Integrated in BR_imps_2013: 0022365: EDF SMESH: Create Mesh dialog box improvement: hide algorithms depending on a mesh type

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imn 2013-12-26 16:40:53 +00:00
parent 0d4d960d4f
commit 55e82c8f22
8 changed files with 347 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -296,24 +296,45 @@ namespace SMESH
QStringList GetHypothesesSets(int maxDim)
QStringList GetHypothesesSets(int maxDim, const QString& MeshType)
QStringList aSetNameList;
// Init list of available hypotheses, if needed
QList<HypothesesSet*>::iterator hypoSet;
for ( hypoSet = myListOfHypothesesSets.begin();
hypoSet != myListOfHypothesesSets.end();
++hypoSet ) {
HypothesesSet* aSet = *hypoSet;
if ( aSet &&
( aSet->count( true ) || aSet->count( false )) &&
aSet->maxDim() <= maxDim)
bool isAvailable = false;
if ( !MeshType.isEmpty() )
aSetNameList.append( mangledHypoSetName( aSet ));
if ( aSet->maxDim() != maxDim)
aSet->init( true );
while ( aSet->next(), aSet->more() )
if ( HypothesisData* hypData = SMESH::GetHypothesisData( aSet->current() ) )
QStringList::const_iterator inElemType = hypData->OutputTypes.begin();
for ( ; inElemType != hypData->OutputTypes.end(); inElemType++ )
if ( *inElemType == MeshType ){
isAvailable = true;
if ( isAvailable ) break;
else if ( aSet && ( aSet->count( true ) || aSet->count( false )) &&
aSet->maxDim() <= maxDim)
isAvailable = true;
if ( isAvailable ) aSetNameList.append( mangledHypoSetName( aSet ));

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@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ namespace SMESH
const bool = false,
const bool = true);
QStringList GetHypothesesSets( int maxDim );
QStringList GetHypothesesSets( int, const QString& );
HypothesesSet* GetHypothesesSet( const QString& );

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@ -364,6 +364,9 @@ SMESHGUI_MeshDlg::SMESHGUI_MeshDlg( const bool theToCreate, const bool theIsMesh
// geometry
createObject( tr( "GEOMETRY" ), mainFrame(), Geom );
myGeomPopup = 0;
// mesh type
QLabel* anMeshTypeLbl = new QLabel( tr( "MESH_TYPE" ), this );
myMeshType = new QComboBox( this );
// Create tab widget
@ -398,10 +401,16 @@ SMESHGUI_MeshDlg::SMESHGUI_MeshDlg( const bool theToCreate, const bool theIsMesh
aLay->addWidget( objectWg( Geom, Label ), 2, 0 );
aLay->addWidget( objectWg( Geom, Btn ), 2, 1 );
aLay->addWidget( objectWg( Geom, Control ), 2, 2 );
aLay->addWidget( myTabWg, 4, 0, 1, 3 );
aLay->addWidget( myHypoSetButton, 5, 0, 1, 3 );
aLay->addWidget( anMeshTypeLbl, 3, 0 );
aLay->addWidget( myMeshType, 3, 2 );
aLay->addWidget( myTabWg, 5, 0, 1, 3 );
aLay->addWidget( myHypoSetButton, 6, 0, 1, 3 );
aLay->setRowMinimumHeight( 3, 20 );
// Connect signals and slots
connect( myMeshType, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), SLOT( onChangedMeshType( int ) ) );
// Disable controls if necessary
setObjectShown( Mesh, false );
if ( theToCreate )
@ -615,3 +624,36 @@ int SMESHGUI_MeshDlg::getActiveObject()
return i;
return -1;
* \brief Sets available types of mesh
* \param theTypeMesh - list of available types of mesh
void SMESHGUI_MeshDlg::setAvailableMeshType( const QStringList& theTypeMesh )
* \brief Emits selectMeshType( const int, const int ) signal
* SLOT is called when a combo box "mesh type" is selected.
void SMESHGUI_MeshDlg::onChangedMeshType( const int isIndex )
emit selectMeshType( Dim3D - myTabWg->currentIndex(), isIndex );
* \brief Get current index types of mesh
int SMESHGUI_MeshDlg::currentMeshType( )
return myMeshType->currentIndex( );

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@ -74,21 +74,26 @@ public:
void enableTab(const int);
bool isTabEnabled(const int) const;
int getActiveObject();
void setAvailableMeshType(const QStringList& );
int currentMeshType();
void hypoSet( const QString& );
void geomSelectionByMesh( bool );
void selectMeshType( const int, const int );
private slots:
void onHypoSetPopup( QAction* );
void onGeomPopup( QAction* );
void onGeomSelectionButton( bool );
void onChangedMeshType( const int );
QMap<int, SMESHGUI_MeshTab*> myTabs;
QTabWidget* myTabWg;
QToolButton* myHypoSetButton;
QMenu* myGeomPopup;
QComboBox* myMeshType;

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@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ SMESHGUI_MeshOp::SMESHGUI_MeshOp( const bool theToCreate, const bool theIsMesh )
if ( GeometryGUI::GetGeomGen()->_is_nil() )// check that GEOM_Gen exists
myIsOnGeometry = true;
myMaxShapeDim = -1;
@ -211,14 +212,13 @@ void SMESHGUI_MeshOp::startOperation()
connect( myDlg, SIGNAL( hypoSet( const QString& )), SLOT( onHypoSet( const QString& )));
connect( myDlg, SIGNAL( geomSelectionByMesh( bool )), SLOT( onGeomSelectionByMesh( bool )));
connect( myDlg, SIGNAL( selectMeshType( const int, const int ) ), SLOT( onAlgoSetByMeshType( const int, const int)));
if ( myToCreate )
if ( myIsMesh ) myHelpFileName = "constructing_meshes_page.html";
else myHelpFileName = "constructing_submeshes_page.html";
else myHelpFileName = "editing_meshes_page.html";
// iterate through dimensions and get available algoritms, set them to the dialog
_PTR(SComponent) aFather = SMESH::GetActiveStudyDocument()->FindComponent( "SMESH" );
for ( int i = SMESH::DIM_0D; i <= SMESH::DIM_3D; i++ )
@ -245,6 +245,11 @@ void SMESHGUI_MeshOp::startOperation()
myDlg->activateObject( SMESHGUI_MeshDlg::Obj );
myDlg->setCurrentTab( SMESH::DIM_3D );
QStringList TypeMeshList;
createMeshTypeList( TypeMeshList );
setAvailableMeshType( TypeMeshList );
@ -582,7 +587,8 @@ void SMESHGUI_MeshOp::selectionDone()
onAlgoSelected(-1, i);
myDlg->setMaxHypoDim( shapeDim );
myDlg->setHypoSets( SMESH::GetHypothesesSets( shapeDim ));
myMaxShapeDim = shapeDim;
myDlg->setHypoSets( SMESH::GetHypothesesSets( shapeDim, "" ));
if (!myToCreate) // edition: read hypotheses
@ -669,12 +675,16 @@ void SMESHGUI_MeshOp::selectionDone()
for (int i = SMESH::DIM_0D;i < SMESH::DIM_3D; ++i) {
myMaxShapeDim = -1;
//Hide labels and fields (Mesh ang Geometry)
myDlg->setObjectShown( SMESHGUI_MeshDlg::Mesh, false );
myDlg->setObjectShown( SMESHGUI_MeshDlg::Geom, false );
QStringList TypeMeshList;
createMeshTypeList( TypeMeshList );
setAvailableMeshType( TypeMeshList );
catch ( const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& S_ex )
@ -1380,7 +1390,19 @@ void SMESHGUI_MeshOp::onAlgoSelected( const int theIndex,
availableHyps( aDim, Algo, anAvailable, myAvailableHypData[ aDim ][ Algo ]);
myDlg->tab( aDim )->setAvailableHyps( Algo, anAvailable );
// check that tab enable, if algorithm building needed algo is one less than dimension
if ( algoData && myIsOnGeometry && !algoData->InputTypes.isEmpty() &&
( aDim > SMESH::DIM_0D ) && !isAccessibleDim( aDim - 1 ) ){
myDlg->enableTab( aDim - 1 );
if ( (myDlg->currentMeshType() != MT_ANY) &&
(( !algoData && ( aDim > SMESH::DIM_0D ) && isAccessibleDim( aDim - 1 )) ||
( algoData && myIsOnGeometry && algoData->InputTypes.isEmpty() &&
( aDim > SMESH::DIM_0D ) && isAccessibleDim( aDim - 1 ) ) ) ){
for (int i = aDim - 1; i >= SMESH::DIM_0D; i--){
if ( isAccessibleDim( i ) ) myDlg->disableTab( i );
// check that algorithms of other dimentions are compatible with
// the selected one
@ -2343,3 +2365,193 @@ void SMESHGUI_MeshOp::selectObject( _PTR(SObject) theSObj ) const
sm->setSelectedObjects( anIOList, false );
* \brief Create available list types of mesh
* \param theTypeMesh - Output list of available types of mesh
void SMESHGUI_MeshOp::createMeshTypeList( QStringList& theTypeMesh)
theTypeMesh.append( tr( "MT_ANY" ) );
if ( myIsOnGeometry && ( myMaxShapeDim >= 2 || myMaxShapeDim == -1 ) )
theTypeMesh.append( tr( "MT_TRIANGULAR" ) );
theTypeMesh.append( tr( "MT_QUADRILATERAL" ) );
if ( myIsOnGeometry && ( myMaxShapeDim == 3 || myMaxShapeDim == -1 ) )
theTypeMesh.append( tr( "MT_TETRAHEDRAL" ) );
theTypeMesh.append( tr( "MT_HEXAHEDRAL" ) );
* \brief Set available types of mesh
* \param theTypeMesh - List of available types of mesh
void SMESHGUI_MeshOp::setAvailableMeshType( const QStringList& theTypeMesh )
myDlg->setAvailableMeshType( theTypeMesh );
* \brief SLOT. Is called when the user select type of mesh
* \param theTabIndex - Index of current active tab
* \param theIndex - Index of current type of mesh
void SMESHGUI_MeshOp::onAlgoSetByMeshType( const int theTabIndex, const int theIndex)
int aDim;
if ( !myIsOnGeometry ) return;
THypDataList anAvailableAlgsData;
QStringList anAvailableAlgs;
QString anCompareType = "ANY";
bool isAvailableChoiceAlgo = false;
int anCurrentAvailableAlgo = 0;
bool isNone = true;
switch ( theIndex ) {
case MT_ANY:
for ( int dim = SMESH::DIM_2D; dim <= SMESH::DIM_3D; dim++ )
isNone = currentHyp( dim, Algo ) < 0;
isAvailableChoiceAlgo = false;
// retrieves a list of available algorithms from resources
availableHyps( dim, Algo, anAvailableAlgs, anAvailableAlgsData );
//return current algo in current tab
if ( !isNone && !myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo].empty() ){
for (int i = 0 ; i < anAvailableAlgsData.count(); i++)
HypothesisData* algoAny =;
HypothesisData* algoCur = myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo].at( currentHyp( dim, Algo ) );
QString tem = algoAny->Label;
if ( algoAny->Label == algoCur->Label ){
isAvailableChoiceAlgo = true;
anCurrentAvailableAlgo = i;
else if ( !isNone ){
isAvailableChoiceAlgo = true;
anCurrentAvailableAlgo = currentHyp( dim, Algo );
//set new algorithm list and select the current algorithm
myAvailableHypData[dim][Algo] = anAvailableAlgsData;
myDlg->tab( dim )->setAvailableHyps( Algo, anAvailableAlgs );
if ( isAvailableChoiceAlgo )
setCurrentHyp( dim, Algo, anCurrentAvailableAlgo );
int aMaxShapeDim = ( myMaxShapeDim == -1 ) ? SMESH::DIM_3D : myMaxShapeDim;
for ( int i = SMESH::DIM_0D; i <= aMaxShapeDim; i++ ) {
myDlg->enableTab( i );
myDlg->setCurrentTab( theTabIndex );
myDlg->setHypoSets( SMESH::GetHypothesesSets( aMaxShapeDim, "" ) );
aDim = SMESH::DIM_2D;
anCompareType = "TRIA";
aDim = SMESH::DIM_2D;
anCompareType = "QUAD";
aDim = SMESH::DIM_3D;
anCompareType = "TETRA";
aDim = SMESH::DIM_3D;
anCompareType = "HEXA";
if ( anCompareType != "ANY" )
QString anCurrentAlgo;
bool isReqDisBound = true;
isNone = currentHyp( aDim, Algo ) < 0;
// retrieves a list of available algorithms from resources
availableHyps( aDim, Algo, anAvailableAlgs, anAvailableAlgsData );
// finding algorithm which is selected
if ( !isNone && !myAvailableHypData[aDim][Algo].empty() &&
myAvailableHypData[aDim][Algo].count() != anAvailableAlgsData.count() ){
anCurrentAlgo = myAvailableHypData[aDim][Algo].at( currentHyp( aDim, Algo ) )->Label;
isReqDisBound = myAvailableHypData[aDim][Algo].at( currentHyp( aDim, Algo ) )->InputTypes.isEmpty();
else if ( !isNone ){
anCurrentAlgo = currentHyp( aDim, Algo ) )->Label;
isReqDisBound = currentHyp( aDim, Algo ) )->InputTypes.isEmpty();
// finding and adding algorithm depending on the type mesh
for ( int i = 0 ; i < anAvailableAlgsData.count(); i++ )
HypothesisData* algoIn = i );
bool isAvailableAlgo = ( algoIn->OutputTypes.count() == 0 );
QStringList::const_iterator inElemType = algoIn->OutputTypes.begin();
for ( ; inElemType != algoIn->OutputTypes.end(); inElemType++ )
if ( *inElemType == anCompareType ){
isAvailableAlgo = true;
if ( isAvailableAlgo || algoIn->OutputTypes.count()==0 ){
anAvailableAlgs.append( algoIn->Label );
myAvailableHypData[aDim][Algo].append( algoIn );
//algorithm will be active, if the chosen algorithm available in the current mesh type
if ( !isNone && isAvailableAlgo && algoIn->Label == anCurrentAlgo ){
isAvailableChoiceAlgo = true;
anCurrentAvailableAlgo = anAvailableAlgs.count() - 1 ;
//set new algorithm list and select the current algorithm
myDlg->tab( aDim )->setAvailableHyps( Algo, anAvailableAlgs );
if ( isAvailableChoiceAlgo )
setCurrentHyp( aDim, Algo, anCurrentAvailableAlgo );
int aMaxShapeDim = ( myMaxShapeDim == -1 ) ? SMESH::DIM_3D : myMaxShapeDim;
if ( isNone || isReqDisBound || !isAvailableChoiceAlgo ) {
for ( int i = SMESH::DIM_0D; i <= aMaxShapeDim; i++ ) {
if ( aDim != i ) {
myDlg->disableTab( i );
setCurrentHyp(i, Algo, -1);
else if ( !isNone ){
if ( aDim == SMESH::DIM_2D){
myDlg->disableTab( SMESH::DIM_3D );
setCurrentHyp( SMESH::DIM_3D, Algo, -1);
for ( int i = aMaxShapeDim; i > SMESH::DIM_0D; i-- )
isReqDisBound = ( currentHyp( i, Algo ) < 0 ) ? true : myAvailableHypData[i][Algo].at( currentHyp( i, Algo ) )->InputTypes.isEmpty();
if ( aMaxShapeDim != i && isReqDisBound) {
for (int j = i - 1; j >= SMESH::DIM_0D; j--){
myDlg->disableTab( j );
setCurrentHyp( j , Algo, -1 );
myDlg->setHypoSets( SMESH::GetHypothesesSets( aDim, anCompareType ) );
myDlg->enableTab( aDim );
myDlg->setCurrentTab( aDim );

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@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ class SMESHGUI_EXPORT SMESHGUI_MeshOp : public SMESHGUI_SelectionOp
enum HypType{ Algo = 0, MainHyp, AddHyp, NbHypTypes };
typedef std::pair<SMESH::SMESH_Hypothesis_var, QString> THypItem;
typedef QList< THypItem > THypList;
@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ protected slots:
void processSet();
void onHypoCreated( int );
void onHypoEdited( int );
void onAlgoSetByMeshType( const int, const int );
typedef QList<HypothesisData*> THypDataList; // typedef: list of hypothesis data
@ -125,7 +127,8 @@ private:
char* isSubmeshIgnored() const;
_PTR(SObject) getSubmeshByGeom() const;
void selectObject( _PTR(SObject) ) const;
void createMeshTypeList( QStringList& );
void setAvailableMeshType( const QStringList& );
SMESHGUI_MeshDlg* myDlg;
SMESHGUI_ShapeByMeshOp* myShapeByMeshOp;
@ -136,13 +139,12 @@ private:
TDim2Type2HypList myExistingHyps; //!< all hypothesis of SMESH module
TDim2Type2HypList myObjHyps; //!< hypothesis assigned to the current
// edited mesh/sub-mesh
// hypdata corresponding to hypotheses present in myDlg
THypDataList myAvailableHypData[4][NbHypTypes];
bool myIgnoreAlgoSelection;
HypothesesSet* myHypoSet;
int myDim, myType;
int myDim, myType, myMaxShapeDim;
QString myObjectToSelect;

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@ -5977,6 +5977,10 @@ Please specify them and try again</translation>
<translation>Mesh type</translation>
@ -6032,6 +6036,26 @@ Please specify it and try again</translation>
<translation>Mesh is null</translation>
<translation>Name of mesh is empty

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@ -5971,6 +5971,10 @@ Indiquez-les et essayez de nouveau</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Mesh type</translation>
@ -6026,6 +6030,26 @@ Spécifiez-le et essayez de nouveau</translation>
<translation>Le maillage est nul</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Any</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Hexahedral</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Tetrahedral</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Triangular</translation>
<translation>Le nom du maillage est vide