All related controls for font definition in SMESH and VISU modules have been updated in accordance with changes on GUI_SRC level.
QtxFontEdit class and related controls in preferences has been updated in order to support custom fonts instead of system fonts only. For example VTK viewer uses only three fonts Arial, Courier and Times. As result there is no point in providing control with system fonts for VTK viewer. Also "S" button has been added in QtxFontEdit in order to provide "Shadow" style of VTK font. "underline" property of QFont is replaced with "overline" property in order to store "Shadow" status of font to avoid conflict simultaneous usage of "U" and "S" button.
All related controls for font definition in SMESH and VISU modules have been updated in accordance in changes in QtxFontEdit and related preferences functionality.
QtxFontEdit class and related controls in preferences has been updated in order to support custom fonts instead of system fonts only. For example VTK viewer uses only three fonts Arial, Courier and Times. As result there is no point in providing control with system fonts for VTK viewer. Also ?S? button has been added in QtxFontEdit in order to provide ?Shadow? style of VTK font. ?1underline? property of QFont is replaced with ?overline? property in order to store ?Shadow? status of font to avoid conflict simultaneous usage of ?U? and ?S? button.
?Union of two groups?, ?Union of two groups? and ?Cut of two groups? dialog boxes are updated for supporting works with several groups instead of two groups only
New ?Create group of underlying entities? dialog box is provided. It is intended for creating groups of entities from existing groups of superior dimensions (groups of nodes from group of faces, for example). Dialog contains
1) line edit for defining name of new group,
2) combo-box for defining dimension of elements (nodes, edges, etc),
3) list-box for defining source groups
SMESH_Mesh.idl is extended with:
SMESH_Group UnionListOfGroups(in ListOfGroups aListOfGroups,
in string name );
SMESH_Group IntersectListOfGroups (in ListOfGroups aListOfGroups,
in string name);
SMESH_Group CutListOfGroups (in ListOfGroups aMainGroups,
in ListOfGroups aToolGroups,
in string name);
for supporting works with several groups and
SMESH_Group CreateDimGroup( in ListOfGroups aListOfGroups,
in ElementType anElemType,
in string name );
for creating groups of entities from existing groups of superior dimensions