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synced 2025-03-24 07:27:56 +05:00
Fixes in growth vector limitation
This commit is contained in:
@ -148,37 +148,56 @@ struct GrowthVectorLimiter {
FlatArray<Vec<3>, PointIndex> growthvectors;
BitArray changed_domains;
unique_ptr<BoxTree<3>> tree;
Array<PointIndex, PointIndex> map_from;
ofstream debug;
GrowthVectorLimiter( BoundaryLayerTool & tool_, Mesh & mesh_, const BoundaryLayerParameters & params_, FlatArray<double, PointIndex> limits_, FlatArray<Vec<3>, PointIndex> growthvectors_, double height_) :
params(params_), mesh(mesh_), height(height_), limits(limits_), growthvectors(growthvectors_), debug("debug.txt") {
params(params_), mesh(mesh_), height(height_), limits(limits_), growthvectors(growthvectors_), map_from(mesh.Points().Size()), debug("debug.txt") {
changed_domains = params.domains;
map_from = PointIndex::INVALID;
for(auto pi : tool.mapto.Range())
for (auto pi_to : tool.mapto[pi])
map_from[pi_to] = pi;
Face GetFace( SurfaceElementIndex sei );
Face GetMappedFace( SurfaceElementIndex sei );
Face GetMappedFace( SurfaceElementIndex sei, int face );
auto GetSeg(PointIndex pi, PointIndex pi_to, double shift=1.) {
return std::array<Point<3>, 2>{mesh[pi], mesh[pi]+shift*(mesh[pi_to]-mesh[pi])};
Point<3> GetPoint(PointIndex pi_to, double shift=1.) {
if(shift == 1.) return mesh[pi_to];
auto pi_from = map_from[pi_to];
if(!pi_from.IsValid()) return mesh[pi_to];
if(shift == 0.) return mesh[pi_from];
Point<3> p_from = mesh[pi_from];
auto [gw_ptr, h] = tool.growth_vector_map.at(pi_to);
Point<3> p_to = mesh[pi_to] + h * limits[pi_to] * (*gw_ptr);
return p_from + shift * (p_to - p_from);
std::array<Point<3>, 2> GetSeg(PointIndex pi_to, double shift=1.) {
return {GetPoint(pi_to, 0), GetPoint(pi_to, shift)};
auto GetTrig(SurfaceElementIndex sei, double shift = 0.0) {
auto sel = mesh[sei];
auto trig = std::array<Point<3>, 3> { mesh[sel[0]], mesh[sel[1]], mesh[sel[2]] };
for (auto i : Range(3))
trig[i] += height * shift * limits[sel[i]] * growthvectors[sel[i]];
std::array<Point<3>, 3> trig;
for (auto i : Range(3))
trig[i] = mesh[sel[i]];
return trig;
auto GetSideTrig(SurfaceElementIndex sei, int index, double shift = 0.0) {
auto trig = GetTrig(sei, shift);
auto trig = GetTrig(sei, 0.0);
auto sel = mesh[sei];
auto index1 = (index+1)%3;
trig[index] = trig[index1];
trig[index] += height * shift * limits[sel[index1]] * growthvectors[sel[index1]];
auto [gw_ptr, h] = tool.growth_vector_map.at(sel[index1]);
trig[index] += h * shift * (*gw_ptr);
return trig;
@ -213,53 +232,47 @@ struct GrowthVectorLimiter {
static constexpr double INTERSECTION_SAFETY = .99;
void LimitGrowthVector(PointIndex pi, SurfaceElementIndex sei, double trig_shift, double seg_shift) {
Array<PointIndex> pis;
if(tool.special_boundary_points.count(pi)) {
for(auto & group : tool.special_boundary_points[pi].growth_groups)
for(auto pi_to : pis) {
void LimitGrowthVector(PointIndex pi_to, SurfaceElementIndex sei, double trig_shift, double seg_shift) {
auto pi_from = map_from[pi_to];
if(!pi_from.IsValid()) return;
if(trig_shift > 0) {
auto intersection = isIntersectingTrig(pi, pi_to, sei, trig_shift);
auto intersection = isIntersectingTrig(pi_from, pi_to, sei, trig_shift);
if(!intersection) return;
double dshift = trig_shift;
while(intersection && dshift > 0.01 && dshift > intersection.lam0) {
dshift *= 0.9;
intersection = isIntersectingTrig(pi, pi_to, sei, dshift);
intersection = isIntersectingTrig(pi_from, pi_to, sei, dshift);
dshift /= 0.9;
intersection = isIntersectingTrig(pi, pi_to, sei, dshift);
intersection = isIntersectingTrig(pi_from, pi_to, sei, dshift);
if(dshift < 1)
cout << "final dshift " << dshift << "\t" << intersection.lam0 << endl;
limits[pi] *= intersection.lam0;
limits[pi_from] *= intersection.lam0;
auto sel = mesh[sei];
for(auto i : Range(3))
limits[sel[i]] *= dshift;
else {
auto seg = GetSeg(pi, pi_to, seg_shift);
auto seg = GetSeg(pi_to, seg_shift);
auto trig = GetTrig(sei, 0.0);
// cout << mesh[sei] << " " << pi << endl;
// cout << mesh[sei] << " " << pi_from << endl;
auto intersection = isIntersectingTrig(seg, trig);
auto lam = intersection.lam0;
// cout << "lam " << intersection.is_intersecting <<"\t" << lam << endl;
if(intersection) {
// check with original surface elements
limits[pi] = min(limits[pi], seg_shift*0.45*INTERSECTION_SAFETY*lam);
// cout << "set limit " << pi << '\t' << limits[pi] << endl;
if(limits[pi] < 0.1) DebugOut(pi, sei);
limits[pi_from] = min(limits[pi_from], seg_shift*0.45*INTERSECTION_SAFETY*lam);
// cout << "set limit " << pi_from << '\t' << limits[pi_from] << endl;
if(limits[pi_from] < 0.1) DebugOut(pi_from, sei);
// cout << "lam " << lam << endl;
// if (lam > 0 && lam < 2./INTERSECTION_SAFETY) {
// limits[pi] = min(limits[pi], 0.45*INTERSECTION_SAFETY*lam);
// cout << "limit by 2 safety " << limits[pi] << endl;
// limits[pi_from] = min(limits[pi_from], 0.45*INTERSECTION_SAFETY*lam);
// cout << "limit by 2 safety " << limits[pi_from] << endl;
// }
// check with shifted surface elements using growthvectors
// return;
@ -300,9 +313,10 @@ struct GrowthVectorLimiter {
for(SurfaceElementIndex sei : mesh.SurfaceElements().Range()) {
auto sel = mesh[sei];
const auto& fd = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(sel.GetIndex());
if(!changed_domains.Test(fd.DomainIn()) &&
if(sei < tool.nse) continue;
// if(sei >= tool.nse || (!changed_domains.Test(fd.DomainIn()) &&
// !changed_domains.Test(fd.DomainOut())))
// continue;
ArrayMem<double, 4> ori_limits;
@ -408,36 +422,45 @@ struct GrowthVectorLimiter {
return intersection;
Intersection_ isIntersectingTrig ( PointIndex pi, PointIndex pi_to, SurfaceElementIndex sei, double shift=0.0)
Intersection_ isIntersectingTrig ( PointIndex pi_from, PointIndex pi_to, SurfaceElementIndex sei, double shift=0.0)
return isIntersectingTrig(GetSeg(pi, pi_to), GetTrig(sei, shift));
return isIntersectingTrig(GetSeg(pi_from, pi_to), GetTrig(sei, shift));
void BuildSearchTree(double trig_shift) {
Box<3> bbox(Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX);
for(PointIndex pi : Range(PointIndex::BASE, PointIndex::BASE+tool.np))
for(PointIndex pi : mesh.Points().Range())
if(tool.mapto[pi].Size() >0)
bbox.Add(GetPoint(pi, 1.0));
// if(tool.mapto[pi].Size() >0)
// bbox.Add(mesh[tool.mapto[pi].Last()]);
tree = make_unique<BoxTree<3>>(bbox);
for(auto sei : mesh.SurfaceElements().Range())
// cout << "handle sei " << sei << ", old nse " << tool.nse << endl;
const auto & sel = mesh[sei];
auto sel_index = mesh[sei].GetIndex();
// if(sel_index)
// {
// cout << "index " << sel_index << endl;
// const auto& fd = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(sel_index);
// if( !changed_domains.Test(fd.DomainIn()) &&
// !changed_domains.Test(fd.DomainOut()))
// continue;
// }
Box<3> box(Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX);
const auto& fd = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(sel.GetIndex());
if(!changed_domains.Test(fd.DomainIn()) &&
for(auto pi : sel.PNums())
for(auto p : GetTrig(sei, trig_shift))
// for(auto pi : sel.PNums())
// box.Add(mesh[pi]);
// also add moved points to bounding box
if(trig_shift >0 && params.surfid.Contains(sel.GetIndex()))
for(auto pi : sel.PNums())
// for(auto p : GetTrig(sei, trig_shift))
// box.Add(mesh[pi]+trig_shift*limits[pi]*height*growthvectors[pi]);
tree->Insert(box, sei);
@ -445,20 +468,27 @@ struct GrowthVectorLimiter {
template<typename TFunc>
void FindTreeIntersections( double trig_shift, double seg_shift, TFunc f) {
for(auto pi : mesh.Points().Range()) {
if(mesh[pi].Type() == INNERPOINT)
if(growthvectors[pi].Length2() == 0.0)
auto np_new = mesh.Points().Size();
// cout << "np_new " << np_new << endl;
// cout << "too.np " << tool.np << endl;
for(auto i : IntRange(tool.np, np_new)) {
// cout << "handle point " << i << endl;
PointIndex pi_to = i+PointIndex::BASE;
// if(mesh[pi_to].Type() == INNERPOINT)
// continue;
// if(growthvectors[pi_to].Length2() == 0.0)
// continue;
Box<3> box(Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX);
auto seg = GetSeg(pi, seg_shift);
auto seg = GetSeg(pi_to, seg_shift);
tree->GetFirstIntersecting(box.PMin(), box.PMax(), [&](SurfaceElementIndex sei) {
const auto & sel = mesh[sei];
// cout << "got intersecting " << sei << endl;
auto pi_from = map_from[pi_to];
return false;
f(pi, sei);
f(pi_to, sei);
return false;
@ -509,19 +539,22 @@ struct GrowthVectorLimiter {
void BoundaryLayerTool :: LimitGrowthVectorLengths()
static Timer tall("BoundaryLayerTool::LimitGrowthVectorLengths"); RegionTimer rtall(tall);
limits = 1.0;
GrowthVectorLimiter limiter(*this, mesh, params, limits, growthvectors, height);
// limit to not intersect with other surface elements
// limit to not intersect with other (original) surface elements
double trig_shift = 0;
double seg_shift = 2.1;
limiter.FindTreeIntersections(trig_shift, seg_shift, [&] (PointIndex pi, SurfaceElementIndex sei) {
limiter.LimitGrowthVector(pi, sei, trig_shift, seg_shift);
limiter.FindTreeIntersections(trig_shift, seg_shift, [&] (PointIndex pi_to, SurfaceElementIndex sei) {
// cout << "found intersection 1 " << pi_to << ", " << sei << endl;
if(sei >= nse) return; // ignore new surface elements in first pass
limiter.LimitGrowthVector(pi_to, sei, trig_shift, seg_shift);
// for(auto i : Range(growthvectors))
// growthvectors[i] *= limits[i];
// limits = 1.0;
@ -529,15 +562,27 @@ struct GrowthVectorLimiter {
// now limit again with shifted surace elements
trig_shift = 1.0;
seg_shift = 1.0;
limiter.FindTreeIntersections(trig_shift, seg_shift, [&] (PointIndex pi, SurfaceElementIndex sei) {
limiter.LimitGrowthVector(pi, sei, trig_shift, seg_shift);
limiter.FindTreeIntersections(trig_shift, seg_shift, [&] (PointIndex pi_to, SurfaceElementIndex sei) {
// cout << "Should not have intersection with original surface element anymore" << endl;
// cout << "found intersection 2 " << pi_to << ", " << sei << endl;
limiter.LimitGrowthVector(pi_to, sei, trig_shift, seg_shift);
// for (auto i : Range(limits))
// if(limits[i] < 1.0)
// cout << i << ": " << limits[i] << endl;
for (auto [pi_to, data] : growth_vector_map) {
auto pi_from = limiter.map_from[pi_to];
limits[pi_from] = min(limits[pi_from], limits[pi_to]);
for(auto i : Range(growthvectors))
growthvectors[i] *= limits[i];
cout << "limits " << limits << endl;
cout << "old np " << np << endl;
// void BoundaryLayerTool :: LimitGrowthVectorLengths()
@ -2113,8 +2158,8 @@ struct GrowthVectorLimiter {
// cout << "growthvectors before " << endl<< growthvectors << endl;
// cout << "growthvectors after " << endl << growthvectors << endl;
// if(params.limit_growth_vectors)
// LimitGrowthVectorLengths();
for (auto [pi, data] : growth_vector_map) {
auto [gw, height] = data;
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