Mod: database is now stable.

Improved convenience and documention.
This commit is contained in:
L-Nafaryus 2022-01-24 17:50:57 +05:00
parent 00f7279c6d
commit a4e9a8f8dc
7 changed files with 399 additions and 322 deletions

View File

@ -8,5 +8,5 @@
"python.linting.enabled": true, "python.linting.enabled": true,
"python.linting.pylintEnabled": false, "python.linting.pylintEnabled": false,
"python.linting.flake8Enabled": true, "python.linting.flake8Enabled": true,
"python.linting.flake8Args": ["--ignore=E402,E251,E501,E201,E202,W293,W291,W504", "--verbose"] "python.linting.flake8Args": ["--ignore=E402,E251,E501,E201,E202,W293,W291,W504,E203", "--verbose"]
} }

View File

@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from .models import __models__ from . import utils
from .db import Database from . import tables
class tables: from .database import Database
for model in __models__:
setattr(tables, model.__name__, model) __all__ = [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import annotations
from numpy import ndarray
import peewee as pw
import pathlib
import time
from . import tables
class Database(pw.SqliteDatabase):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""A Database object contains SQLite database with convient
properties and methods
self.filepath = kwargs.get("path", None)
self.pragmas_ = kwargs.get("pragmas", { "foreign_keys": 1, "journal_mode": "wal" })
self.field_types_ = kwargs.get("field_types", { "list": "text" })
self.autoconnect_ = kwargs.get("autoconnect", False)
pragmas = self.pragmas_,
field_types = self.field_types_,
autoconnect = self.autoconnect_
if self.filepath:
def tables(self) -> list:
"""Return all tables as list.
return [ tables.__dict__[table] for table in tables.__all__ ]
def setup(self, filename: str = None):
"""Initialize database and create tables.
:param filename:
Path to the file.
self.filepath = pathlib.Path(filename or self.filepath).resolve()
pragmas = self.pragmas_
with self:
return self
def csave(self, table: pw.Model, tries: int = 100):
"""Try to save data from model to the database ignoring
peewee.OperationalError. Usefull for concurrent processes.
:param table:
Table to save.
:param tries:
Number of tries. Falling to sleep for 1 second if database
is locked.
while tries >= 0:
if self.is_closed():
except pw.OperationalError:
tries -= 1
def getExecution(self, idn: int) -> tables.Execution | None:
"""Get execution entry from database.
:param idn:
Index of the execution.
If entry is found returns Model instance else None.
query = == idn)
with self:
table = query.get() if query.exists() else None
return table
def getLatest(self) -> tables.Execution | None:
"""Get latest execution entry from database.
If entry is found returns Model instance else None.
query =
with self:
table = query[-1] if query.exists() else None
return table
def getShape(
label: str = None,
direction: list[float] | ndarray = None,
alpha: float = None,
execution: int = None,
) -> tables.Shape | None:
"""Get shape entry from database.
:param label:
Label of the shape.
:param direction:
Array of floats represents direction vector.
:param alpha:
Spheres overlap parameter.
:param execution:
Index of the execution. If None, use latest.
If entry is found returns Model instance else None.
execution = execution or self.getLatest()
query = (
.join(tables.Execution, pw.JOIN.LEFT_OUTER)
tables.Execution.exec_id == execution,
tables.Shape.label == label,
tables.Shape.direction == direction,
tables.Shape.alpha == alpha
with self:
table = query.get() if query.exists() else None
return table
def getMesh(
label: str = None,
direction: list[float] | ndarray = None,
alpha: float = None,
execution: int = None,
) -> tables.Mesh | None:
"""Get mesh entry from database.
:param label:
Label of the shape.
:param direction:
Array of floats represents direction vector.
:param alpha:
Spheres overlap parameter.
:param execution:
Index of the execution. If None, use latest.
If entry is found returns Model instance else None.
execution = execution or self.getLatest()
query = (
.join(tables.Shape, pw.JOIN.LEFT_OUTER)
.join(tables.Execution, pw.JOIN.LEFT_OUTER)
tables.Execution.exec_id == execution,
tables.Shape.label == label,
tables.Shape.direction == direction,
tables.Shape.alpha == alpha
with self:
table = query.get() if query.exists() else None
return table
def getFlowOnephase(
label: str = None,
direction: list[float] | ndarray = None,
alpha: float = None,
execution: int = None,
to_dict: bool = False,
) -> tables.Mesh | dict | None:
"""Get one phase flow entry from database.
:param label:
Label of the shape.
:param direction:
Array of floats represents direction vector.
:param alpha:
Spheres overlap parameter.
:param execution:
Index of the execution. If None, use latest.
:param to_dict:
If True, convert result to dict.
If entry is found returns Model instance or dict else None.
execution = execution or self.getLatest()
query = (
.join(tables.Mesh, pw.JOIN.LEFT_OUTER)
.join(tables.Shape, pw.JOIN.LEFT_OUTER)
.join(tables.Execution, pw.JOIN.LEFT_OUTER)
tables.Execution.exec_id == execution,
tables.Shape.label == label,
tables.Shape.direction == direction,
tables.Shape.alpha == alpha
with self:
if to_dict:
table = query.dicts().get() if query.exists() else None
table = query.get() if query.exists() else None
return table

View File

@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of anisotropy.
# License: GNU GPL version 3, see the file "LICENSE" for details.
import os
from peewee import SqliteDatabase, JOIN, OperationalError
from . import models
class Database(SqliteDatabase):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.filepath = kwargs.get("path", None)
self.pragmas_ = kwargs.get("pragmas", { "foreign_keys": 1, "journal_mode": "wal" })
self.field_types_ = kwargs.get("field_types", { "list": "text" })
self.autoconnect_ = kwargs.get("autoconnect", False)
pragmas = self.pragmas_,
field_types = self.field_types_,
autoconnect = self.autoconnect_
if self.filepath:
def tables(self):
return models.__models__
def setup(self, filename: str = None):
#if not self.filepath:
self.filepath = os.path.abspath(filename or self.filepath)
pragmas = self.pragmas_,
#field_types = self.field_types_,
#autoconnect = self.autoconnect_
with self:
def csave(self, table, tries: int = 100):
while tries >= 0:
if self.is_closed():
except OperationalError as e:
tries -= 1
def getExecution(self, idn):
query = == idn)
with self:
table = query.get() if query.exists() else None
return table
def getLatest(self):
query =
with self:
table = query[-1] if query.exists() else None
return table
def getShape(self, label = None, direction = None, alpha = None, execution = None, **kwargs):
execution = execution or self.getLatest()
query = (
.join(models.Execution, JOIN.LEFT_OUTER)
models.Execution.exec_id == execution,
models.Shape.label == label,
models.Shape.direction == direction,
models.Shape.alpha == alpha
with self:
table = query.get() if query.exists() else None
return table
def getMesh(self, label = None, direction = None, alpha = None, execution = None, **kwargs):
execution = execution or self.getLatest()
query = (
.join(models.Shape, JOIN.LEFT_OUTER)
.join(models.Execution, JOIN.LEFT_OUTER)
models.Execution.exec_id == execution,
models.Shape.label == label,
models.Shape.direction == direction,
models.Shape.alpha == alpha
with self:
table = query.get() if query.exists() else None
return table
def getFlowOnephase(self, label = None, direction = None, alpha = None, execution = None, to_dict = False, **kwargs):
execution = execution or self.getLatest()
query = (
.join(models.Mesh, JOIN.LEFT_OUTER)
.join(models.Shape, JOIN.LEFT_OUTER)
.join(models.Execution, JOIN.LEFT_OUTER)
models.Execution.exec_id == execution,
models.Shape.label == label,
models.Shape.direction == direction,
models.Shape.alpha == alpha
with self:
if to_dict:
table = query.dicts().get() if query.exists() else None
table = query.get() if query.exists() else None
return table

View File

@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of anisotropy.
# License: GNU GPL version 3, see the file "LICENSE" for details.
from peewee import (
SqliteDatabase, JOIN,
Model, Field,
AutoField, ForeignKeyField,
TextField, FloatField,
IntegerField, BooleanField,
TimeField, DateTimeField, Proxy
from .utils import JSONField
__database_proxy__ = Proxy()
class Execution(Model):
exec_id = AutoField()
date = DateTimeField()
executionTime = TimeField(null = True)
class Meta:
database = __database_proxy__
table_name = "executions"
class Shape(Model):
shape_id = AutoField()
exec_id = ForeignKeyField(Execution, backref = "executions", on_delete = "CASCADE")
shapeStatus = TextField(null = True, default = "idle")
shapeExecutionTime = TimeField(null = True)
label = TextField(null = True)
direction = JSONField(null = True)
alpha = FloatField(null = True)
r0 = FloatField(null = True)
L = FloatField(null = True)
radius = FloatField(null = True)
filletsEnabled = BooleanField(null = True)
fillets = FloatField(null = True)
volumeCell = FloatField(null = True)
volume = FloatField(null = True)
porosity = FloatField(null = True)
class Meta:
database = __database_proxy__
table_name = "shapes"
#depends_on = Execution
class Mesh(Model):
mesh_id = AutoField()
shape_id = ForeignKeyField(Shape, backref = "shapes", on_delete = "CASCADE")
meshStatus = TextField(null = True, default = "idle")
meshExecutionTime = TimeField(null = True)
elements = IntegerField(null = True)
edges = IntegerField(null = True)
faces = IntegerField(null = True)
volumes = IntegerField(null = True)
tetrahedrons = IntegerField(null = True)
prisms = IntegerField(null = True)
pyramids = IntegerField(null = True)
class Meta:
database = __database_proxy__
table_name = "meshes"
#depends_on = Execution
class FlowOnephase(Model):
flow_id = AutoField()
mesh_id = ForeignKeyField(Mesh, backref = "meshes", on_delete = "CASCADE")
flowStatus = TextField(null = True, default = "idle")
flowExecutionTime = TimeField(null = True)
pressureInlet = FloatField(null = True)
pressureOutlet = FloatField(null = True)
pressureInternal = FloatField(null = True)
velocityInlet = JSONField(null = True)
velocityOutlet = JSONField(null = True)
velocityInternal = JSONField(null = True)
viscosity = FloatField(null = True)
viscosityKinematic = FloatField(null = True)
density = FloatField(null = True)
flowRate = FloatField(null = True)
permeability = FloatField(null = True)
class Meta:
database = __database_proxy__
table_name = "flows"
#depends_on = Execution
__models__ = [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import peewee as pw
from . import utils
# proxy, assign database later
database_proxy = pw.Proxy()
class Execution(pw.Model):
exec_id = pw.AutoField()
date = pw.DateTimeField()
executionTime = pw.TimeField(null = True)
class Meta:
database = database_proxy
table_name = "executions"
class Shape(pw.Model):
shape_id = pw.AutoField()
exec_id = pw.ForeignKeyField(Execution, backref = "executions", on_delete = "CASCADE")
shapeStatus = pw.TextField(null = True, default = "idle")
shapeExecutionTime = pw.TimeField(null = True)
label = pw.TextField(null = True)
direction = utils.JSONField(null = True)
alpha = pw.FloatField(null = True)
r0 = pw.FloatField(null = True)
L = pw.FloatField(null = True)
radius = pw.FloatField(null = True)
filletsEnabled = pw.BooleanField(null = True)
fillets = pw.FloatField(null = True)
volumeCell = pw.FloatField(null = True)
volume = pw.FloatField(null = True)
porosity = pw.FloatField(null = True)
class Meta:
database = database_proxy
table_name = "shapes"
# depends_on = Execution
class Mesh(pw.Model):
mesh_id = pw.AutoField()
shape_id = pw.ForeignKeyField(Shape, backref = "shapes", on_delete = "CASCADE")
meshStatus = pw.TextField(null = True, default = "idle")
meshExecutionTime = pw.TimeField(null = True)
elements = pw.IntegerField(null = True)
edges = pw.IntegerField(null = True)
faces = pw.IntegerField(null = True)
volumes = pw.IntegerField(null = True)
tetrahedrons = pw.IntegerField(null = True)
prisms = pw.IntegerField(null = True)
pyramids = pw.IntegerField(null = True)
class Meta:
database = database_proxy
table_name = "meshes"
# depends_on = Execution
class FlowOnephase(pw.Model):
flow_id = pw.AutoField()
mesh_id = pw.ForeignKeyField(Mesh, backref = "meshes", on_delete = "CASCADE")
flowStatus = pw.TextField(null = True, default = "idle")
flowExecutionTime = pw.TimeField(null = True)
pressureInlet = pw.FloatField(null = True)
pressureOutlet = pw.FloatField(null = True)
pressureInternal = pw.FloatField(null = True)
velocityInlet = utils.JSONField(null = True)
velocityOutlet = utils.JSONField(null = True)
velocityInternal = utils.JSONField(null = True)
viscosity = pw.FloatField(null = True)
viscosityKinematic = pw.FloatField(null = True)
density = pw.FloatField(null = True)
flowRate = pw.FloatField(null = True)
permeability = pw.FloatField(null = True)
class Meta:
database = database_proxy
table_name = "flows"
# depends_on = Execution
__all__ = [

View File

@ -1,22 +1,12 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of anisotropy.
# License: GNU GPL version 3, see the file "LICENSE" for details.
from peewee import (
import json
from numpy import ndarray from numpy import ndarray
import peewee as pw
import json
class ListField(TextField):
class ListField(pw.TextField):
field_type = "list" field_type = "list"
def db_value(self, value): def db_value(self, value):
@ -29,88 +19,78 @@ class ListField(TextField):
try: try:
pval.append(float(entry)) pval.append(float(entry))
except: except Exception:
pval.append(entry.strip().replace("'", "")) pval.append(entry.strip().replace("'", ""))
return pval return pval
class JSONField(TextField):
# TODO: fix double quotes when use __eq__ in 'where' method
field_type = "TEXT"
def db_value(self, value): class JSONPath(pw.ColumnBase):
if isinstance(value, ndarray): def __init__(self, field, path = None):
formatted = list(value)
formatted = value
return json.dumps(formatted)
def python_value(self, value):
if value is not None:
return json.loads(value)
class JSONPath(ColumnBase):
def __init__(self, field, path=None):
super(JSONPath, self).__init__() super(JSONPath, self).__init__()
self._field = field self._field = field
self._path = path or () self._path = path or ()
@property @property
def path(self): def path(self):
return Value('$%s' % ''.join(self._path)) return pw.Value('$%s' % ''.join(self._path))
def __getitem__(self, idx): def __getitem__(self, idx):
if isinstance(idx, int): if isinstance(idx, int):
item = '[%s]' % idx item = '[%s]' % idx
else: else:
item = '.%s' % idx item = '.%s' % idx
return JSONPath(self._field, self._path + (item,)) return JSONPath(self._field, self._path + (item,))
def set(self, value, as_json=None): def set(self, value, as_json = None):
if as_json or isinstance(value, (list, dict)): if as_json or isinstance(value, (list, dict)):
value = fn.json(self._field._json_dumps(value)) value = pw.fn.json(self._field._json_dumps(value))
return fn.json_set(self._field, self.path, value)
return pw.fn.json_set(self._field, self.path, value)
def update(self, value): def update(self, value):
return self.set(fn.json_patch(self, self._field._json_dumps(value))) return self.set(pw.fn.json_patch(self, self._field._json_dumps(value)))
def remove(self): def remove(self):
return fn.json_remove(self._field, self.path) return pw.fn.json_remove(self._field, self.path)
def json_type(self): def json_type(self):
return fn.json_type(self._field, self.path) return pw.fn.json_type(self._field, self.path)
def length(self): def length(self):
return fn.json_array_length(self._field, self.path) return pw.fn.json_array_length(self._field, self.path)
def children(self): def children(self):
return fn.json_each(self._field, self.path) return pw.fn.json_each(self._field, self.path)
def tree(self): def tree(self):
return fn.json_tree(self._field, self.path) return pw.fn.json_tree(self._field, self.path)
def __sql__(self, ctx): def __sql__(self, ctx):
return ctx.sql(fn.json_extract(self._field, self.path) return ctx.sql(
if self._path else self._field) pw.fn.json_extract(self._field, self.path)
if self._path else self._field
class JSONField(TextField): class JSONField(pw.TextField):
field_type = 'TEXT' field_type = 'TEXT'
unpack = False unpack = False
def __init__(self, json_dumps=None, json_loads=None, **kwargs): def __init__(self, json_dumps = None, json_loads = None, **kwargs):
super(JSONField, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self._json_dumps = json_dumps or json.dumps self._json_dumps = json_dumps or json.dumps
self._json_loads = json_loads or json.loads self._json_loads = json_loads or json.loads
super(JSONField, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def python_value(self, value): def python_value(self, value):
if value is not None: if value is not None:
try: try:
return json.loads(value) return json.loads(value)
except (TypeError, ValueError): except (TypeError, ValueError):
return value return value
@ -119,28 +99,32 @@ class JSONField(TextField):
if isinstance(value, ndarray): if isinstance(value, ndarray):
value = list(value) value = list(value)
if not isinstance(value, Node): if not isinstance(value, pw.Node):
value = json.dumps(value) value = json.dumps(value)
return value return value
def _e(op): def _e(op):
def inner(self, rhs): def inner(self, rhs):
if isinstance(rhs, (list, dict)): if isinstance(rhs, (list, dict)):
rhs = Value(rhs, converter=self.db_value, unpack=False) rhs = pw.Value(rhs, converter = self.db_value, unpack = False)
return Expression(self, op, rhs)
return pw.Expression(self, op, rhs)
return inner return inner
__eq__ = _e(OP.EQ)
__ne__ = _e(OP.NE) __eq__ = _e(pw.OP.EQ)
__gt__ = _e(OP.GT) __ne__ = _e(pw.OP.NE)
__ge__ = _e(OP.GTE) __gt__ = _e(pw.OP.GT)
__lt__ = _e(OP.LT) __ge__ = _e(pw.OP.GTE)
__le__ = _e(OP.LTE) __lt__ = _e(pw.OP.LT)
__hash__ = Field.__hash__ __le__ = _e(pw.OP.LTE)
__hash__ = pw.Field.__hash__
def __getitem__(self, item): def __getitem__(self, item):
return JSONPath(self)[item] return JSONPath(self)[item]
def set(self, value, as_json=None): def set(self, value, as_json = None):
return JSONPath(self).set(value, as_json) return JSONPath(self).set(value, as_json)
def update(self, data): def update(self, data):
@ -150,10 +134,10 @@ class JSONField(TextField):
return JSONPath(self).remove() return JSONPath(self).remove()
def json_type(self): def json_type(self):
return fn.json_type(self) return pw.fn.json_type(self)
def length(self): def length(self):
return fn.json_array_length(self) return pw.fn.json_array_length(self)
def children(self): def children(self):
""" """
@ -170,8 +154,7 @@ class JSONField(TextField):
json JSON hidden (1st input parameter to function) json JSON hidden (1st input parameter to function)
root TEXT hidden (2nd input parameter, path at which to start) root TEXT hidden (2nd input parameter, path at which to start)
""" """
return fn.json_each(self) return pw.fn.json_each(self)
def tree(self): def tree(self):
return fn.json_tree(self) return pw.fn.json_tree(self)