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642 lines
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#include <mystdlib.h>
#include "meshing.hpp"
namespace netgen
static double CalcElementBadness (const Array<Point2d> & points,
const Element2d & elem)
// badness = sqrt(3) /36 * circumference^2 / area - 1 +
// h / li + li / h - 2
Vec2d v12, v13, v23;
double l12, l13, l23, cir, area;
static const double c = sqrt(3.0) / 36;
v12 = points.Get(elem.PNum(2)) - points.Get(elem.PNum(1));
v13 = points.Get(elem.PNum(3)) - points.Get(elem.PNum(1));
v23 = points.Get(elem.PNum(3)) - points.Get(elem.PNum(2));
l12 = v12.Length();
l13 = v13.Length();
l23 = v23.Length();
cir = l12 + l13 + l23;
area = 0.5 * (v12.X() * v13.Y() - v12.Y() * v13.X());
if (area < 1e-6)
return 1e8;
if (testmode)
(*testout) << "l = " << l12 << " + " << l13 << " + " << l23 << " = "
<< cir << ", area = " << area << endl;
(*testout) << "shapeerr = " << 10 * (c * cir * cir / area - 1) << endl
<< "sizeerr = " << 1/l12 + l12 + 1/l13 + l13 + 1/l23 + l23 - 6
<< endl;
return 10 * (c * cir * cir / area - 1)
+ 1/l12 + l12 + 1/l13 + l13 + 1/l23 + l23 - 6;
int Meshing2 ::ApplyRules (Array<Point2d> & lpoints,
Array<int> & legalpoints,
int maxlegalpoint,
Array<INDEX_2> & llines,
int maxlegalline,
Array<Element2d> & elements,
Array<INDEX> & dellines, int tolerance)
int i, j, ri, nlok, npok, incnpok, refpi, locli = 0;
double maxerr = 0.5 + 0.3 * tolerance;
double minelerr = 2 + 0.5 * tolerance * tolerance;
bool ok;
int found; // rule number
Vector oldu, newu;
Point2d np;
Vec2d linevec;
int oldnp;
INDEX_2 loclin;
double hf, elerr;
int noldlp, noldll;
int loctestmode;
static Array<int> pused, pmap, pfixed;
static Array<int, 1> lmap, lused;
static Array<int> pnearness, lnearness;
static Array<Point2d> tempnewpoints;
static Array<INDEX_2> tempnewlines;
static Array<int> tempdellines;
static Array<Element2d> tempelements;
elements.SetSize (0);
dellines.SetSize (0);
noldlp = lpoints.Size();
noldll = llines.Size();
pused.SetSize (maxlegalpoint);
lused.SetSize (maxlegalline);
pnearness.SetSize (noldlp);
lnearness.SetSize (llines.Size());
testmode = debugparam.debugoutput;
loctestmode = testmode;
if (loctestmode)
(*testout) << endl << endl << "Check new environment" << endl;
(*testout) << "tolerance = " << tolerance << endl;
for (i = 1; i <= lpoints.Size(); i++)
(*testout) << "P" << i << " = " << lpoints.Get(i) << endl;
(*testout) << endl;
for (i = 1; i <= llines.Size(); i++)
(*testout) << "(" << llines.Get(i).I1() << "-" << llines.Get(i).I2() << ")" << endl;
// check every rule
found = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= noldlp; i++)
pnearness.Set(i, 1000);
for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
pnearness.Set(llines.Get(1).I(j), 0);
ok = 1;
for (i = 1; i <= maxlegalline; i++)
const INDEX_2 & hline = llines.Get(i);
int minn = INT_MAX-1;
for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
int hi = pnearness.Get(hline.I(j));
if (hi < minn) minn = hi;
int minn = pnearness.Get(hline.I1());
int minn2 = pnearness.Get(hline.I2());
if (minn2 < minn)
minn = minn2;
for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
int hpi = hline.I(j);
if (pnearness.Get(hpi) > minn+1)
ok = 0;
pnearness.Set(hpi, minn+1);
int hpi = hline.I1();
if (pnearness.Get(hpi) > minn+1)
ok = 0;
pnearness.Set(hpi, minn+1);
hpi = hline.I2();
if (pnearness.Get(hpi) > minn+1)
ok = 0;
pnearness.Set(hpi, minn+1);
while (!ok);
for (i = 1; i <= maxlegalline /* lnearness.Size() */; i++)
lnearness.Set(i, 0);
for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
lnearness.Elem(i) += pnearness.Get(llines.Get(i).I(j));
for (ri = 1; ri <= rules.Size(); ri++)
netrule * rule = rules.Get(ri);
if (loctestmode)
(*testout) << "Rule " << rule->Name() << endl;
if (rule->GetQuality() > tolerance) continue;
pmap.SetSize (rule->GetNP());
lmap.SetSize (rule->GetNL());
lused = 0;
pused = 0;
pmap = 0;
lmap = 0;
lused[1] = 1; // .Set (1, 1);
lmap[1] = 1; // .Set (1, 1);
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
pmap.Elem(rule->GetLine(1)[j]) = llines[0][j];
nlok = 2;
while (nlok >= 2)
if (nlok <= rule->GetNOldL())
ok = 0;
while (!ok && lmap.Get(nlok) < maxlegalline /* llines.Size() */)
locli = lmap.Get(nlok);
if (!lused.Get(locli) &&
lnearness.Get(locli) <= rule->GetLNearness (nlok) )
ok = 1;
loclin = llines.Get(locli);
linevec = lpoints.Get(loclin.I2()) - lpoints.Get(loclin.I1());
if (rule->CalcLineError (nlok, linevec) > maxerr)
ok = 0;
(*testout) << "not ok pos1" << endl;
for (j = 0; j < 2 && ok; j++)
// refpi = rule->GetPointNr (nlok, j);
refpi = rule->GetLine(nlok)[j];
if (pmap.Get(refpi) != 0)
if (pmap.Get(refpi) != loclin[j])
ok = 0;
(*testout) << "not ok pos2" << endl;
if (rule->CalcPointDist (refpi, lpoints.Get(loclin[j])) > maxerr
|| !legalpoints.Get(loclin[j])
|| pused.Get(loclin[j]))
ok = 0;
(*testout) << "nok pos3" << endl;
//if(rule->CalcPointDist (refpi, lpoints.Get(loclin[j])) > maxerr)
//(*testout) << "r1" << endl;
//(*testout) << "r2 legalpoints " << legalpoints << " loclin " << loclin << " j " << j << endl;
//(*testout) << "r3" << endl;
if (ok)
lused.Elem (locli) = 1;
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
pmap.Set(rule->GetLine (nlok)[j], loclin[j]);
lmap.Elem(nlok) = 0;
lused.Elem (lmap.Get(nlok)) = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
pused.Elem(llines.Get(lmap.Get(nlok))[j]) --;
if (! pused.Get (llines.Get (lmap.Get (nlok))[j]))
pmap.Set (rule->GetLine (nlok)[j], 0);
// all lines are mapped !!
// map also all points:
npok = 1;
incnpok = 1;
pfixed.SetSize (pmap.Size());
for (i = 0; i < pmap.Size(); i++)
pfixed[i] = (pmap[i] >= 1);
while (npok >= 1)
if (npok <= rule->GetNOldP())
if (pfixed.Get(npok))
if (incnpok)
ok = 0;
if (pmap.Get(npok))
while (!ok && pmap.Get(npok) < maxlegalpoint)
ok = 1;
if (pused.Get(pmap.Get(npok)))
ok = 0;
if (rule->CalcPointDist (npok, lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(npok))) > maxerr
|| !legalpoints.Get(pmap.Get(npok)))
ok = 0;
if (ok)
incnpok = 1;
pmap.Elem(npok) = 0;
incnpok = 0;
if (ok)
if (loctestmode)
(*testout) << "lines and points mapped" << endl;
ok = 1;
// check orientations
for (i = 1; i <= rule->GetNOrientations() && ok; i++)
if (CW (lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(rule->GetOrientation(i).i1)),
lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(rule->GetOrientation(i).i3))) )
ok = 0;
if (loctestmode)
(*testout) << "Orientation " << i << " not ok" << endl;
if (ok)
oldu.SetSize (2 * rule->GetNOldP());
for (int i = 1; i <= rule->GetNOldP(); i++)
Vec2d ui(rule->GetPoint(i), lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(i)));
oldu (2*i-2) = ui.X();
oldu (2*i-1) = ui.Y();
rule -> SetFreeZoneTransformation (oldu, tolerance);
if (ok && !rule->ConvexFreeZone())
ok = 0;
if (loctestmode)
(*testout) << "freezone not convex" << endl;
static int cnt = 0;
if (cnt % 100 == 0)
cout << "freezone not convex, cnt = " << cnt << "; rule = " << rule->Name() << endl;
(*testout) << "freezone not convex, cnt = " << cnt << "; rule = " << rule->Name() << endl;
(*testout) << "tol = " << tolerance << endl;
(*testout) << "maxerr = " << maxerr << "; minerr = " << minelerr << endl;
(*testout) << "freezone = " << rule->GetTransFreeZone() << endl;
// check freezone:
for (i = 1; i <= maxlegalpoint && ok; i++)
if ( !pused.Get(i) &&
rule->IsInFreeZone (lpoints.Get(i)) )
ok = 0;
if (loctestmode)
(*testout) << "Point " << i << " in freezone" << endl;
for (i = maxlegalpoint+1; i <= lpoints.Size() && ok; i++)
if ( rule->IsInFreeZone (lpoints.Get(i)) )
ok = 0;
if (loctestmode)
(*testout) << "Point " << i << " in freezone" << endl;
for (i = 1; i <= maxlegalline && ok; i++)
if (!lused.Get(i) &&
rule->IsLineInFreeZone (lpoints.Get(llines.Get(i).I1()),
ok = 0;
if (loctestmode)
(*testout) << "line " << llines.Get(i).I1() << "-"
<< llines.Get(i).I2() << " in freezone" << endl;
for (i = maxlegalline+1; i <= llines.Size() && ok; i++)
if (rule->IsLineInFreeZone (lpoints.Get(llines.Get(i).I1()),
ok = 0;
if (loctestmode)
(*testout) << "line " << llines.Get(i).I1() << "-"
<< llines.Get(i).I2() << " in freezone" << endl;
// check orientations
for (i = 1; i <= rule->GetNOrientations() && ok; i++)
if (CW (lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(rule->GetOrientation(i).i1)),
lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(rule->GetOrientation(i).i3))) )
ok = 0;
if (loctestmode)
(*testout) << "Orientation " << i << " not ok" << endl;
if (ok)
if (loctestmode)
(*testout) << "rule ok" << endl;
// newu = rule->GetOldUToNewU() * oldu;
if (rule->GetNOldP() < rule->GetNP())
newu.SetSize (rule->GetOldUToNewU().Height());
rule->GetOldUToNewU().Mult (oldu, newu);
// Setze neue Punkte:
oldnp = rule->GetNOldP();
for (i = oldnp + 1; i <= rule->GetNP(); i++)
np = rule->GetPoint(i);
np.X() += newu (2 * (i-oldnp) - 2);
np.Y() += newu (2 * (i-oldnp) - 1);
pmap.Elem(i) = lpoints.Append (np);
// Setze neue Linien:
for (i = rule->GetNOldL() + 1; i <= rule->GetNL(); i++)
llines.Append (INDEX_2 (pmap.Get(rule->GetLine (i)[0]),
pmap.Get(rule->GetLine (i)[1])));
// delete old lines:
for (i = 1; i <= rule->GetNDelL(); i++)
dellines.Append (lmap.Get(rule->GetDelLine(i)));
// dellines.Append (lmap[rule->GetDelLines()]);
// lmap[rule->GetDelLines()];
// insert new elements:
for (i = 1; i <= rule->GetNE(); i++)
elements.Append (rule->GetElement(i));
for (j = 1; j <= elements.Get(i).GetNP(); j++)
elements.Elem(i).PNum(j) = pmap.Get(elements.Get(i).PNum(j));
elerr = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= elements.Size(); i++)
if (!mparam.quad)
hf = CalcElementBadness (lpoints, elements.Get(i));
hf = elements.Get(i).CalcJacobianBadness (lpoints) * 5;
if (loctestmode)
(*testout) << "r " << rule->Name() << "bad = " << hf << endl;
if (hf > elerr) elerr = hf;
if (loctestmode)
(*testout) << "error = " << elerr;
canuse.Elem(ri) ++;
if (elerr < 0.99*minelerr)
if (loctestmode)
(*testout) << "rule = " << rule->Name() << endl;
(*testout) << "class = " << tolerance << endl;
(*testout) << "lpoints: " << endl;
for (i = 1; i <= lpoints.Size(); i++)
(*testout) << lpoints.Get(i) << endl;
(*testout) << "llines: " << endl;
for (i = 1; i <= llines.Size(); i++)
(*testout) << llines.Get(i).I1() << " " << llines.Get(i).I2() << endl;
(*testout) << "Freezone: ";
for (i = 1; i <= rule -> GetTransFreeZone().Size(); i++)
(*testout) << rule->GetTransFreeZone().Get(i) << endl;
minelerr = elerr;
found = ri;
tempnewpoints = lpoints.Range (noldlp, lpoints.Size());
tempnewlines = llines.Range (noldll, llines.Size());
tempdellines = dellines;
tempelements = elements;
lpoints.SetSize (noldlp);
llines.SetSize (noldll);
dellines.SetSize (0);
elements.SetSize (0);
ok = 0;
npok = rule->GetNOldP();
incnpok = 0;
nlok = rule->GetNOldL();
lused.Set (lmap.Get(nlok), 0);
for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
refpi = rule->GetPointNr (nlok, j);
if (pused.Get(pmap.Get(refpi)) == 0)
pmap.Set(refpi, 0);
if (found)
lpoints.Append (tempnewpoints);
llines.Append (tempnewlines);
dellines.Append (tempdellines);
elements.Append (tempelements);
return found;