mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 06:27:54 +05:00
+ bool findUVByHalfDivision( const gp_Pnt& thePoint, const gp_XY& theUV,
+ const TFace& tface, gp_XYZ& theParams); + bool findUVAround( const gp_Pnt& thePoint, const gp_XY& theUV, + const TFace& tface, gp_XYZ& theParams, int nbGetWorstLimit );
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include <BRepTools_WireExplorer.hxx>
#include <BRep_Builder.hxx>
#include <BRep_Tool.hxx>
#include <Bnd_B2d.hxx>
#include <Bnd_Box.hxx>
#include <Extrema_ExtPC.hxx>
#include <Extrema_ExtPS.hxx>
@ -335,6 +336,11 @@ namespace
//function : IsUVInQuad
//purpose : Checks if UV is in a quardilateral defined by 4 nornalized points
bool SMESH_Block::TFace::IsUVInQuad( const gp_XY& uv,
const gp_XYZ& param0, const gp_XYZ& param1,
const gp_XYZ& param2, const gp_XYZ& param3 ) const
@ -346,6 +352,23 @@ bool SMESH_Block::TFace::IsUVInQuad( const gp_XY& uv,
return isPntInQuad( uv, q0,q1,q2,q3);
//function : GetUVRange
//purpose : returns UV range of the face
gp_XY SMESH_Block::TFace::GetUVRange() const
if ( !myS ) return gp_XY(1.,1.);
Bnd_B2d bb;
for ( int iE = 0; iE < 4; ++iE )
//TColStd_Array1OfReal T(1,
return bb.CornerMax() - bb.CornerMin();
//function : GetShapeCoef
//purpose :
@ -763,9 +786,15 @@ bool SMESH_Block::ComputeParameters(const gp_Pnt& thePoint,
start = theParamsHint;
else if ( myGridComputed )
if ( myGridComputed )
double minDist = DBL_MAX;
if ( hasHint )
gp_XYZ p;
if ( ShellPoint( start, p ))
minDist = thePoint.SquareDistance( p );
gp_XYZ* bestParam = 0;
for ( int iNode = 0; iNode < 1000; iNode++ ) {
TxyzPair & prmPtn = my3x3x3GridNodes[ iNode ];
@ -775,7 +804,8 @@ bool SMESH_Block::ComputeParameters(const gp_Pnt& thePoint,
bestParam = & prmPtn.first;
start = *bestParam;
if ( bestParam )
start = *bestParam;
myFaceIndex = -1;
@ -926,12 +956,58 @@ void SMESH_Block::refineParametersOnFace( const gp_Pnt& thePoint,
if ( minDist > 100 * myTolerance * myTolerance )
gp_XY uv(U,V);
if ( findUVByHalfDivision( thePoint, uv, tface, theParams))
int nbGetWorstLimit = 20;
if ( findUVAround( thePoint, uv, tface, theParams, nbGetWorstLimit ))
double dist2, prevSolDist = distance();
gp_XYZ sol = theParams;
for ( double delta = 1./10; delta > 0.001; delta /= 2.5, nbGetWorstLimit *= 2 )
for ( double y = delta; y < 1.; y += delta )
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetVInd(), y );
for ( double x = delta; x < 1.; x += delta )
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetUInd(), x );
dist2 = thePoint.SquareDistance( tface.Point( sol ));
if ( dist2 < prevSolDist * prevSolDist )
if ( findUVAround( thePoint, uv, tface, theParams, nbGetWorstLimit ))
if ( distance() < 1000 * myTolerance )
prevSolDist = distance();
* \brief Finds parameters corresponding to a given UV of a given face using half-division
* \param [in] theUV - the UV to locate
* \param [in] tface - the face
* \param [in,out] theParams - the starting parameters to improve
* \return bool - \c true if found solution is within myTolerance
bool SMESH_Block::findUVByHalfDivision( const gp_Pnt& thePoint,
const gp_XY& theUV,
const SMESH_Block::TFace& tface,
gp_XYZ& theParams)
int nbGetUV = 0; // just for statistics
// find a range of parameters including the UV
double xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax;
gp_XY uv(U,V);
//#define _DEBUG_REFINE_
cout << "SMESH_Block::refineParametersOnFace(): dividing Starts at dist " << distance()<< endl;
@ -950,7 +1026,7 @@ void SMESH_Block::refineParametersOnFace( const gp_Pnt& thePoint,
xy1.SetLinearForm( xMax, xXYZ, yMin, yXYZ );
xy2.SetLinearForm( xMax, xXYZ, yMax, yXYZ );
xy3.SetLinearForm( xMin, xXYZ, yMax, yXYZ );
isInQuad = tface.IsUVInQuad( uv, xy0,xy1,xy2,xy3 );
isInQuad = tface.IsUVInQuad( theUV, xy0,xy1,xy2,xy3 );
nbGetUV += 4;
if ( !isInQuad )
@ -984,12 +1060,12 @@ void SMESH_Block::refineParametersOnFace( const gp_Pnt& thePoint,
gp_XYZ parMid1 = xMid * xXYZ + yMin * yXYZ;
gp_XYZ parMid2 = xMid * xXYZ + yMax * yXYZ;
nbGetUV += 4;
if ( tface.IsUVInQuad( uv, xy0,parMid1,parMid2,xy3 ))
if ( tface.IsUVInQuad( theUV, xy0,parMid1,parMid2,xy3 ))
xMax = xMid;
xy1 = parMid1; xy2 = parMid2;
else if ( tface.IsUVInQuad( uv, parMid1,xy1,xy2,parMid2 ))
else if ( tface.IsUVInQuad( theUV, parMid1,xy1,xy2,parMid2 ))
nbGetUV += 4;
xMin = xMid;
@ -1010,12 +1086,12 @@ void SMESH_Block::refineParametersOnFace( const gp_Pnt& thePoint,
gp_XYZ parMid2 = xMax * xXYZ + yMid * yXYZ;
gp_XYZ parMid3 = xMin * xXYZ + yMid * yXYZ;
nbGetUV += 4;
if ( tface.IsUVInQuad( uv, xy0,xy1,parMid2,parMid3 ))
if ( tface.IsUVInQuad( theUV, xy0,xy1,parMid2,parMid3 ))
yMax = yMid;
xy2 = parMid2; xy3 = parMid3;
else if ( tface.IsUVInQuad( uv, parMid3,parMid2,xy2,xy3 ))
else if ( tface.IsUVInQuad( theUV, parMid3,parMid2,xy2,xy3 ))
nbGetUV += 4;
yMin = yMid;
@ -1046,7 +1122,7 @@ void SMESH_Block::refineParametersOnFace( const gp_Pnt& thePoint,
cout << "SMESH_Block::refineParametersOnFace(): dividing suceeded" << endl;
cout << " nbGetUV = " << nbGetUV << endl;
return true;
@ -1054,149 +1130,170 @@ void SMESH_Block::refineParametersOnFace( const gp_Pnt& thePoint,
cout << " nbGetUV = " << nbGetUV << endl;
//if ( !isInQuad )
cout << "SMESH_Block::refineParametersOnFace(): walk around Starts at dist " << distance()<< endl;
cout << " nbGetUV = " << (nbGetUV=0) << endl;
dx = dy = 0.01;
xMin = theParams.Coord( tface.GetUInd() );
yMin = theParams.Coord( tface.GetVInd() );
yMax = yMin;
if ( xMin + dx < 1. )
xMax = xMin + dx;
xMax = 1, xMin = 1 - dx;
sol = theParams;
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetUInd(), xMax );
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetVInd(), yMax );
if ( saveBetterSolution( sol, theParams, thePoint.SquareDistance( tface.Point( sol ))))
return false;
int nbGetWorstLimit = 20;
int xMaxNbGetWorst = 0, xMinNbGetWorst = 0, yMaxNbGetWorst = 0, yMinNbGetWorst = 0;
double xMaxBestDist = 1e100, xMinBestDist = 1e100, yMaxBestDist = 1e100, yMinBestDist = 1e100;
double x, y, bestDist, dist;
while ( xMax - xMin < 1 || yMax - yMin < 1 )
// walk along X
if ( yMin > 0. )
bestDist = 1e100;
for ( x = Max(0.,xMin); x <= xMax+paramTol; x += dx )
y = Max( 0., yMin - dy );
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetUInd(), x );
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetVInd(), y );
dist = thePoint.SquareDistance( tface.Point( sol ));
bestDist = Min( dist, bestDist );
if ( saveBetterSolution( sol, theParams, dist ))
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetUInd(), Min( 1., x + 0.5*dx ));
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetVInd(), y + 0.5*dy );
dist = thePoint.SquareDistance( tface.Point( sol ));
bestDist = Min( dist, bestDist );
if ( saveBetterSolution( sol, theParams, dist ))
yMin = Max(0., yMin-dy );
yMinNbGetWorst += ( yMinBestDist < bestDist );
yMinBestDist = Min( yMinBestDist, bestDist );
if ( yMinNbGetWorst > nbGetWorstLimit )
yMin = 0;
if ( yMax < 1. )
bestDist = 1e100;
for ( x = Max(0.,xMin); x <= xMax+paramTol; x += dx )
y = Min( 1., yMax + dy );
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetUInd(), x );
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetVInd(), y );
dist = thePoint.SquareDistance( tface.Point( sol ));
bestDist = Min( dist, bestDist );
if ( saveBetterSolution( sol, theParams, dist ))
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetUInd(), Min( 1., x + 0.5*dx ));
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetVInd(), y - 0.5*dy );
dist = thePoint.SquareDistance( tface.Point( sol ));
bestDist = Min( dist, bestDist );
if ( saveBetterSolution( sol, theParams, dist ))
yMax = Min(1., yMax+dy );
yMaxNbGetWorst += ( yMaxBestDist < bestDist );
yMaxBestDist = Min( yMaxBestDist, bestDist );
if ( yMaxNbGetWorst > nbGetWorstLimit )
yMax = 1;
// walk along Y
if ( xMin > 0. )
bestDist = 1e100;
for ( y = Max(0.,yMin); y <= yMax+paramTol; y += dy )
x = Max( 0., xMin - dx );
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetUInd(), x );
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetVInd(), y );
dist = thePoint.SquareDistance( tface.Point( sol ));
bestDist = Min( dist, bestDist );
if ( saveBetterSolution( sol, theParams, dist ))
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetUInd(), x + 0.5*dx );
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetVInd(), Min( 1., y + 0.5*dy ));
dist = thePoint.SquareDistance( tface.Point( sol ));
bestDist = Min( dist, bestDist );
if ( saveBetterSolution( sol, theParams, dist ))
xMin = Max(0., xMin-dx );
xMinNbGetWorst += ( xMinBestDist < bestDist );
xMinBestDist = Min( xMinBestDist, bestDist );
if ( xMinNbGetWorst > nbGetWorstLimit )
xMin = 0;
if ( xMax < 1. )
bestDist = 1e100;
for ( y = Max(0.,yMin); y <= yMax+paramTol; y += dy )
x = Min( 1., xMax + dx );
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetUInd(), x );
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetVInd(), y );
dist = thePoint.SquareDistance( tface.Point( sol ));
bestDist = Min( dist, bestDist );
if ( saveBetterSolution( sol, theParams, dist ))
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetUInd(), x - 0.5*dx);
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetVInd(), Min( 1., y + 0.5*dy ));
dist = thePoint.SquareDistance( tface.Point( sol ));
bestDist = Min( dist, bestDist );
if ( saveBetterSolution( sol, theParams, dist ))
xMax = Min(1., xMax+dx );
xMaxNbGetWorst += ( xMaxBestDist < bestDist );
xMaxBestDist = Min( xMaxBestDist, bestDist );
if ( xMaxNbGetWorst > nbGetWorstLimit )
xMax = 1;
* \brief Finds parameters corresponding to a given UV of a given face by searching
* around the starting solution
* \param [in] theUV - the UV to locate
* \param [in] tface - the face
* \param [in,out] theParams - the starting parameters to improve
* \param [in] nbGetWorstLimit - nb of steps from the starting solution w/o improvement
* to stop searching in this direction
* \return bool - \c true if found solution is within myTolerance
bool SMESH_Block::findUVAround( const gp_Pnt& thePoint,
const gp_XY& theUV,
const SMESH_Block::TFace& tface,
gp_XYZ& theParams,
int nbGetWorstLimit )
cout << "SMESH_Block::refineParametersOnFace(): walk around failed at dist " << distance()<< endl;
cout << " nbGetUV = " << nbGetUV << endl;
cout << "SMESH_Block::refineParametersOnFace(): walk around Starts at dist " << distance()<< endl;
cout << " nbGetUV = " << (nbGetUV=0) << endl;
const double paramTol = 0.001;
const double dx = 0.01, dy = 0.01;
double xMin = theParams.Coord( tface.GetUInd() ), xMax;
double yMin = theParams.Coord( tface.GetVInd() ), yMax;
yMax = yMin;
if ( xMin + dx < 1. )
xMax = xMin + dx;
xMax = 1, xMin = 1 - dx;
gp_XYZ sol = theParams;
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetUInd(), xMax );
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetVInd(), yMax );
if ( saveBetterSolution( sol, theParams, thePoint.SquareDistance( tface.Point( sol ))))
return true;
int xMaxNbGetWorst = 0, xMinNbGetWorst = 0, yMaxNbGetWorst = 0, yMinNbGetWorst = 0;
double xMaxBestDist = 1e100, xMinBestDist = 1e100, yMaxBestDist = 1e100, yMinBestDist = 1e100;
double x, y, bestDist, dist;
while ( xMax - xMin < 1 || yMax - yMin < 1 )
// walk along X
if ( yMin > 0. )
bestDist = 1e100;
for ( x = Max(0.,xMin); x <= xMax+paramTol; x += dx )
y = Max( 0., yMin - dy );
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetUInd(), x );
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetVInd(), y );
dist = thePoint.SquareDistance( tface.Point( sol ));
bestDist = Min( dist, bestDist );
if ( saveBetterSolution( sol, theParams, dist ))
return true;
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetUInd(), Min( 1., x + 0.5*dx ));
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetVInd(), y + 0.5*dy );
dist = thePoint.SquareDistance( tface.Point( sol ));
bestDist = Min( dist, bestDist );
if ( saveBetterSolution( sol, theParams, dist ))
return true;
yMin = Max(0., yMin-dy );
yMinNbGetWorst += ( yMinBestDist < bestDist );
yMinBestDist = Min( yMinBestDist, bestDist );
if ( yMinNbGetWorst > nbGetWorstLimit )
yMin = 0;
if ( yMax < 1. )
bestDist = 1e100;
for ( x = Max(0.,xMin); x <= xMax+paramTol; x += dx )
y = Min( 1., yMax + dy );
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetUInd(), x );
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetVInd(), y );
dist = thePoint.SquareDistance( tface.Point( sol ));
bestDist = Min( dist, bestDist );
if ( saveBetterSolution( sol, theParams, dist ))
return true;
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetUInd(), Min( 1., x + 0.5*dx ));
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetVInd(), y - 0.5*dy );
dist = thePoint.SquareDistance( tface.Point( sol ));
bestDist = Min( dist, bestDist );
if ( saveBetterSolution( sol, theParams, dist ))
return true;
yMax = Min(1., yMax+dy );
yMaxNbGetWorst += ( yMaxBestDist < bestDist );
yMaxBestDist = Min( yMaxBestDist, bestDist );
if ( yMaxNbGetWorst > nbGetWorstLimit )
yMax = 1;
// walk along Y
if ( xMin > 0. )
bestDist = 1e100;
for ( y = Max(0.,yMin); y <= yMax+paramTol; y += dy )
x = Max( 0., xMin - dx );
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetUInd(), x );
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetVInd(), y );
dist = thePoint.SquareDistance( tface.Point( sol ));
bestDist = Min( dist, bestDist );
if ( saveBetterSolution( sol, theParams, dist ))
return true;
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetUInd(), x + 0.5*dx );
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetVInd(), Min( 1., y + 0.5*dy ));
dist = thePoint.SquareDistance( tface.Point( sol ));
bestDist = Min( dist, bestDist );
if ( saveBetterSolution( sol, theParams, dist ))
return true;
xMin = Max(0., xMin-dx );
xMinNbGetWorst += ( xMinBestDist < bestDist );
xMinBestDist = Min( xMinBestDist, bestDist );
if ( xMinNbGetWorst > nbGetWorstLimit )
xMin = 0;
if ( xMax < 1. )
bestDist = 1e100;
for ( y = Max(0.,yMin); y <= yMax+paramTol; y += dy )
x = Min( 1., xMax + dx );
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetUInd(), x );
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetVInd(), y );
dist = thePoint.SquareDistance( tface.Point( sol ));
bestDist = Min( dist, bestDist );
if ( saveBetterSolution( sol, theParams, dist ))
return true;
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetUInd(), x - 0.5*dx);
sol.SetCoord( tface.GetVInd(), Min( 1., y + 0.5*dy ));
dist = thePoint.SquareDistance( tface.Point( sol ));
bestDist = Min( dist, bestDist );
if ( saveBetterSolution( sol, theParams, dist ))
return true;
xMax = Min(1., xMax+dx );
xMaxNbGetWorst += ( xMaxBestDist < bestDist );
xMaxBestDist = Min( xMaxBestDist, bestDist );
if ( xMaxNbGetWorst > nbGetWorstLimit )
xMax = 1;
cout << "SMESH_Block::refineParametersOnFace(): walk around failed at dist " << distance()<< endl;
//cout << " nbGetUV = " << nbGetUV << endl;
return false;
@ -362,6 +362,7 @@ public:
bool IsUVInQuad( const gp_XY& uv,
const gp_XYZ& param0, const gp_XYZ& param1,
const gp_XYZ& param2, const gp_XYZ& param3 ) const;
gp_XY GetUVRange() const;
TFace(): myS(0) { myC2d[0]=myC2d[1]=myC2d[2]=myC2d[3]=0; }
@ -381,6 +382,10 @@ public:
double funcValue(double sqDist) const { return mySquareFunc ? sqDist : sqrt(sqDist); }
bool computeParameters(const gp_Pnt& thePoint, gp_XYZ& theParams, const gp_XYZ& theParamsHint, int);
void refineParametersOnFace( const gp_Pnt& thePoint, gp_XYZ& theParams, int theFaceID );
bool findUVByHalfDivision( const gp_Pnt& thePoint, const gp_XY& theUV,
const TFace& tface, gp_XYZ& theParams);
bool findUVAround( const gp_Pnt& thePoint, const gp_XY& theUV,
const TFace& tface, gp_XYZ& theParams, int nbGetWorstLimit );
bool saveBetterSolution( const gp_XYZ& theNewParams, gp_XYZ& theParams, double sqDistance );
int myFaceIndex;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user