1) Enable appending to an existing mesh via smesh.Concatenate() (compound mesh)
2) Enable filtering a mesh part: Filter::GetElementsIdFromParts( ListOfIDSources )
3) Add ElementType arg to SMESH_Mesh::GetNodeInverseElements()
4) Add Mesh.Get1DBranches( edgeIDs )
5) Define a default Z med tolerance
6) Update ElementsOnSurface upon SetTolerance()
7) Change group management to have group ID persistent
8) Extract SMESH_PolyLine.cxx from SMESH_MeshEditor.cxx
9) Enable Min Distance measure for node-element and node-object
10) Fix SMESH_MeshAlgos::GetDistance( XYZ, face )
11) Extract SMESH_MeshAlgos::Intersector from SMESH_Offset.cxx
12) Enable optimization in SMESH_MeshAlgos::Triangulate
13) Add mestods Mesh.GetEngine() and Mesh.GetGeomEngine()
Add AvoidMakingHoles argument in MergeNodes()
+ Save mesh name in STL file
+ Fix binary STL export after change of sizeof(Standard_Boolean)
+ Add Import menu to mesh component popup
Deactivate ID mapping in all DeviceActor's except the pickable one.
The ID mapping needed to show IDs in the Viewer is computed when needed
via VTKViewer_ExtractUnstructuredGrid::BuildOut2InMap()
+ IPAL53796: Clipping related bugs
IPAL52831: Veeery long awaiting for Mesh Information dialog appearance
IPAL52822: Find Elements By Point does not find coincident nodes
IPAL52821: Find Elements By Point dialog: no types available for search if there are only nodes in the mesh
IPAL52823: mesh.GetSubMeshElementsId( subShape ) works wrong if subShape is retrieved indirectly
Description: If there are two meshes based on the same geom group, modification of the group breaks one of meshes. Compute, Edit mesh and some other commands are missing from the pop-up of the broken mesh.
Fix SMESH_Mesh_i::CheckGeomGroupModif()
52731: Exception at export of SEG3 groups
Fix BUGs concerning Export:
1) Exception at export of the SEG3 group as a separate object.
2) Many formats available in the pop-up menu when several objects selected while only MED and CGNS formats support several meshes in one file.
3) Export of the mesh and its group to the same file results of storage of the group only. Object names are not kept.