+ minor changes:
1) unify member field names: avoid _my*, replace by either _* or my*
2) BUG: mesh persistent ID is not unique
3) arguments alignement
4) Add SMESHDS_Hypothesis::SaveString() and LoadString()
5) In mesh construction dlg disable "Mesh Type" if it contains ANY only
6) Add SMESH::printErrorInDebugMode argument of SMESH_CATCH
7) Use static_assert to check completeness of arrays corresponding to enum
8) Add renumber arg to ExportUNV() and ExportDAT()
9) Fix some warnings
1) Compute sub-meshes with prescribed order before the rest ones
2) Save sub-mesh order not as ids but as entries, because ids of groups
within SMESHDS_Mesh can change at study loading if some group is no
longer used as a base of sub-mesh of group on geometry
1) Enable appending to an existing mesh via smesh.Concatenate() (compound mesh)
2) Enable filtering a mesh part: Filter::GetElementsIdFromParts( ListOfIDSources )
3) Add ElementType arg to SMESH_Mesh::GetNodeInverseElements()
4) Add Mesh.Get1DBranches( edgeIDs )
5) Define a default Z med tolerance
6) Update ElementsOnSurface upon SetTolerance()
7) Change group management to have group ID persistent
8) Extract SMESH_PolyLine.cxx from SMESH_MeshEditor.cxx
9) Enable Min Distance measure for node-element and node-object
10) Fix SMESH_MeshAlgos::GetDistance( XYZ, face )
11) Extract SMESH_MeshAlgos::Intersector from SMESH_Offset.cxx
12) Enable optimization in SMESH_MeshAlgos::Triangulate
13) Add mestods Mesh.GetEngine() and Mesh.GetGeomEngine()
Add AvoidMakingHoles argument in MergeNodes()
+ Save mesh name in STL file
+ Fix binary STL export after change of sizeof(Standard_Boolean)
+ Add Import menu to mesh component popup
Optimize mesh loading in case of complex shape + a group on geometry
+ While MED export, create groups of all balls and 0D elements, if required
+ Remember collapsed state of information on elements and nodes in Mesh Information dlg