(SMESH_Controls* )
- Optimize mesh deletion (ObjectPool.hxx)
- Memory leaks (SMESH_Gen_i.cxx)
- Usage of uninitialized vars ( SMESHGUI_MeshOp.cxx )
- Minimize nb of #include in headers (the rest files)
fix this problem for all 1D hypotheses (StdMeshers_Regular_1D.cxx)
Bug report: http://www.salome-platform.org/forum/forum_10/636759606
Fix compilation warnings:
- unused function
- missing virtual destructor
- variable set but not used
IPAL52909: TC7.7.0: edges selection provides incorrect nodes IDs
IPAL52895: TC7.7.0: Incorrect behaviour of the "Move Node" dialog.
IPAL52910: TC7.7.0: mesh is not updated at Apply click in Smoothing dialog
IPAL52875: Extrusion along a path: the buttons are not active if the path is closed
IPAL52882: Hexahedron (i,j,k) makes a wrong mesh on a block with composite sides
52874: List of available groups in 'Group' combo-box is empty for sub-mesh and group.
52871: Mesh Information dialog shows different number of nodes for group of elements
Regression of Grids/smesh/sewing_00/A5
52826: Radial Quadrangle algorithm meshes a quad face from which a circle was cut from but it must fail
52227: Group is not shown during edition
52780: Wrong mesh after STL re-import of a polygonal element
52825: Sew Borders does not care of segment adjacent to split faces, thus segments become non-conformal
52824: Sew Free Borders sews borders as conformal thus producing very skewed quads instead of polygons
Fix SMESH_MeshEditor::Smooth()
Optimize a bit SMDS_MeshNode::GetInverseElementIterator()
Minimize usage of BRepClass_FaceClassifier in StdMeshers_Import_1D2D::Compute()
Fix addReference() in SMESH_Gen_i_1.cxx
IPAL52649: Irregular mesh created by Extrusion 3D algo
Add projectQuads() (not used so far) in StdMeshers_Projection_2D.cxx
Fix errors detected by PVS-Studio as reported in www.viva64.com/en/b/0322/
+ Pre-open MED file to speed-up reading/writing (following 22349)
+ Clock-cursor in Display Entity dlg
+ In Filter dlg, do not perform filtering if it's not needed
+ In Group dlg, store a user-given name of a new group
+ Clock-cursor after hypothesis modif as mesh clearing can be long
+ Treat selected object right at opening of Measure dlgs
+ Allow removal of elements in a not shown mesh
+ Make filter work on a not shown mesh
+ Don't leave orphan nodes at RemoveGroupWithContents
+ Avoid crash when exporting a group + fields
In SMESH_MeshEditor copy node positions in Duplicate*()
In SMESH_MesherHelper
- cache face tolerance
- in GetNodeUV() prevent SIGSEGV if a node is on EDGE not belonging to a FACE
- in GetNodeUV() check if a VERTEX is a seam in a given FACE, not in another
- avoid returning myShape from GetMediumPos() when it can be wrong
52592: Invalid values of Length 2D control
- avoid using not initialized values for showing control values of a group
For ConvertToQuadratic: fix a case with a seam edge located not at zero parameter
For Viscous layers: fix getting normal at a corner classified as 'Reversed' (+-PI)