, name, type });
ListOfShapes list_me, list_you;
Identify(list_me, list_you, name, type, trafo);
auto edges_me = GetEdges(me);
auto edges_you = GetEdges(you);
void Identify(const ListOfShapes & me, const ListOfShapes & you, string name, Identifications::ID_TYPE type, gp_Trsf occ_trafo)
Transformation<3> trafo = occ2ng(occ_trafo);
for (auto e_me : edges_me)
for (auto e_you : edges_you)
if(IsMappedShape(trafo, e_me, e_you))
IdentifyEdges(e_me, e_you, name, type);
ListOfShapes id_me;
ListOfShapes id_you;
if(auto faces_me = me.Faces(); faces_me.size()>0)
id_me = faces_me;
id_you = you.Faces();
else if(auto edges_me = me.Edges(); edges_me.size()>0)
id_me = edges_me;
id_you = you.Edges();
id_me = me.Vertices();
id_you = you.Vertices();
for(auto shape_me : id_me)
for(auto shape_you : id_you)
if(!IsMappedShape(trafo, shape_me, shape_you))
(OCCIdentification { shape_me.TShape(), shape_you.TShape(), trafo, name, type });
void OCCParameters :: Print(ostream & ost) const
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ namespace netgen
#define OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONFULLCHANGE 1 // Compute transformation matrices and redraw
bool IsMappedShape(const Transformation<3> & trafo, const TopoDS_Shape & me, const TopoDS_Shape & you);
class EntityVisualizationCode
@ -341,12 +342,13 @@ namespace netgen
bool ErrorInSurfaceMeshing ();
// void WriteOCC_STL(char * filename);
static void IdentifyEdges(const TopoDS_Shape & me, const TopoDS_Shape & you, string name, Identifications::ID_TYPE type);
static void IdentifyFaces(const TopoDS_Shape & solid,const TopoDS_Shape & me, const TopoDS_Shape & you, string name, Identifications::ID_TYPE type);
//bool FastProject (int surfi, Point<3> & ap, double& u, double& v) const;
void Identify(const ListOfShapes & me, const ListOfShapes & you, string name, Identifications::ID_TYPE type, gp_Trsf occ_trafo);
void Identify(const TopoDS_Shape & me, const TopoDS_Shape & you, string name, Identifications::ID_TYPE type, std::optional<gp_Trsf> opt_trafo);
void PrintContents (OCCGeometry * geom);
@ -199,14 +199,14 @@ py::object CastShape(const TopoDS_Shape & s)
template <class TBuilder>
void PropagateIdentifications (TBuilder & builder, TopoDS_Shape shape)
std::map<T_Shape, T_Shape> mod_map;
std::map<T_Shape, std::set<T_Shape>> mod_map;
std::map<T_Shape, bool> tshape_handled;
for (auto typ : { TopAbs_SOLID, TopAbs_FACE, TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_VERTEX })
for (TopExp_Explorer e(shape, typ); e.More(); e.Next())
auto tshape = e.Current().TShape();
mod_map[tshape] = tshape;
tshape_handled[tshape] = false;
@ -215,11 +215,8 @@ void PropagateIdentifications (TBuilder & builder, TopoDS_Shape shape)
auto tshape = e.Current().TShape();
auto & modified = builder.Modified(e.Current());
mod_map[tshape] = modified.First().TShape();
for (auto mods : builder.Modified(e.Current()))
for (auto typ : { TopAbs_SOLID, TopAbs_FACE, TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_VERTEX })
@ -236,21 +233,33 @@ void PropagateIdentifications (TBuilder & builder, TopoDS_Shape shape)
auto tshape_mapped = mod_map[tshape];
for(auto & ident : OCCGeometry::identifications[tshape])
for(auto ident : OCCGeometry::identifications[tshape])
// update existing identification
if(tshape == tshape_mapped)
ident.to = mod_map[ident.to];
ident.from = mod_map[ident.from];
OCCIdentification id_new = ident;
id_new.to = mod_map[id_new.to];
id_new.from = mod_map[id_new.from];
// nothing happened
if(mod_map[ident.to].size()==1 && mod_map[ident.from].size() ==1)
auto from = ident.from;
auto to = ident.to;
for(auto from_mapped : mod_map[from])
for(auto to_mapped : mod_map[to])
if(from==from_mapped && to==to_mapped)
TopoDS_Shape s_from; s_from.TShape(from_mapped);
TopoDS_Shape s_to; s_to.TShape(to_mapped);
if(!IsMappedShape(ident.trafo, s_from, s_to))
OCCIdentification id_new = ident;
id_new.to = to_mapped;
id_new.from = from_mapped;
auto id_owner = from == tshape ? from_mapped : to_mapped;
@ -1071,27 +1080,11 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNgOCCShapes(py::module &m)
BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh (shape, deflection, true);
.def("Identify", [](const TopoDS_Shape & me, const TopoDS_Shape & you, string name, Identifications::ID_TYPE idtype) {
// only edges supported, by now
auto type = me.ShapeType();
auto tyou = you.ShapeType();
if(type != tyou)
throw NgException ("Identify: cannot identify different shape types");
case TopAbs_VERTEX:
case TopAbs_EDGE:
OCCGeometry::IdentifyEdges(me, you, name, idtype);
throw NgException ("Identify: unsupported shape type");
}, py::arg("other"), py::arg("name"), py::arg("type")=Identifications::PERIODIC, "Identify shapes for periodic meshing")
.def("Identify", OCCGeometry::IdentifyFaces, "Identify faces",
py::arg("from"), py::arg("to"), py::arg("name"), py::arg("type")=Identifications::PERIODIC)
.def("Identify", py::overload_cast<const TopoDS_Shape &, const TopoDS_Shape &, string, Identifications::ID_TYPE, std::optional<gp_Trsf>>(&Identify),
py::arg("other"), py::arg("name"),
py::arg("type")=Identifications::PERIODIC, py::arg("trafo")=nullopt,
"Identify shapes for periodic meshing")
.def("Distance", [](const TopoDS_Shape& self,
const TopoDS_Shape& other)
@ -1634,6 +1627,11 @@ DLL_HEADER void ExportNgOCCShapes(py::module &m)
}, "set hpref for all elements of list")
.def("Identify", py::overload_cast<const ListOfShapes&, const ListOfShapes&, string, Identifications::ID_TYPE, gp_Trsf>(&Identify),
py::arg("other"), py::arg("name"),
py::arg("type")=Identifications::PERIODIC, py::arg("trafo"),
"Identify shapes for periodic meshing")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
import pytest
from netgen.meshing import IdentificationType
idtype = IdentificationType.CLOSESURFACES
def test_two_boxes():
occ = pytest.importorskip("netgen.occ")
inner = occ.Box((0,0,0), (1,1,1))
trafo = occ.gp_Trsf().Scale(inner.center, 1.1)
outer = trafo(inner)
inner.Identify(outer, "", idtype, trafo)
shape = occ.Glue([outer-inner, inner])
geo = occ.OCCGeometry(shape)
mesh = geo.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.3)
have_prisms = False
for el in mesh.Elements3D():
if len(el.vertices)==6:
have_prisms = True
assert have_prisms
def test_two_circles():
occ = pytest.importorskip("netgen.occ")
circ1 = occ.WorkPlane().Circle(1).Face()
trafo = occ.gp_Trsf().Scale(circ1.center, 1.1)
circ2 = trafo(circ1)
circ1.edges[0].Identify(circ2.edges[0], "", idtype, trafo)
circ2 -= circ1
shape = occ.Glue([circ1, circ2])
geo = occ.OCCGeometry(shape, 2)
mesh = geo.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.2)
have_quads = False
for el in mesh.Elements2D():
if len(el.vertices)==4:
have_quads = True
assert have_quads
def test_cut_identified_face():
occ = pytest.importorskip("netgen.occ")
from netgen.occ import Z, Box, Cylinder, Glue, OCCGeometry
box = Box((-1,-1,0), (1,1,1))
cyl = Cylinder( (0,0,0), Z, 0.5, 1 )
box.faces.Min(Z).Identify(box.faces.Max(Z), "", idtype)
shape = Glue([cyl, box])
geo = OCCGeometry(shape)
mesh = geo.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.5)
for el in mesh.Elements3D():
assert len(el.vertices)==6
def test_identify_multiple_faces():
occ = pytest.importorskip("netgen.occ")
from netgen.occ import Z, Box, Cylinder, Glue, OCCGeometry, gp_Trsf
box = Box((-1,-1,0), (1,1,1))
cyl = Cylinder( (0,0,0), Z, 0.5, 1 )
shape = Glue([box, cyl])
bot_faces = shape.faces[Z < 0.1]
top_faces = shape.faces[Z > 0.1]
bot_faces.Identify(top_faces, "", idtype, gp_Trsf.Translation((0,0,1)))
geo = OCCGeometry(shape)
mesh = geo.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.3)
for el in mesh.Elements3D():
assert len(el.vertices)==6
Reference in New Issue
Block a user